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论早期巴文化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文首先提出了对巴文化起源地的观点,认为巴文化的起源就是居住在巫山、巫溪境内的原大溪文化的居民.其次阐述巴文化的形成阶段,并论证它就是由峡江内的新石器时代文化发展而来.再次提出了巴文化的扩张阶段,是由峡内分别向东、向西扩张,并且提出了早期巴文化向东发展的路家河类型和向西发展的中坝子类型.最后解释了巴文化为什么会向不同方向扩张的原因.  相似文献   
乔治·佩雷克的第一部小说《物》常被界定为写实小说,但是仅从它的篇幅便可看出佩雷克的真正用意并不是在深入剖析消费社会的机制,而是在探求人的个体意识。通过探讨小说主人公的欲望、行动与其内心的虚无感之间的关系可以窥见他们如何在消费社会中努力寻求个体身份认同以及作品所体现的现实意义。  相似文献   
Georges Friedmann (1902-1977) is known as the founder, following WW II, of a “sociology of humanist work”. Before the war, he was a Marxist intellectual, close to the Communist Party, who admired the young Soviet Union. How this political and ideological itinerary affected his sociology of labor, has never been systematically analyzed. To do so, “machinism” (mechanization), a key concept in the first part of Friedmann’s writing, is scrutinized. This concept came not from Marx, but from Michelet’s romantic conception of history, with which Friedmann was familiar. Following the war, it was given up for the pair “natural/technical milieu”; but this shift in vocabulary did not radically alter Friedmann’s views. Questions arise about how the intellectual itinerary of the founder of French labor sociology, who was shaped by the political trauma experienced by his generation, has lastingly affected this discipline.  相似文献   
花江大峡谷是贵州中西部旅游热点地区之一,典型的喀斯特地貌以其旅游景观突出、自然生态非常脆弱等客观条件,加上特有的区位优势,都使其对贵州旅游业乃至西部旅游业的发展有着特殊意义。本研究结合旅游发展的一般规律提出了喀斯特地区旅游开发的适合模式,认为花江大峡谷的开发必须以保护当地生态为前提,结合旅游资源的特色,开发以文化体验、观光农业、乡村旅游、科学教育等特色产品,并抓住当前大峡谷地区发展的良好机遇及自身优势,进行科学规划、合理开发、强化保护及人才意识,花江大峡谷地区完全可显示它强大的旅游功能,对推动区域经济的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
三峡库区人力资源总量大,但素质偏低,人才优势远没发挥出来,对人力资源研究不够。在人力资源已成为核心经济要素,人力资源会计成为主流会计的知识经济时代,为使三峡库区人口优势转化为人才优势,提高资源使用效率,对人力资源价值进行管理,有必要加快对三峡库区人力资源会计的理论研究,促进其实践推广,这对于三峡库区经济社会的可持续发展具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
在童年回忆录《W或童年回忆》中,法国作家乔治·佩雷克以一种诗人的笔触,精心构建和捕捉了二战犹太后裔遭受的种种童年创伤经历和感受,成为创伤文学的代表作之一。佩雷克童年经历难以言说的原因主要在于童年记忆的模糊性和相关记忆的创伤性。面对这一叙事难题,佩雷克分别运用纪实叙事和虚构叙事构建相互独立又彼此相联的两个文本,忠实地记录了其童年创伤记忆的模糊性和碎片性,深刻地描述了集中营的种种不人道,最终言说了其童年创伤经历和感受。  相似文献   
In this article, I read one of Georges Bataille’s most famous ideas, that of transgression, with a renewed focus on its structural implications for the human subject. Whilst Bataille’s discussions of erotic excess, violent transgression, obscenity and the threat of death are provocative and intoxicating, his anthropological philosophy of the human constitution repeatedly contextualises transgressive tendencies alongside the enduring structures and boundaries that define humanity. My reading examines key texts to elucidate a thorough explication of Bataille’s transgression, its relationship to taboo and its defining role for humanity, to claim that there is in fact a tendency towards conservation in even the most explosive and challenging of topics through which Bataille explored humanity.  相似文献   
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