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媒介版图与生态意识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
倡导媒介的版图与生态意识,是基于当前国内大众传媒迅猛发展的背景,意在强调在共时空状态下,不同类型不同性质的媒介制品,或者不同类型不同定位的媒介机构有机配置与组合,也就是构建一个富有生机的多样性的媒介生态。在很大程度上,媒介是以整体的舍力而非单一的形式对人实施具体的影响,此项倡导的必要性由此可见一斑。媒介的生态与版图意识还可以帮助梳理、调整当前媒介设置与媒介批评中出现的一些新现象新问题,这正是其紧迫性之所在。  相似文献   
《统一域名争端解决政策》因其时效性、便捷性成为一种国际间广泛接受的庭外域名争端解决机制,同时也为各国的相关立法提供了蓝本。该机制在实践中暴露出一些问题,如政策中的几个关键概念模糊不清,UDRP专家组裁决前后不一致等,为此应当对该政策加以改进。域名争端的根源在于目前的域名注册管理体系与商标的注册管理体系的冲突,要从根本上解决域名争端,必须协调国际域名注册管理体系与国际商标注册管理体系。  相似文献   
在分析域名的法律特征、法律保护现状的基础上,提出了域名法律保护的三种途径;承认域名权作为民事利益受法律保护的基础保护;肯定域名在一定条件下可以注册为商标的强化保护;对驰名域名提供的特殊法律保护。  相似文献   
网络法问题的法哲学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
计算机网络的发展引起了一系列的网络法问题 ,而针对网络法问题的研究目前主要集中在部门法学领域 ,对网络法问题的法哲学探讨还很少。立足于法哲学理论 ,在阐释了法哲学的任务、网络中存在的私人领域和公共领域模糊性表现的基础上 ,提出了网络法问题的本质就在于网络条件下私人领域和公共领域的界限的模糊 ,提出了该模糊性是导致网络条件下自由的边界模糊和权利冲突的根本原因。并在此基础上提出了一些建议性的解决网络法问题的法哲学思路。  相似文献   
隐喻是一种复杂的认知现象,同时也是一种非常特殊的语言现象。隐喻意识的提升对帮助学生加强词汇记忆有着重要作用。教学实验表明:很多比喻性用语往往可以追溯到一个共同的喻题或源域,用喻题或源域来对词汇进行归类有助于记忆生疏的比喻性用语。因此,有必要多组织一些旨在提高语言学习者隐喻意识的课堂活动,将隐喻意识变成词汇习得的一个新的渠道。  相似文献   
依托资源依赖、组织学习、新制度主义等视角,在识别企业与非营利组织社会联盟构成维度和类型的基础上,探索了企业与非营利组织社会联盟实施战略的决策依据和过程,构建“初始条件-治理过程-联盟绩效”的整体研究框架,并识别出可能影响联盟战略实施的情境特征.  相似文献   
Damage models for natural hazards are used for decision making on reducing and transferring risk. The damage estimates from these models depend on many variables and their complex sometimes nonlinear relationships with the damage. In recent years, data‐driven modeling techniques have been used to capture those relationships. The available data to build such models are often limited. Therefore, in practice it is usually necessary to transfer models to a different context. In this article, we show that this implies the samples used to build the model are often not fully representative for the situation where they need to be applied on, which leads to a “sample selection bias.” In this article, we enhance data‐driven damage models by applying methods, not previously applied to damage modeling, to correct for this bias before the machine learning (ML) models are trained. We demonstrate this with case studies on flooding in Europe, and typhoon wind damage in the Philippines. Two sample selection bias correction methods from the ML literature are applied and one of these methods is also adjusted to our problem. These three methods are combined with stochastic generation of synthetic damage data. We demonstrate that for both case studies, the sample selection bias correction techniques reduce model errors, especially for the mean bias error this reduction can be larger than 30%. The novel combination with stochastic data generation seems to enhance these techniques. This shows that sample selection bias correction methods are beneficial for damage model transfer.  相似文献   
Mobile phone use while driving (MPUWD) is an increasingly common form of distracted driving. Given its widespread prevalence, it is important for researchers to identify factors that may predict who is more likely to engage in this risky behavior. The current study investigates associations between MPUWD risk behaviors, domain‐specific risk perceptions, and broad personality dimensions. An Italian community sample (n = 804) completed a survey regarding MPUWD risk perceptions and engagement in MPUWD, in addition to the HEXACO‐PI‐R, a broad six‐factor personality inventory (honesty‐humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience), and the DOSPERT, a six‐factor domain‐specific self‐report risk‐taking measure (health/safety, recreational, social, ethical, gambling, and investment). With respect to domain‐specific risk taking, greater frequency of SMS use while driving most strongly was associated with greater risk taking for the health/safety, gambling, and ethical risk domains. Further, greater honesty‐humility and conscientiousness, two traits related to cognitive control and risk behaviors, and to a lesser extent openness to experience, were associated with less frequent MPUWD, and positively associated with MPUWD risk perceptions. With growing public safety concern surrounding MPUWD, understanding associated personality factors is not only important for identifying psychological mechanisms underlying risk behavior, but also for more effective prevention and intervention programs.  相似文献   
民国海疆版图演变与南海断续国界线的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海诸岛,主要是指处于南海之上的东沙群岛,西沙群岛,中沙群岛和南沙群岛。历史上这些群岛,分别以"涨海崎头"、"磁石"、"千里长沙"、"万里石塘"为名归入中国版图。但是到了清末民初,外国列强屡屡犯边,其中,日本和法国曾相继占领和控制了南海诸岛部分岛礁达40年之久。本研究从新近陆续查核到的历史地图证实,中国的海疆界线经历了一个从清末全面收缩到民国末年的部分恢复的过程。并指出,我国南海断续国界线主张与同期美国提出的大陆架主张、南美国家提出的200海里领海权主张一样,都是主权国家主张海洋边界的模式,因而理应得到国际法的尊重。  相似文献   
西部地区县域经济发展的障碍及其对策   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
县域经济是区域经济的重要组成部分,是国民经济的基础。县域经济发展受自然资源、人力资源、经济结构等因素影响。目前,制约西部地区县域经济发展的主要因素有:观念滞后、产业定位不明确、经济结构不合理、政府政策滞后、生产与生活方式落后。为此,加快西部县域经济发展,必须转变观念、对县域与产业准确定位、创建新机制、大力发展非公有制经济、营造良好环境、经营好县城。同时,还应处理好优惠政策与优质服务、主导产业与产业多元化等的关系。  相似文献   
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