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《纠正》是美国作家乔纳森·弗兰岑的成名之作,获得了2001年的美国全国图书奖。小说将故事人物置身与消费社会中,采用狂欢化的叙事策略描绘出一幅生动的20世纪美国社会的风情图。笔者试图从狂欢诗学为出发点,结合小说展现的消费社会,通过分析小说人物相互的纠正和自我纠正行为来探讨消费社会对家庭和个体造成的弊害。  相似文献   
《难经校注》是《难经》整理校释的重要著作,在校勘上用力甚勤,然亦难免有疏误之处:《一难》中"大会"不当改为"大要会";《十四难》中"适其寒温"当为衍文;《二十难》中两处"脉虽"不当改为"虽阳脉"、"虽阴脉";《三十一难》中"何禀何生"不当改为"何禀何主";《七十难》中"引持之,阴也"、"推内之,阳也"不当改为"引持之阳也"、"推内之阴也"。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study funded by the Criminology Research Council, Australia, which set out to investigate the intersection between the child protection and criminal justice systems and the extent to which children before the Melbourne Children's Court on child protection matters had a parent currently in prison, awaiting sentencing, or previously in prison. Magistrates identified 156 children as meeting these criteria during the study period June to December, 2006. Analysis of court records gathered quantitative and qualitative data about parents' offending, why the children had been brought to the attention of the court, and the health, welfare, and behavioural concerns the child protection service expressed about the children. There was no coordinated response by the child protection and justice systems to managing these children's situations. Early intervention and the development of child protection service protocols with the corrections system for children whose parents enter prison is essential, to better address the instability and disruption in care these children experience.  相似文献   
《清德宗实录》是清代官修的编年体历史资料长编 ,体例严谨 ,内容丰富 ,是研究清代历史最重要、最基本的史料。然而 ,其中不免存在部分错讹之处 ,由于编纂者的笔误以及所依据的部分档案的不准确 ,关于蒙古问题的五则记载有误。根据清代原始档案予以订正 ,以免传讹。  相似文献   
对清乾嘉年间评判河南沁阳话的韵书——《乡音正误》进行了介绍,并对其入声进行了研究.发现该书有9类入声韵,入声韵类呈现出三分的格局:咸山宕江四摄为[a?];深臻曾梗四摄为[(e)?];通摄及个别臻摄合口字为[e?].对比今晋语入声韵类的特征,认为该书所呈现的三分入声韵类与大多数晋语二分韵类的格局整体上是吻合的,其中[e?]韵类当是地域不同而发生的变异.  相似文献   
This article examines the prevalence of moderate and severe problem gambling in a sample of 254 incarcerated Canadian male federal offenders (completion rate of 39.0%). The prevalence of disordered gambling was measured using the PGSI, DSM-IV-TR, and SOGS that yielded estimates of 9.4%, 6.3%, and 13.0%, respectively. Severe problem gamblers were significantly more likely to have committed income producing offences, but were neither more nor less likely than other offenders to have committed violent offences. The majority of severe problem gamblers (65.2%) and a fifth of the moderate problem gamblers (20.0%) reported that their criminal activity was a result of their gambling (e.g., to pay off debts). Based on these findings there appears to be a need to offer problem gambling treatment services to offenders in order to help them break the cycle of gambling, debt and crime.  相似文献   
The Probation Service in England and Wales has been caught up in the New Labour government's broader programme of "modernization". In a document more radical than anything produced under the previous Conservative government, New Labour has proposed that the Service be brought under centralized control, that its name be changed to reflect its new primary purpose of public protection, and that it be brought into closer structural alignment with the Prison Service. This paper discerns in the case made for centralization and the need for closer ties with prisons an authoritarian impulse which is deeply at odds with the Service's own local traditions, and questions whether the undoubtedly necessary process of modernization must take the form being proposed by the government.  相似文献   
社区矫正是一项包括刑罚执行、社会工作和社区的综合过程,社区矫正过程与社会工作的过程具有一致性,分析社会工作介入社区矫正的过程对服刑人员(矫正对象)顺利回归社会起着重要作用。  相似文献   
在现有的各种断代分体文学全集中,《全宋词》的编纂质量是第一流的。但这样一部几百万字的巨编,疏漏和错误也在所难免。文章就其中崔敦礼、陈造、黄定、王自中等四家小传的28条疏漏和错误,予以补正。较重要者有:考出崔敦礼的生年约为绍兴三年或四年,首任差遣为高邮军主簿。考出陈造曾任平江府学教授;历任浙西路、淮西路安抚使司参议,而非“淮浙路安抚使参议”。考出黄定曾知潮州.而非“温州”;曾官兵部员外郎,而非“工部员外郎”;曾任国史院编修官、国子祭酒,有《黄定文集》等。考出王自中亦字道夫,号因轩居士,淳熙五年进士;其分水县令、通判郢州、知邵州、知兴化军等差遣实未到任;有《因轩居士文集》等。  相似文献   
Books reviewed:
George Giacinto Giarchi, Caring for Older Europeans: Comparative Studies in 29 Countries
Alan Walker and Tony Maltby, Ageing Europe
Alan Walker and Lorna Warren, Changing Services for Older People: the Neighbourhood Support Unit Innovation
Paul Daniel and John Ivatts, Children and Social Policy
Malcolm Hill and Kay Tisdall, Children and Society  相似文献   
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