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国内对海涅的研究主要限于他的文学创作,尤其是他的诗歌创作,而忽视了他的哲学思想.本文通过对海涅的专论<论德国宗教与哲学的历史>和其他有关论文的诠释,简要地论述了他的哲学思想.海涅对黑格尔的分析评价富有启发性,打破了我们对黑格尔哲学的某些看法的传统思维定势.本文旨在引起学界对海涅哲学思想的关注.  相似文献   
作为马克思的两个重大发现之一,历史唯物主义(唯物史观)是马克思主义哲学的一个核心概念。马克思意义上的历史与物都不是一个具体的黑格尔式的纯概念。站在哲学层面上来理解历史,历史就是社会不断涌动的过程,而非简单的历史事实的堆积;这样理解的历史也有别于历史学意义上的历史。物并非现实经验层面静态的、看得见摸得着的物;在哲学范畴中,物所指向的是社会关系。以费尔巴哈为代表的旧唯物主义,客观上构成马克思历史唯物主义的前岸,而历史唯物主义思想成熟的过程,正是在共时地超越旧唯物主义、唯心主义、经验主义的过程中实现的。  相似文献   
马克思超验性与经验性统一的哲学思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代欧洲认识论占据哲学主流以后,超验的存在被遮蔽了很长一段时期。在人们试图从认识论角度消解康德的“自在之物”的同时,对于人的本真状态的追问在部分哲学家中却悄然兴起。马克思高出于其他哲学家的地方,是他立足于现实世界,科学地思辨了应有与现有的哲学关系,完成了从认识本体到实践本体的革命性转换,并从现实的个人出发,以人的自由而全面发展为最高价值诉求,开启了一条超验性与经验性相统一的崭新路径。  相似文献   
休谟把经验科学的方法运用于“人性”问题的探讨 ,认为关于实际的知识都建立在因果律之上。而因果律来自经验 ,经验是习惯 ,从而否定归纳推理的可证性 ,使古典经验主义终结。他的观念关系和实际事物两类命题的划分在哲学史上首次区分了分析与综合。休谟认为 ,综合知识只能最后归于心理作用 ,任何逻辑论只能是诡辩和幻想。休谟坚持因果关系的存在 ,他只是怀疑它的可证性和归纳推理的有效性。康德受此启发 ,从人类理性的角度提出“先天综合判断”,这也构成了现代认识论不可回避而又难以回答的问题  相似文献   
This article traces the historical developments that lead up to Discursive Social Psychology, eventually resulting in the Hermeneutic—Dialectic Mode. A critical differentiation between Logical Empiricism (LE) and Hermeneutic—Dialectics (HD) is drawn to emphasize the subjective nature of the latter. While HD is not the only approach to Discursive Social Psychology, its subjective nature makes it possible to more deeply explore human behavior.  相似文献   
在阐述博克美学思想形成背景的基础上,综合分析了背景所孕育它的鲜明时代性;具体分析了培根和洛克的经验论和感觉论原则、朗吉弩斯《论崇高》、艾迪生《论想象的乐趣》、亚里斯多德净化说和休谟同情说等,对博克美学思想形成产生不同程度的影响与启示。  相似文献   
This essay is in part a response to the rhetoric of the ‘two cultures’ revived by the ‘science wars’ conducted in recent years through the mass media against humanities disciplines, especially ‘post-modern’ art, cultural studies, and non-analytic philosophy. The essay focuses in greatest detail on the relation between science and philosophy, arguing that they are in fact complementary activities effectively partaking of the same reality. Although knowledge practices in the humanities draw from their partaking radically different orders of result from those of science (and from each other), they have claim to an effective connection to a shared reality. Humanities disciplines, and even ‘informal’ or ‘traditional’ knowledge practices, can be argued to be realist, empirical enterprises generating modes of validity specific to their manner of result – provided that the definition of empirical reality is generously broadened. An ‘expanded’ empiricism is a ‘radical’ empiricism in William James's sense of taking relations to be as real and as fundamentally given to experience as discrete objects or sense-data. Recognizing the reality of relation nudges empiricism in the direction of process philosophy. The essay reviews concepts of cause and discovery, nature and culture, affect and virtuality, truth and constructedness, taking the experience of colour as a prime example. It combines elements of James's radical empiricism with Whitehead's process philosophy with the poststructuralism of Deleuze and Guattari with chaos and complexity theory. The resulting perspective converges with Isabelle Stengers' vision of a non-judgemental political ecology of knowledge. An expansive ethics of relationality, of mutual differential belonging, is the natural correlate of an expanded culture of empiricism.  相似文献   
This article traces the historical developments that lead up to Discursive Social Psychology, eventually resulting in the Hermeneutic–Dialectic Mode. A critical differentiation between Logical Empiricism (LE) and Hermeneutic–Dialectics (HD) is drawn to emphasize the subjective nature of the latter. While HD is not the only approach to Discursive Social Psychology, its subjective nature makes it possible to more deeply explore human behavior.  相似文献   
在人类认识史上 ,人们并不是一开始就认识到了物质和意识的关系问题是哲学的基本问题。对哲学基本问题的认识经历了一个长期发展的过程。近代西方哲学可分为经验论和唯理论两大派别 ,无论是经验论者还是唯理论者都探讨了物质和意识的关系问题。两大派别争论的结果是人们对物质和意识关系的认识达到了一个新的水平 ,逐渐认识到意识是人脑的机能 ,是客观存在的反映  相似文献   
美国的国际私法打破了传统的法则区别说的封闭规则系统,并且在一次次学说前进中,最终形成的最密切联系说,代表着大陆法系形式理性和英美法系经验主义的交锋、折戟、调和、融合,更加注重国际私法的功用性和实用性的同时,更强调国际私法的法律实践和方法的选择。  相似文献   
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