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在当代媒介化社会境遇下,接触媒介和使用媒介已经成为个人与社会交往的重要方式。摄影作为大众化影像媒介,作为直接对话、反思时代的手段,是一种表达个人对世界的观看态度和图像的书写工具。利用影像媒介激起欲望与利用影像媒介唤醒良知,两者作用于社会大众精神世界的结果几乎是相反的。因此,我国当代影像需要具有国际概念下的本土本我思维,更需要以高度的文化自觉和文化自信正视现实,从本土影像文化的视角,在思想内涵上把握对象世界,创作吾土吾民特征的"有识之影",从而使之成为引领风尚、教育民众、服务社会、推动发展的力量源泉。  相似文献   
琼瑶电影对台湾电影史的影响一直未被评论界给予充分的肯定。在华语电影研究中,研究者对台湾电影史的关注点往往也是从早期的台语片、健康写实主义电影直接跳到台湾新电影,忽略了在20世纪六七十年代曾经创造票房奇迹的琼瑶文艺片。事实上,琼瑶电影的意义不仅在于它有助于台湾电影开辟富有特色的文艺片类型,并继承了自中国电影诞生以来不断发展的通俗文化色彩浓重的商业电影传统;同时,琼瑶电影还运用通俗情节剧的模式演绎了中国的传统伦理观念,并在社会中产生教化、抚慰的作用。追溯中国电影的发展历史,将通俗剧模式与中国的道德伦理、政治问题、文化反思等联系在一起,一直是中国电影历来的传统。琼瑶电影对通俗情节剧模式的运用,不仅表明了它与中国电影传统的深厚渊源,也表明了它与中国文化传统血浓于水的关系。另外,琼瑶电影在表现爱情王国的浪漫时,也折射了一个时代的台湾图像。琼瑶电影在台湾影史上共掀起了两次为时较长的观影热潮,在这先后两个时期里,影片的故事背景、人物关系、情节设置等方面也相应地有着一定的变化,这也反映出了台湾社会的时代变迁和台湾民众在思想观念上的转变。  相似文献   
This article attempts to develop a critical understanding of the reconstitution of Hong Kong identity in Hollywood productions involving Hong Kong film talents. It argues that the ‘local’ in the city's historical context of the nineties no longer refers to any entity pertaining to a particular locality and culture but is always already determined by the framework of the transnational, which structures the perception of its local social reality. In particular, the paper suggests that the remaking of Hong Kong cultural identity in Hollywood films could be grasped in terms of the notion of a double negation. While the formation of such an identity is based on a negation of Chineseness, Hong Kong's transnational crossing to Hollywood initiates another negation that negates the very symbolic realm common to Chineseness. Jackie Chan's Hollywood blockbuster, Rush Hour, is used to illuminate the ways in which Hong Kong film stars and directors working for the global entertainment syndicate re-appropriate their agency in the production of a transnational narrative of their identity.  相似文献   
This article adopts a processual and relational approach to study food remembrance and investigates how different ways of appropriating food reveal the politics of identities in Hong Kong. It examines how food memories reveal relationships between the past and the present, reflect epochal transformation, and mark changing identities of various groups of people through new ways of appropriations. It takes the case study of pancai, a special banquet food for the villagers in the New Territories of Hong Kong, to examine the relationships between food and identities. This article investigates how pancai is remembered, popularized, and reinvented with different variations and embodies shifting meanings for the New Territories inhabitants as well as other Hong Kong people in changing socioeconomic and political environments. Pancai has been imbued with multiple layers of significance, involving linkages between local and national, emigration and Chineseness, urbanization and rural heritage, as well as decolonization and identity politics. As identities are by nature negotiable, situational, and fluidic, pancai's multiple layers of meanings correspond to different levels of identities—identities of the New Territories inhabitants, the rest of the Hong Kong people, and the mainland Chinese.  相似文献   
