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唐宋以降,弄孔侮圣优戏多有敷演,明清以后优戏弄孔则广涉多种重大社会问题.因其牵动诸多敏感神经,屡为官方挟制、禁绝.明清弄孔优戏的禁与演,是戏剧文化与社会政治渗透消长的一种缩影,反映出戏剧活动与时代文化对峙与渗透的关系,我们应还其戏剧史生成活态基因的历史定位.  相似文献   
以往品牌互动研究一方面集中于两个品牌间战略和战术层面的合作与竞争,另一方面集中于单个品牌与消费者之间的营销宣传沟通,较少有学者关注两个及以上数量的品牌在新媒体平台上的相互调侃。鉴于此,以品牌互撩、品牌表白、品牌互黑等作为关键词,在百度、搜狗等搜索引擎搜集到2016年5月1日—2018年5月31日发生的35个品牌调侃事件,并按照内容分析法对品牌调侃事件的信息进行了编码汇总。在此基础上,从平台、方式、结果等方面首次对品牌调侃的概念做了界定;从理论基础、发生背景、观众数量等方面阐述了品牌调侃与人际调侃的联系和区别;从时机、形式和内容等方面归纳了品牌调侃的普遍特征。研究结论不仅将拉开品牌调侃的研究序幕,为品牌领域的学者指明新的方向,而且还将在品牌调侃时机的选择、调侃形式的参与、调侃内容的设计等方面,为营销经理提供重要的参考和指导。  相似文献   
The current study examines whether being high in gender typicality is associated with popularity, whether being low in gender typicality is associated with rejection/teasing, and whether teasing due to low gender typicality mediates the association with negative mental health. Middle school children (34 boys and 50 girls) described hypothetical popular and rejected/teased peers, and completed self‐report measures about their own gender typicality, experiences with gender‐based teasing, depressive symptoms, anxiety, self‐esteem, and body image. Participants also completed measures about their peers' gender typicality, popularity, and likeability. Results indicated that popular youth were described as more gender typical than rejected/teased youth. Further, being typical for one's gender significantly predicted being rated as popular by peers, and this relationship was moderated by gender. Finally, low gender typicality predicted more negative mental health outcomes for boys. These relationships were, at times, mediated by experiences with gender‐based teasing, suggesting that negative mental health outcomes may be a result of the social repercussions of being low in gender typicality rather than a direct result of low typicality.  相似文献   
Two studies examined fifth‐ and sixth‐grade students’ perceptions of antisocial and prosocial teasing among peers and potential correlates of individual differences in their tendencies to engage in both forms of teasing. The children were rated as showing a greater tendency to be prosocial teasers than antisocial teasers by both teachers and peers. In addition, the children indicated that they generally experienced and observed prosocial teasing more frequently than antisocial teasing at home and in school. Although boys were perceived to tease in a hostile, antisocial manner to a greater extent than were girls, the evidence for a gender difference in affiliative, prosocial teasing among these children was relatively weak. Additionally, systematic relations were found among ratings of the children's tendencies to engage in antisocial and prosocial teasing with peers, teachers’ ratings of their general level of antisocial and prosocial behavior with peers, ratings of the frequency with which they experienced antisocial and prosocial teasing at home and at school, and their attitudes toward antisocial and prosocial teasing.  相似文献   
This research examined the effects of three factors (friendship, gender, and topic of teasing) on adolescents’ predicted emotional reactions to hypothetical teasing episodes regarding appearance and academic competence. The 8th graders (n =131) in Study 1 made predictions regarding the negative emotions and humor experienced when teasing occurred in a same‐sex dyad of either friends or classmates. The 6th and 8th graders (n=211) in Study 2 responded to hypothetical teasing interactions between same‐sex or cross‐sex dyads of friends or classmates. The results revealed that teasing by friends was interpreted with a more benevolent frame than that accorded to classmates. Overall, girls expected greater negative affect to result from the teasing than did the boys, especially when teasing was regarding weight. Although 8th graders reported more frequent teasing at school among same‐sex peers, there were few grade differences in the predicted emotional reactions. For all students, teasing about weight was predicted to generate the most negative affect and least humor. The results support the relevance of the three factors for understanding the interpretation of teasing.  相似文献   
This self-report and observational study explores the relationship between perceptions of different kinds of teasing experiences and psychosocial functioning in an overweight treatment-seeking adolescent population. Participants were 96 adolescents enrolled in a residential weight-loss camp program. Prior to the start of treatment, participants' weight status was measured by trained program staff, and participants' perceptions of teasing experiences and psychosocial functioning were assessed through self-report questionnaires. Controlling for body mass index, more frequent and upsetting weight-related teasing experiences were associated with worse psychological functioning. Adolescents most distressed by weight-related teasing exhibited lower self-esteem and higher depressive symptoms regardless of reported frequency of weight-related teasing. Competence-related teasing was also associated with more worries about weight, greater depressive symptoms, and more negative anti-fat attitudes. Weight-related teasing, but not competence-related teasing, was associated with lower levels of program and social involvement for heavier adolescents.  相似文献   
从国际竞争力的定量分析方法体系出发 ,较为系统地归纳和整理了宏观、产业和微观三个层次的产业国际竞争力定量测度指标体系 ,阐明了汇率以及由汇率衍生出来的宏观指标的公式体系 ,由生产函数导出全要素生产率指标 ,归纳了根据贸易流量计算的竞争力测度指标的公式体系 ,建立了价格指标与宏观经济增长率的联系  相似文献   
《西游记》自问世以来,受到历代读者的欢迎,尤为青少年所着迷,成为儿童的"恩物"。从儿童美学视角看,《西游记》的语言具有用语的戏谑化、表达的诙谐性和视角的儿童性等特点,这也是作品吸引青少年儿童的奥秘之一。  相似文献   
考察《西游记》所确立的审美规范,必须兼顾它与佛教的人生哲学、中国志怪传统和中国笑话文学的关联,将《西游记》的象征性主旨、想像世界和戏谑性风格融为一体来加以理解。将三者结合起来,既可以避免一味从"现实意义"的角度阐释《西游记》,也不会因为注重象征性意蕴而过于拘泥、严肃,或者因为强调戏谑而忽视了小说的内涵和想像世界自身的逻辑,对具体人物和具体情节的解读也将更为中肯、恰切。  相似文献   
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