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This paper introduces key findings from a large-scale, online survey of women in the ICT industry across England undertaken between October 2004 and October 2005. Placed in a theoretical framework which draws on critical perspectives from within information systems (IS), and the sociology of gender and of technology, the authors examine some of the issues faced by female ICT professionals. The context for this paper is the ongoing under-representation of women in the ICT industry in England, and the difficulties that the industry is having retaining women, particularly at senior levels. Data are presented on the demographic composition of women in the ICT industry in England. In addition the authors focus on their management of domestic and caring responsibilities, including changes in working practices they have experienced as a result of these responsibilities. These data are particularly pertinent given current government and industry debates regarding the 'work-life balance' and 'flexible working' in the ICT industry, partially as a response to the need for a more diverse ICT workforce. Alongside information on the career histories of female ICT professionals, the authors review their perceptions of pay and reward packages, working environments, the skills they hold, and the recognition they may or may not receive in their current posts. They present reports of a 'long-hours' and 'presenteeism' culture in the ICT industry, and the existence of gendered informal networks in ICT. They also examine female ICT professionals' perceptions of the current and future-possible image of the industry. The findings highlight the continued masculinization of ICT work, and some of the difficulties faced by women working in what remain statistically and symbolically male-dominated environments.  相似文献   
This is a survey of applied econometric research on the effects of children on female labor supply. Reasons for interest in the topic, and a basic model and terminology, are reviewed. Concerns are raised about the possible endogeneity of child status variables, and about the instrumental variables approach for dealing with this problem. Alternative ways of conceptualizing and estimating child status effects are considered, together with selected empirical evidence. Relevant developments from the household demand literature are summarized. Basic issues of model choice are also discussed.  相似文献   
萧红是一位体验型、情绪型的极富才华的现代女作家。她的一生颠沛流离、短促悲凉, 饱受离家出走的寂寞、孤独和痛苦。萧红的小说创作是她的悲剧人生的真实写照。她以自己悲剧 性的人生感受和独特的女性生命体验,观照她所熟悉的乡土社会的生命形态和生存境遇,揭露和 批判国民性弱点,抒写着人的悲剧、特别是女性的悲剧,从而使其小说获得一种浓烈而深沉的悲 剧意蕴和独特而丰厚的文化内涵。  相似文献   
进入九十年代以来,女性写作比以往任何阶段都显得更加色彩纷呈.九十年代的女作家已经不再是一些脆弱的自恋主义者或痛苦的理想主义者,她们的作品也呈现出更为强烈的个人化色彩.在真实的社会生活面前,她们已日益学会在现实的物质关系中重新叩问性别的意义.  相似文献   
"五四"新文化运动中,进入学堂学习的女学生迅速成为了新文学杂志的重要作者,在女作家成长的过程中,新文学期刊及其主办者、编辑者的帮助和扶持起了十分重要的作用。女作者们借助现代出版的平台走向社会,走向读者,以集体的方式浮出历史地表,成为中国现代文学史上的第一代女作家。  相似文献   
《说文解字》是我国析字形、解字义、辨读音的文字学专著。本文在对284个《说文解字》中“女”部字及女性文化相关字进行全面考察的基础上,依据《说文解字》中“以类相从,以义相贯”的分类原则,建构“女”部字分类体系,将其分为姓名、称谓、婚嫁、女性价值评判标准、中性字五个类别;通过《说文解字》与《现代汉语词典》中“女”部字对比,研究“女”部字形义变化;探讨“女”部字中反映出的古代女性主流社会地位和古代婚姻制度。  相似文献   
<女论语>是中唐著名才女,河北人宋若莘、宋若昭姐妹的著作,它以女性视角体现着儒家"礼"的重要思想.明末儒者王相将其选入<女四书>,明末至民国初年对女性的社会化有较大的影响,其成功在当今社会仍有借鉴价值.  相似文献   
There is a vast empirical literature investigating the effects of child care costson female employment. Day-care costs are usually treated as a reduction infemale wages and are supposed to reduce a woman's propensity to participatein the labor market. In this paper we argue that an analysis of the effects ofchild care on the employment of mothers in Germany should focus on theavailability rather than the affordability of care, due to peculiarities of theGerman day-care regime. Our empirical findings cast doubt on the effectivenessof the current German day-care regime. Specifically, we question the extent towhich it enables mothers to participate in the labor market.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between gender roles and HIV risk behavior, and perceptions and acceptance of the female condom among college students (n = 410). It was hypothesized that high hyperfeminine females and high hypermasculine males – those adhering to traditional gender roles – would engage in more HIV risk behaviors, including alcohol and drug use and various sexual practices, than those with lower hyperfemininity and hypermasculinity. It was also hypothesized that higher hyperfeminine females as well as higher hypermasculine males would perceive the female condom more negatively and would be less likely to view the female condom as a viable form of protection in the future. It was also hypothesized that high hyperfeminine females and high hypermasculine males would not accept the female condom as an alternative form of protection. Implications for prevention interventions are discussed.  相似文献   
当代中国影视剧中的女性形象经历了半个多世纪的嬗变,从最初符合时代政治要求的"理想女性"逐渐转变为女性主体意识觉醒后的"女性理想"的追求者,而在社会发展、电视等传播技术普及之后,又逐渐"退化"为符合男性审美期待和心理期望的新一类"理想女性"。这种与社会进步同时出现的女性形象的"反动"值得进一步研究。即便是专门由女性编导为女性观众创作的女性题材电视剧和电影,也在一定程度上与社会主流男权话语中的女性形象妥协。而塑造健康而富有时代感的女性形象,必须认识到健全的男性和女性形象都应该兼备"双性"的性格特征。  相似文献   
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