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在广大乡村,特别是山区,林业对于乡村群众生活水平的提高和生活质量的改善起着重要作用。林业发展是山区经济发展的核心之一,是解决农村贫困问题的关键。针对贫困山区林业发展存在的问题,提出林业发展必须与山村经济发展要相互协调发展的途径。  相似文献   
认为语言是表达思维的载体。思维的存在虽无法直接观测 ,然而它却能被语言有形地、程度不同地反映出来。所有的自然语言 ,虽不乏共性 ,但由于思维的差异 ,使各自的句法结构、叙述过程产生差异。作为人类最大的两种语言 ,汉语和英语不仅反映了东方语言群和西方语言群在描述相同客观世界中存在的语言学意义上的相异特征 ,而且揭示了东方人和西方人在思维模式上的基本差异。所以 ,研究英语汉语结构特征 ,对于进而探索不同的思维规律 ,乃至学习和研究英汉文化、从根本上提高英语学习效率等 ,均有实际的学术价值和社会意义。  相似文献   
民族自治地方农村养老工作与构建社会主义和谐社会、社会主义新农村建设、“三农”问题等紧密相关,养老工作能否解决好直接影响到农村的社会稳定、社会的和谐发展和“三农”问题的解决。民族自治地方农村经济相对落后、经济发展不平衡、人口分布不均衡、农村老年人口日益增多、农民工大量外出等现实,给传统养老方式带来了历史性的冲击。这要求建立具有时代特色和地方特色的养老方式。本文在进行充分的实地调查、分析黔东南苗族侗族自治州锦屏县农村现行的养老方式现状、养老方式存在问题的基础上,结合当地实际情况和借鉴其他地方的成功养老方式,提出具体可行的对策。  相似文献   
基于新时代党和人民的奋进历程,习近平总书记提出“五个必由之路”的重大论断。“五个必由之路”深刻揭示了新时代中国为什么能够成功,也科学指明了未来我们怎样才能继续成功。“五个必由之路”在对新时代面临的挑战和需要解决的问题的回应中,引领新时代中国取得重大成就,体现了党对中国特色社会主义建设规律认识的深化。高校思政课要深度阐述“五个必由之路”的理论内涵,深刻把握“五个必由之路”的内在联系,深入理解“五个必由之路”的重大意义。高校思政课既要结合新时代的丰富实践,讲好“五个必由之路”的中国故事,也要加强理论阐释,讲好“五个必由之路”的内在逻辑,以解疑释惑。  相似文献   
夏世华 《求是学刊》2012,39(2):51-56
文章系统解读了楚简《唐虞之道》第14至29号简的思想内涵及脉络,认为这部分简文首先通过尧成为天子之原因的追问,突出了德与位的张力问题,即在应然之理上,有位必当有德,但就实然之事看,有德未必有位.简文对这一德位张力有两个层面的解决方案:一方面,要求有德无位者全力修德,谨守性命,安于时命,养成恒常如一的圆满德行,从而能在得位而治时能“利天下而弗利”;另一方面,要求有位者透悟性命之正,从而能主动尚德授贤、退而养生,这既能使贤者居位而利天下,又能退而养生以自利.简文将“七十致政”之礼普遍化,试图断绝天子终身制的构想,也具有深刻的政治哲学意义.  相似文献   
文章从民族风俗习惯发展的客观规律和我国少数民族和民族地区的实际出发 ,论述了改革民族风俗习惯的必然性、必要性及其民俗改革的途径和原则  相似文献   
Community practitioners are often challenged to work in complex environments and situations that naturally occur in communities. This article focuses on the theoretical and practical use of the Emergence-Based Approach that is relevant for work in complex community situations. Using this approach, the practitioner encourages the emergence of novel ideas and initiatives, and engages a decentralized network of activists, helping them develop their initiatives. Using a field study, we compare this approach to the traditional Outcomes-Based Approach. Although their mindsets are very different, and even contradict one another, we suggest practical ways to combine the two in an effective way.  相似文献   
This article proposes that there is added value in moving beyond isolated studies of return-related migration policies in order to consider both deportations and so-called assisted voluntary returns under the common heading of ‘state-induced returns’. Based on official documents and interviews with staff members of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organisation for Migration, it argues that international actors working in the field of migrant return engage in a type of task-sharing that goes beyond functional complementariness. With regard to the return of rejected asylum seekers, for instance, they legitimise each other's engagement as well as the overarching return objectives of governments, and are, therefore, involved in norm-building regarding the acceptability of state-induced returns. In addition to setting certain minimum standards regarding states' treatment of their immigrant population, international actors assist states in upholding control over them. Rather than merely replacing state-led regulation, international actors thus support domestic governments in reaching their migration control objectives, and thereby contribute to a stabilisation of state sovereignty in the governance of migration.  相似文献   
This paper discusses some of the most significant challenges and opportunities for evaluating the effects of programs in support of transitional justice - the field that addresses how post-conflict or post authoritarian societies deal with legacies of wide spread human rights violations. The discussion is empirically grounded in a case study that assesses the efforts of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and one of its Guatemalan partners to evaluate the effects of a museum exposition that is attempting to recast historic memory and challenge racist attitudes in post-conflict Guatemala. The paper argues that despite the increasing trend to fund transitional justice programs, many international aid donors are stuck in traditional and arguably orthodox paradigms of program evaluation. This is having a negative effect not only upon the administration of aid but also upon how transitional justice research is perceived and valued by local populations. The case study experience indicates that there is no perfect evaluation model or approach for evaluating transitional justice programming - only choices to be made by commissioners of evaluation, evaluators, and those being evaluated. These are profoundly influenced by the extreme politics and moral values that define transitional justice settings as contested spaces in which calls to remember the tragic past must be balanced with aspirations to re-build a hopeful future.  相似文献   
Monitoring and evaluating international peacebuilding efforts have become more sophisticated over the past years, but still relies on managerial approaches that often do not capture the complexity of war, peace and the grey areas in between. The article argues that organizations should embrace qualitative approaches more widely and introduces ethnographic vignettes as one example to explain the complexity of post-conflict situations. By understanding the personal dimension, the life- and work-styles of international peacebuilders, the current evaluation discourse can become more meaningful-both for organizational learning and sustainable peace efforts on the ground. The article ends by highlighting some approaches that deserve more attention and that promise to help to critically enhance current and future debates about the evaluation of peacebuilding.  相似文献   
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