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《野草》别解   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
《<野草>英文译本序》仅解释八篇针对现实的散文诗之写作背景和寓意,而回避了与当时现实无直接关联的另一半内容。由《野草·题辞》可知,这另一半重点是作者忏悔其"过去的生命"。"过去的生命"之必须忏悔,不仅因它是期以"乔木"而终得"野草"的"失败",而且因为作者通过对失败的长期反思,悟出那其实是一种"罪过"。于是,现在之"我"在继续挑战现实的同时又不断为过去之"我"所纠缠,由此深切地忏悔其早期"立人"(即立人之"心")主张。但这种反思也无结果,于是《野草》实际的精神主体("游魂")破裂为三,一归于曾经轻视的身体,强调一切都须亲身承受,"心"之所思须与肉身体验相合;一变为天地间虚妄的"求乞者";一化为渴望融入客观强力的战士。如此复杂的精神架构遂使《野草》既显示为一个战士的挑战,也显示为一个失败者的求乞与忏悔。但最后仍然"争天拒俗"并"指归在行动",故无论其反思、忏悔与求乞,都未能彻底。  相似文献   
北京瞽叟通文馆与中国盲文体系的初建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向残疾人的特殊教育是世界进入近世以后,伴随人性尊严意识和人类平等理念的凸显而出现的,人类文明形态因之而进了一大步。本文确认基督教新教传教士威廉·穆瑞1874年在北京创办的瞽叟通文馆是近代中国最早的特殊教育机构;而其创制的“康熙盲字”则标志着中国盲文体系的初建。  相似文献   
与其说《盲井》讲述了两个坏人如何谋财害命最终咎由自取的故事,不如说它展示的是以农民工为代表的弱势群体真实的生存状态。真实反映生活、让观众感知社会的真实存在,是1949年以后大陆主流电影的痼疾。第六代导演的作品,从不同领域和角度,不约而同地打破了以往那种以伪生活建构伪电影的"传统艺术"。以《盲井》为例可以看到,这种"打破"的努力和过程,还是本土化叙事的回归,以及对形成人物性格逻辑的社会背景和历史文化的反思批判,进而追问的是中国社会道德体系崩溃的根源。  相似文献   
莫言小说中的“白衣盲女”这一意象有着极其丰富的内涵。由文本呈现的美学元素来看,这一意象是真和美的化身。这一意象同时包容了关于生命、文化起源的追溯与预设,而融会于其中的时间意识尤堪重视。以这一意象为主体的“女神再生”的建构则是解决“种的退化”这一文化命题的必由之路,在这一意象之上,蕴含着生命、文化涅檗等重大主题。  相似文献   
娄烨的电影《推拿》突破了同类型残障题材电影的叙事陈规,呈现出一种独特的“反类型化”倾向:它一方面规避了声泪俱下的“苦难模式”,另一方面亦不同于宣扬“身残志坚”的主旋律励志电影,同时也与略带理想化色彩的残疾人“纯爱电影”拉开了距离。将《推拿》置于描写残障群体的电影文本序列中进行观照,对其独特的“声音关怀”、“盲视觉”的电影语言,以及平等的叙事姿态进行了细致评析。  相似文献   
In the last decade, the study of cosmic microwave background (CMB) data has become one of the most powerful tools for studying and understanding the Universe. More precisely, measuring the CMB power spectrum leads to the estimation of most cosmological parameters. Nevertheless, accessing such precious physical information requires extracting several different astrophysical components from the data. Recovering those astrophysical sources (CMB, Sunyaev–Zel’dovich clusters, galactic dust) thus amounts to a component separation problem which has already led to an intensive activity in the field of CMB studies. In this paper, we introduce a new sparsity-based component separation method coined Generalized Morphological Component Analysis (GMCA). The GMCA approach is formulated in a Bayesian maximum a posteriori (MAP) framework. Numerical results show that this new source recovery technique performs well compared to state-of-the-art component separation methods already applied to CMB data.  相似文献   
关于民族身份的构建,作家在文学作品中通过一定的方式进行揭示。鲁迅和毛姆是中国和英国两位著名的作家,他们通过描写乞丐这类特殊的人群,探讨了各自社会中人性和社会的冷漠。两位作家都借助一定的写作技巧,在作品中表达了他们创作中的哲学思想。一旦一个人的精神被摧毁,那么他就很难再看到希望,虚无的人生和扭曲的人性,将给自己和民族带来不幸。  相似文献   
流浪乞讨现象目前已成为社会大众的关注热点问题之一。通过探析社会工作介入流浪乞讨人员救助的指导理念和实施原则,从社会工作专业理念、社会工作服务项目以及社会工作专业方法三个方面,讨论社会工作介入流浪乞讨人员救助的基本策略,以期为流浪乞讨人员救助工作的完善提供一点思考。  相似文献   
Confocal fluorescence microscopy is a recent and important imaging tool for visualizing three-dimensional specimens without the need for physical sectioning, so that changes in living cells can be studied over time. The application of interest here is a study of the changes in the stomatal guard cells of plant leaves during their opening and closing response sequences. Quantitative estimates of the size and shape of these cells rely on accurate classification (or segmentation) of the images into areas which are parts of cells and areas which are background. This segmentation is complicated in confocal microscopy because the images appear to be 'smudged' or 'dirty'; this degradation is due largely to diffraction and attenuation of the recorded signal caused by the specimen itself. Correcting for this degradation is difficult without knowing the specimen-dependent parameters involved in the degradation process. A fully Bayesian approach is proposed for tackling this problem of blind deconvolution, i.e. of concurrently estimating the degradation parameters while segmenting two-dimensional sections. The end-products are interval estimates of size and shape which acknowledge some of the uncertainty involved in the segmentation. The results are promising, generating credible intervals which are sufficiently narrow to be useful in practice.  相似文献   
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