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凯瑟琳是《呼啸山庄》的女主角,凯瑟琳的爱是灵魂与肉体相脱离的情爱,充满不可调和的矛盾与冲突。她对希克厉的爱是精神之爱、灵魂之爱、自恋之爱,而对林敦的爱是肉体之爱、物化之爱、补偿之爱。凯瑟琳接受并爱着两个性格迥异的痴心汉,其对情爱的贪欲超过其心理承受的载荷,令其心理冲突绵延不辍。在两极爱欲的矛盾悖谬中,她忍受着精神的自我摧残,不只酿就了爱情悲剧,而且最终招致肉体的过早销亡。  相似文献   
在《永别了,武器》一文中,这种从"我"到"你"或到"我们"的人称转变,至少隐含以下几种含义:主人公弗雷德里克·亨利(Frederic Henry)对过去思想和感情的回忆;以平民身份对军人身份的描述;对凯瑟琳·芭克莉(Catherine Barkley)的爱;对战争的愤恨。本文从语言学和心理学的角度来解读这部经典小说的隐显叙事手法。  相似文献   
凯瑟琳·贝尔西是英国著名的后结构主义文学批评家,意义观是其文学批评的重要组成部分。贝尔西的意义观以索绪尔的结构主义语言学为基础,她运用索绪尔的差异性原理批评表现论和摹仿论,认为语言不是透明的,文学作品的意义不在于表达作者的意图或反映客观现实。以此为基础,贝尔西接受能指物质化的观点,把意义的范围从语言扩展到符号,强调符号(包括文学作品)有外延意义和内涵意义,内涵意义不是自然和永恒的,而是由意识形态或话语决定,意识形态的转变导致对文学作品内涵意义的阐释也相应发生变化。由此,贝尔西的意义观实现了从结构主义向后结构主义的转变。  相似文献   
This article reflects on the remarkable career of one of the founders and first coeditors of Social Work with Groups. Catherine (Katy) Papell made outstanding contributions to social work—especially to social work with groups for which she was a passionate advocate. In addition to editing this journal, she was a group worker, educator, activist, historian, writer/theorist, mentor, and role model. In the process she became a beloved friend to many and will be greatly missed.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the need for models for assessing multicultural programs in the community college, the most culturally and socioeconomically diverse educational institutions in the country. A three-dimensional framework presents faculty, student, and curriculum variables critical to the implementation and outcomes of multicultural programs. The framework emerged from the formative evaluation of a new interdisciplinary social science curriculum and guided the design of the national field test of that curriculum in 30 community college classrooms. Three kinds of results are reported: implementation patterns; appropriateness to faculty members' teaching goals; and impact on reading behavior, interest, overall learning, and political efficacy of students with diverse ages, ethnic and sociocultural backgrounds, and political positions. Political efficacy gains of older students and students with lower socioeconomic backgrounds are discussed. The importance of such a framework in documenting the interaction between a curriculum and its sociocultural context is stressed.  相似文献   
勃朗特姐妹二人都在英国女性文学史上占据着相当重要的地位。相比较而言,《简.爱》在彰显女性主体意识的同时,又在一定程度上流露出受到男权话语操控的痕迹;而《呼啸山庄》则在想象的荒原上颠覆了男权社会的一切秩序。  相似文献   
凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德以女性特有的敏锐和自我意识体验,深刻细腻地描绘了菲勒斯中心统治下女性的生活和她们的心路历程,并且以自己的亲身实践解构了传统文化对女性的释读。她始终关注女性的命运和她们的追求。无论是早期作品里激进的女性主义者,还是后期作品里普通女人的命运,曼斯菲尔德都是以女性独特的视角和体验方式,用女性的话语书写了女性自己的命运。  相似文献   
Since the end of the 1970s,French anthropologist Catherine Capdeville-Zeng has fo ̄cused her studies on China. Her research field in ̄cludes popular songs of China,rock music of Chi ̄na,Beijing Opera Amat...  相似文献   
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