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We investigated specific award-winning public relations efforts to derive best practices that bridge industry practices with academic research and pedagogy. The data for this project were the winning entries for the annual Public Relations Society of America's (PRSA) Silver Anvil Award, which is considered the top award recognizing excellence in public relations. We found, however, that the archive of award winners does not provide sufficiently definitive information about what defines any public relations discourse genre or why any genre as used is “excellent.” This archival research provides us with a key rationale for employing rhetorical, narrative, and linguistic theories prospectively to guide public relations message design and planning, theories which hitherto have been used to judge campaigns post hoc or retrospectively.  相似文献   
体裁分析与英语教育专业毕业论文指导   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文就英语教育专业部分毕业论文中 ,作为模糊限制词的情态动词和判断性认知模态动词的使用和研究领域的确立两个侧面 ,调查了毕业论文写作中语言使用策略问题和语篇组织结构问题。在此基础上 ,本文围绕某些学术社会意识和语篇变量 ,就采用体裁分析法指导毕业论文进行了讨论。  相似文献   
明晰学术英语与学术英语写作、学术能力与学术写作能力的概念区别;综述国内外几十年来的学术英语写作能力的培养研究;提出对非英语专业研究生学术英语写作能力的培养模式:以学术阅读带动学术写作能力的提高,以体裁分析理论为基础的互动学习,写作技能训练与研究生专业知识相结合,面授知识与网络自主学习相结合。  相似文献   
The metaphor of the glass ceiling helps one to focus on the often invisible barriers qualified women have to deal with, in order to access to the highest professional positions. This article presents the set of contributions, which clarifies the evolution of this phenomenon in various professions and in various countries. It gives one a more dynamic and less linear view on the top job feminization throughout the 20th century.  相似文献   
Women with diplomas, authority, power, in the professions, in top jobs… Nowadays, since demands have taken shape around the concepts of “parities” or quotas, the phases in the process whereby women have gained access to top positions in employment risk being overlooked. This process stretches out over a long time, even though Western European countries have passed through successive phases at about the same time. The years 1880, 1920, 1970 and 2000 stand out like landmarks in this conquest starting out from equal access to education and continuing through the slow mixing of the two sexes in various types of jobs, medical, technical, legal, military or political. Till the last decades of the 20th century, feminists (men as well as women) fought for these advances despite the scorn of those men and women who wanted to see women confined to the jobs “fit for them”, in particular in education and care-giving.  相似文献   
凌晨光 《文史哲》2004,2(1):116-118
体裁分类问题的意义内涵表现于三个方面:具体文本与总体文学的中介;作者创作与读者阅读的桥梁;文学传统与个人写作的纽带。文学文本分类的根据有两点,一是文本的语言形式因素,二是文本与现实的艺术处理关系。分类根据不同,分类结果就会有差异,于是就有了中外文论史上的不同文学文本分类结果。  相似文献   
“七”在中国古代文体史上立为一体,由来已久,其文体地位在古代史书、类书、书目等文献中都有明确的著录;随着创作的发展变化,七体在后世总集中的归类及收录范围有所变化,据此可以更深入地探讨七体的文体属性和发展演变,也可看出文体分类及演变过程中的复杂性和多样性。  相似文献   
"新感觉派"命名质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把以刘呐鸥、穆时英与施蛰存等人为代表的创作笼统地命名为"新感觉派",这是对日本"新感觉派"小说的误读,这种误读一直在影响着我们对于这些作家及其作品的深入理解.事实上,不仅刘呐鸥诸人的创作与日本"新感觉派"差别很大,而且刘、穆与施之间的区别也是非常明显的.把刘呐鸥和穆时英的创作称之为"都市感觉小说",而将施蛰存的创作归于"心理分析小说",这样也许更符合现代中国文学的基本史实,同时也更有利于文学史的一般描述.  相似文献   
职业活动广泛的交际领域决定了公务交际中纷繁多样的言语体裁。文章依据20世纪伟大的思想家、语言学家、俄罗斯著名学者巴赫金的相关论述,从体裁类型学、语篇结构两个不同角度探讨了公务交际中言语体裁的分类方法。同时提出,公务交际语言是一个庞大的宏观系统,其内部的微观系统也同样面临着今后进一步分化为多种体裁的可能。  相似文献   
维多利亚时代是英国文学的黄金时代,涌现出一大批驰名世界的文学大家。反观这一时代的文学创作,读者会发现这一时期的文类出现了明显的变化。诗歌逐渐式微,散文占据重要地位,成为这个时代思想的直接表达。而小说则登堂入室,凭借批判性锋芒,成为贯穿维多利亚时代始终的经典文学样式,并与所处时代构成强有力的互文关系,传神地诠释了"文本的历史性"这一概念。  相似文献   
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