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德国行政赔偿制度有着不同于大陆法系国家和普通法系国家行政赔偿制度的特色,这种特色突出体现在行政赔偿基础的赔偿请求权和对行政赔偿案件进行救济的赔偿审理制度两个方面。德国行政赔偿制度的特色是由在漫长的历史过程中所形成的思想因素、制度因素和文化因素造就而成。  相似文献   
阿尔奇安和德姆塞茨(1972)从团队生产引发的“计量难题”及其解决机制的角度来解释企业的性质。本文在概述该企业理论的概念框架的基础上,指出了该理论存在的一个缺陷,即它忽视了企业的监督者-剩余索取者和其他成员之间的利益冲突及其解决机制。  相似文献   
论行政合同的法律地位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
合同制度并非私法上的特有制度,公、私法的区分只是从目的、主体或法律关系角度进行,而不是从观念、手段角度进行划分,行政合同与依法行政在理论上是能够得以调和的,行政合同的存在是合理的,并在此认识的基础上讨论了行政合同的概念、性质及救济。  相似文献   
公共行政道德建设浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现以德治国,提升整个社会的道德水准,只有加快以限权为中心的政府体制改革,改变政府的不道德作为,推进行政道德的法制化建设,加强行政人员的思想道德教育,建立道德的社会惩戒机制,把道德考核作为职务晋升的重要依据,才能实现高度的政治文明、精神文明和物质文明。  相似文献   
官僚制的潮汐与我国行政组织体制的理性构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
70年代以后 ,西方各国先后进入后工业社会 ,与其相应的官僚制陷入了困境。于是 ,西方各国掀起了旨在否定官僚制的行政改革浪潮。而处于国际大背景中的我国必将受此浪潮的影响 ,但我国的处境又极为特殊。本文从我国的特殊国情入手 ,透析我国现阶段经济基础、组织及其文化的劣根性 ,从而判定我国尚处于官僚制不足阶段 ,必须强化官僚制的优点 ,弱化其缺点 ,并借鉴别国成功经验 ,对我国行政体制进行理性构建 ,建立有中国特色的行政组织体制  相似文献   
依法执政或依法行政,作为执政方式最为直接、最为具体的基本实践环节或途径,在相当范围内反映着科学执政、民主执政的实现程度。这取决于《行政许可法》不打折扣地坚决实施,政府的依法执政职能方式从重管制向重服务转变;职能范围从“全能”向“有限”回归;职能性质由“专断”走向真正“民主”;职能习惯从主观随意转向严格的法治。  相似文献   
明代宫廷的书画收藏十分丰富,嘉靖以后虽多有散出,但仍具有一定规模,直至明清鼎革之际宫廷所藏书画才散佚殆尽。明代宫廷所藏书画主要包括接收前代遗存、查抄籍没书画以及帝后臣工新创作书画几个部分。宫廷所藏书画主要由宦官机构司礼监负责保管,存放于质慎库中;另有部分历代帝王、君臣画像由印绶监保管,存放于古今通集库中。明代中叶以后,宫廷收藏书画通过充抵官员俸禄、偷窃等方式大量流散出宫,但同时也存在一定的补充和回流。明清易代之际,宫中所藏书画散佚殆尽,这为明末清初私人收藏家群体的崛起提供了机遇。  相似文献   
International social work students in Australia have reported difficulties in finding quality placement opportunities and dealing with issues such as language and cultural barriers. While placement issues have been mostly investigated from a student perspective, this study explores the experiences and perspectives of placement educators towards supervising international social work students. It draws on an online survey of 83 placement educators working for an Australian university. The majority of placement educators reported that they supervised international students differently to domestic students. These differences were negatively framed as challenges involving students’ language competence, their understanding of cultural norms, and knowledge of Australian welfare systems. This framing implies that cultural and linguistic differences between international students and placement educators are viewed in terms of student deficiency rather than as a positive opportunity for mutual learning and professional development.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the value of action learning for social work supervisors. Recent years have seen renewed focus on supervision as a reflective space and some indications that the tide may be turning in regard to the dominance of managerial priorities within the supervision of direct practice. It is less evident that a similar shift is taking place for supervisors themselves and, anecdotally, many describe their own supervision as having a business focus with limited scope for reflective dialogue. While the traditional functions of supervision need to adapt to fit the responsibilities of those in management positions, it remains true that these staff provide a vital containing role within the organisational hierarchy. For that to be sustained, it is important that supervisors have space and structure within which to process the emotional, intellectual and practical challenges of their work. The integration of action learning sets within post-qualifying courses for supervisors has demonstrated a useful dual function. Firstly, they provide an effective model for group supervision, facilitating in-depth reflection on complex practice issues. Secondly, they offer managers a peer supervision forum; a safe place to explore dilemmas and share the vulnerabilities which belong to management roles as well as practice.  相似文献   
Child and family practice is recognised as a field of social work that has become increasingly complex. While evidence is growing in relation to effective supervision, there has been little research about the attributes of an effective supervisor, or the components of effective supervision. This paper reports on research undertaken in Victoria, Australia, which explored practitioners’ and supervisors’ experiences of effective supervision in this field. Data collection involved in-depth interviews with experienced supervisors and supervisees in order to explore the concept of effective supervision from participants’ perspectives. The data were systematically interrogated using a thematic inductive process, designed to enhance the voice of participants in the research. The study findings confirmed the complexity and centrality of the supervisory relationship, with the experience of a safe supervisory relationship proving essential. The importance of contemporary knowledge, leadership skills, and an enabling organisational and community context were also highlighted.  相似文献   
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