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杨明刚 《社会科学》2006,(10):32-37
在推进实施上海品牌战略过程中,深析上海老品牌衰落原因与再崛起可能,以及加快自主品牌培育和发展的对策,颇值关注与省思。本文在专题调研与文献研究的基础上,深层次分析了上海品牌衰落的原因,提出了振兴和复苏老品牌的推进思路及现阶段可采取的操作策略。  相似文献   
非物质文化遗产的衰落是必然的,要做好保护工作,就要发掘其自身的生长要素,从而采取相宜的措施。这些措施主要有提高民众的自觉意识、实现可能的功能转换、政府的重视和支持等几个方面。实施非物质文化遗产保护工程,要防止只做“搭台”的角色、搞“官员工程”、脱离群众、不看对象搞“一刀切”、过度开发和文化造假。  相似文献   
“新边塞诗”的历史经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"边塞新诗"、"新边塞诗"和"西部诗歌"相互混淆,泛化且淡化了重点和特征,使得读者和作者都难以认知把握"新边塞诗";宏观视角、"大我胸襟"的主流性或意识形态性,也使得"新边塞诗"的景观和情思呈现出明显的单一性,制约着后来诗人的跟进和发挥;"新边塞诗"的书写内涵和书写方式,又与后起的诗歌潮流相悖,最终也就后继无人。这是"新边塞诗"淡出诗坛的根源,也是应该记取的历史经验。  相似文献   
Between 1951 and 1998, the United Nations (UN) published 16 sets of population projections for the world, its major regions, and countries. This paper reports the accuracy of the projection results. I analyse the quality of the historical data used for the base populations of the projections, and for extrapolating fertility and mortality. I study also the impact this quality has had on the accuracy of the projection results. Results and assumptions for the sets of projections are compared with corresponding estimates from the UN 1998 Revision for total fertility and life expectancy at birth, total population, and the projected age structures. The report covers seven major regions (Africa, Asia, the former USSR, Europe, Northern America, Latin America, and Oceania) and the largest ten countries of the world as of 1998 (China, India, the USA, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, Japan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria).  相似文献   
作为19世纪末20世纪前期著名的历史学家和历史哲学家,这是学界对斯宾格勒身份的公认。正因此,很少有人把他看做是文艺学家、美学家,也很少有人去系统阐述其历史哲学中所蕴涵的艺术观。这不能不说是一个遗憾。然而,斯宾格勒为我们留下了十分独特的艺术思想,展现了与其历史哲学的总体研究方法与内在精神逻辑相一致的艺术观。对斯宾格勒的艺术观进行深入开掘与合理阐释,具有十分重要的学术价值,它为我们深入探讨当前文艺学、美学等领域的相关问题提供了许多有益的启示。  相似文献   
创业投资管理对企业绩效表现的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2004-2008年深圳中小板的上市公司为样本,围绕企业首次公开发行这一重要的创业投资(以下简称"创投")退出方式,研究创投机构对其支持企业上市后经营业绩和股市表现的影响.结果表明,创投支持企业上市时的规模和年龄均显著低于非创投支持企业,且前者在上市首日的抑价水平显著高于后者.从长期表现来看,虽然在锁定期内创投支持企业和非创投支持企业的经营业绩和股市表现没有显著差异,但解禁后前者的业绩下滑幅度显著高于后者,且股票投资收益率更低.进一步研究发现,企业抑价水平和长期绩效下滑幅度与其创投机构的从业年限显著负相关;此外,国有创投机构支持企业的抑价水平及绩效下滑幅度显著低于非国有创投机构支持企业.这些结果验证了Gompers[1]提出的"逐名动机"假说,表明我国创投行业目前存在急功近利的倾向;创投机构为尽快实现投资收益、证明自己的实力会促使其投资企业过早上市,并且过度追求短期业绩而对企业的长期发展造成一定负面影响.  相似文献   
王艳雯 《南都学坛》2002,22(5):23-26
17世纪中叶以前的波兰曾经堪称东欧强国,其疆域和当时的俄罗斯相差无几。但是从17世纪中叶以后,波兰国家渐渐由盛转衰,趋向没落,在18世纪的最后30年,遭受数次被瓜分以至亡国的命运。波兰是在内忧外患的综合因素作用下由强变弱的,复杂的民族宗教纠纷是近代波兰遭受列强入侵的重要原因;“农奴制第二版”直接导致了近代波兰的经济落后;封建贵族专权致使波兰中央政府的衰弱和国家政治的混乱;“自由选王制”是波兰近代亡国的祸患;俄、普、奥的三次瓜分是直接导致波兰亡国的外因。  相似文献   
冯蕾 《统计研究》2010,27(5):3-11
 本文基于国民收入核算恒等式,分析了上世纪80年代以来我国历次出口下降,证实出口作用于经济的内在机理是复杂的,出口下降对经济增长的影响与下降的原因、下降的程度和内需走向等因素有关,并不一定都对经济增长造成严重伤害。研究还指出在分析出口下降对经济影响时需注意的三个问题,并提出了应对出口下降的政策建议。  相似文献   
ProblemWomen’s autonomous choices in pursuit of physiological childbirth are sometimes limited by the midwife’s willingness to support those choices, particularly when those choices are contrary to recommendations or outside of guidelines.BackgroundWomen’s reasons for making such choices have received some research attention, however there is a paucity of research examining this phenomenon from the perspective of caseloading midwives’ and their perception of personal/professional risk in such situations.AimTo synthesise qualitative research which includes the voices of midwives working in a continuity of carer model who perceive any kind of risk to themselves when caring for women who decline current established recommendations.MethodsSystematic literature search and meta-synthesis were carried out following a pre-determined search strategy. The search was executed in April 2021 and updated in July 2021. Studies were assessed for quality using JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Qualitative Research. Data extraction was assisted by JBI QARI Data Extraction Tool for Qualitative Research. GRADE-CERQual was applied to the findings.FindingsEight studies qualified for inclusion. Five main themes were synthesised as third order constructs and were incorporated into a line of argument: Women’s rights to bodily autonomy and choice in childbearing are violated, and their ability to access safe midwifery care in pursuit of physiological birth is restricted, when midwives practise within a maternity system which is adversarial towards midwives who provide the care which women require. Midwives who provide such care place themselves at risk of damaged reputation, collegial conflict, intimidating disciplinary processes, tensions of ‘being torn’, and a heavy psychological load. Despite these personal and professional risks, midwives who provide this care do so because it is the ethical and moral thing to do, because they recognise that women need them to, because it can be very rewarding, and because they are able to.ConclusionMaternity systems and colleagues can be key risk factors for caseloading midwives who facilitate women’s right to decline recommendations. These identified risks can make it unsustainable for midwives to continue providing woman-centred care and contribute to workforce attrition, reducing options/choices for women which paradoxically increases risk to women and babies.  相似文献   
各种方法计算的递减率值,虽然都能从不同侧面反映产量的递减,但含义有所不同,不能当作相同指标来引用和对比。根据递减理论,进一步深化了对不同递减率表达式基本含义的认识,研究了不同递减规律下递减率计算方法之间的联系与区别,推导出了年产量递减率、年产能递减率、月递减率三者之间的相互关系。根据上述关系式及其递减规律,能够快速而简捷地进行递减率指标预测,从而确定年度分月产量运行安排或开发生产规划安排,能有效地指导油田开发生产管理。  相似文献   
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