This study proposes to view Lee Guan Kin (the former director of the Center for Chinese Language, Culture, and Division of Chinese at Nanyang Technological University) in the historical context in which the identity of Southeast Asian Chinese has transformed from overseas Chinese to ethnic Chinese, from Straits Chinese to Chinese Singaporeans. Based on the interview with Lee and the study of Lee’s numerous publications, this article exemplifies Lee’s enduring efforts on researching diasporic Southeast Asian Chinese and their ties with Chinese language and culture is a meaningful choice rather than an essentialist returning to ‘roots.’ In this article, Lee’s continuous engagement with China, Chinese language, and culture is illustrated by analyzing Lee’s assertion of ‘doing justice’ for Lim Boon Keng and Tan Lark Sye. Accordingly, this study is divided into four parts. First, the concept of Chineseness is reviewed and explored in the context of Southeast Asia. Second, the historical background of English-educated and Chinese-educated Chinese groups and their varying degrees of Chineseness are introduced. Then this study analyzes how Lee does justice for Lim Boon Keng, a baba who served as chancellor of Xiamen University for 16 years, and Tan Lark Sye, who was the founder of former Nanyang University. Lee believes that both prominent figures were unfairly and relentlessly treated by Chinese and Singaporean historiography, respectively, and therefore, Lee wants to do justice to them as a way to relocate their position in the context of Chinese diaspora and to redefine Chinese accordingly. Finally, this study argues that locality defines Lee’s Chineseness, her relation with China, China studies, Chinese identity, or Chinese culture. While locality defines Lee’s Chineseness, a diasporic stance characterizes her articulation, which challenged the homogeneous threat of identity imposed by the nation-state and the kind of Chineseness traditionally shaped by the authority of a sino-centric core.  相似文献   
"中国特殊性"一直是近代以来中国思想和政治实践中的核心概念,五四新文化运动时期对"中国特殊性"的集中阐述,包含了一种独特的文化决定论和普遍主义观念,这些特点为马克思主义的崛起奠定了基础,也构成了民族主义运动中提出马克思主义中国化命题的思想背景。  相似文献   
本文通过对上海世博会中国馆的深层解读,指出上海世博会中国馆的“中国性”既非文化激进主义眼中的“固守传统”亦非文化保守主义眼中的“反本开新”,而是扬弃传统文化的综合创新。在当代中国融入全球化与走向崛起的时代背景下,在地域文化与全球化、传统文化与时代精神之间的双重张力中,上海世博会中国馆以其充满“全球化”与“时代性”的形象创造性地表现了“中国性”的文化内涵,展现出当代岭南建筑学派“文化现实主义”创作观的独特魅力。  相似文献   
运用比较文学形象学的有关理论解析影片<功夫熊猫>,影片中展示了诸多中国元素,构建的中国形象折射出创作者的心理动机、社会需求和社会文化心理,这种创作诉求为当代中国文化界提供了启迪.  相似文献   
马克思主义中国化的问题是中国社会主义建设的一个关键问题。十一届三中全会后 ,邓小平同志继承并发展了毛泽东思想 ,创立了邓小平理论 ,开创了有中国特色社会主义建设的新阶段 ,为形成和确立“三个代表”重要思想 ,奠定了思想理论基础。邓小平的三大历史贡献 ,将对新时期中国社会主义建设产生巨大的推动作用  相似文献   
For a few decades, socio-cultural as well as linguistic anthropologists have worked hard to construct a reliable semiotic paradigm to study linguistic, cultural and social interactions. These subfields – linguistic, cultural and social – are often analytically tackled asunder, though they are intimately interconnected, intertwined and overlapping. The semiotic theory of culture is not a novel discovery in itself, but it can also be applied to the study of society and ethnicity. Culture, society and ethnicity are systems of communication, that is systems of signs; society is a system of signs whose meaning emerges from social interactions and ethnicity a system of signs whose meaning is strategically imposed by a specific society through a specific culture. Moreover, those three systems of communication, of signs, are interconnected in various ways. This essay will analyze ‘Taiwanese Ethnicity’ in its semiotic dimension, and explore how society, culture and ethnicity interact in constructing an ethnic identification.  相似文献   
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