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通过一个城市的历史,去透视整个人类文明发展的进程、值得趋避的经验与教训,是城市学研究的根本目的.把具有两千多年历史的成都作为一个聚焦点,可以涉猎城市规模、城市生态系统、社会结构和社会文化,以及地理、历史、人才、经济、技术,城市管理机制、生态机制、监督机制和应变机制等诸多问题,这也都是当今世界性"城市化"浪潮中人们普遍关心的话题.  相似文献   
胡正武新著《训诂阐微集》在训诂方面所展现的,具有理论与实证相得益彰,语言与文化水乳交融,语料丰富内容广博等特点,这是与其深厚扎实的学术功底,别具一格的研究方法相为表里的。胡君甘于寂寞的治学态度,该书朴实无华的语言风格在当今急功近利、充满躁动的商品经济社会里,尤其显示其现实意义。  相似文献   
1909年北京学界于六国饭店公宴伯希和是早期敦煌学史上的一桩标志性事件,学者们对此多有考订。根据新公布的《江瀚日记》影印本,可确认公宴时间为1909年10月4日,另外此次公宴的参会人员有18人,包括王国维,此日记为考察王国维与早期敦煌学之间的学术因缘提供了珍贵史料。此次公宴原本具有双重意图,既有对外联络西方学者、推动敦煌文献刊布的目的,也有对内促成学部、京师大学堂的主事官员同意购买、保存劫余敦煌写卷的用意。  相似文献   
2000年以来,恩施州民宗委组织全州民族与文化工作者开展民间文化再挖救工程,到2006年已完成民族民间文化挖掘与研究的课题49个,并将其编著成书共49部,形成了《恩施州民族民间研究丛书》,这套丛书函盖了民族研究的方方面面,展示了恩施州深厚的民族民间文化,是研究鄂西地区民族问题和民族民间文化的基本材料,为继承与创新民族民间文化起到了奠基作用。  相似文献   
石之瑜 《社会科学》2006,(2):166-179
中国研究发展至今,研究对象与研究者都出现了自我认识上的困惑。原本各有其所的知识主体与知识客体出现混淆。在这样的背景下,中国研究遭到的挑战,其巨大的潜能与严肃的程度都是不言而喻的。某种知识伦理体系的勾勒,以及未来这个体系的开展,与个别研究者在其中位置的界定与迁移,共同赋予研究者一种赖以自我定位的空间意识,使研究者对自己所同意或不同意的知识立场,能掌握某种伦理上的相对关系。本文将知识的性质归纳成三个不同的面向——欧洲中心与中国中心;共时性与历史性;物质性与诠释性——使得在某一个面向看似迥异的知识立场,在其它面向却因为归属于相互接近的位置,出现对话的可能性,并得以一探彼此之究竟。更重要的是知识伦理关系的建立容许研究对象加入对话,这个对话可以由研究对象直接参与,也可以由研究者假想参与,更可以由其它研究者代理参与。这样的无限空间将吸引每一位研究者对自己的位置进行反省,丛而使他不会再继续甘愿拘泥在一个特定知识主张之中。  相似文献   
An effective business model is the core enabler of any company's performance. Business model innovation is not only becoming more and more important due to increasing and globalizing competition, but also an enormous challenge, both theoretically and practically. Although many managers are eager to consider more disruptive changes to their business model, they often do not know how to articulate their existing or desired business model and, even less so, understand the possibilities for innovating it. One of the steps toward developing more theoretical insight and practical guidelines is the identification of types and the development of a typology of business model innovations. Ten retrospective case studies of business model innovations undertaken by two industrial companies provide the empirical basis for this article. We analyzed the characteristics of these innovations as well as their success rates. The findings suggest that there are indeed various business model innovation types, each with its own characteristics and challenges.  相似文献   
蓝鼎元入台充当幕友时期,基本上形成了一个具有简约、实用特点的乡治思想体系。作为清初道南学派经世思想的应用与延续,这一思想体系总结、发展了我国传统的乡治思想,与文化专制主义"相互映衬",构成了清代思想文化中积极的一面。  相似文献   
Over the last 30 years, the victims' rights movement has expanded the role of victims in the American criminal justice system. As a result of this movement, judges, prosecutors and parole boards must now hear victims' views at all stages of the criminal justice process, including plea bargains, and sentencing and parole decisions. Legislative efforts have been spearheaded by victims' families, and legislation has been named after deceased victims. Also, victims' families can now view executions in states across the country. The victims' right movement assumes that the criminal justice system should privilege victims' interests over those of society. In so doing, it denies society as a consideration, which is tantamount to a denial of society itself. This article positions victims' rights' denial of society within the current conjuncture, marked as it is by the contradiction between neoliberalism and American liberalism. Victims' rights' denial of society is an expression of the denial of society implicit in American neoliberalism, which seeks to privilege individual interests over those of society. This paper argues that victims' rights is a powerful element of the neoliberal project for three reasons. First, victims' rights imputes the authority of legal discourse to neoliberalism's denial of society. Second, important actors in the rise of neoliberalism have also worked to establish victims' rights. Finally, victims' rights comprehensively circulates throughout America and offers powerful points of identification that incorporate Americans into the victims' rights formation. I explore the denial of society in three victims' rights practices: naming criminal legislation after crime victims and passing such laws in honour of victims; allowing victims' families to view executions; and prosecutors, judges and police personnel making legal decisions according to victims' wishes. I examine the consonant denial of society in three neoliberal practices – monetarism, supply-side economics and welfare reform – and demonstrate how neoliberal advocates like Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and Paul Gann worked to advance victims' rights. I also describe the production, consumption and comprehensive circulation of victims' rights texts. Finally, I consider Cultural Studies' unique contribution to legal studies.  相似文献   
技术学的学科结构和科学定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术学作为以技术为研究对象的一系列学科的统称,在19世纪进入草创时期。技术学目前已经建立和有望建立的分支学科,可以区分为普通技术学、理论技术学、专门技术学、应用技术学四个学科群组。在科学知识体系中,技术学是介于数学科学、自然科学与哲学科学、社会科学之间的交叉学科门类,同技术哲学、技术史、工程学、工程技术学等学科门类均有密切的联系。  相似文献   
海外学者方秀洁的《吴文英与南宋词艺术》一书是吴文英词研究的第一部专著,也是一部充分显示作者词学研究水平的力作。在此研究中方秀洁的贡献是多方面的,尤其在对吴文英词"质实"特征的研讨中,作者运用西方语言风格学的理论,从语汇、语法、修辞、用典、结构等方面加以深细的剖析,不但对吴词"质实"风格之体认从含糊不清的感悟落到了具体而微的实处,从而极大地推进了整个吴文英词的研究,同时也对大陆学者的词学研究具有启迪和借鉴作用。  相似文献   
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