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贵州仡佬族女作家王华在创作中始终坚守乡土民间立场,关注贵州村民的生存真实,她的小说《家园》即是其为彰显乡村文化的人文价值而展开的一次文化玄思与表述尝试。《家园》通过安沙文化与山外文化的一系列碰撞、比较,隐晦曲折地诠释了传统乡村文化的价值。在《家园》中,对自身文化从不敝帚自珍的安沙人,在迁居山外、饱受折磨的过程中,终于逐渐认识到了传统乡村文化的价值,继而决心用魔幻化的绝望手段来守望安沙文化。《家园》表明王华的乡村文化表述成功地实现了范式超越,其特点就是借鉴“地方性知识”、“阐释人类学”、“符号学”等文化研究手段进行民主、平等的地方性文化表述。  相似文献   
长期以来,由于受西方知识界对印欧文化百年研究积累的影响,"雅利安人入侵理论"始终位居学界主流,并进入印度与世界各国的教科书中,成为我们诠释印度古代历史的重要基础;时至今日,在后殖民学术批判风潮与印度教民族主义的推波助澜之下,此一理论却俨然成为具有高度政治争议性的论题。影响所及,不光是在印度国内的学界,更波及全世界的印度学研究社群。究竟对于"雅利安人入侵理论"的争论如何影响当代印度政治发展?此一理论为什么又能引起如此惊人的政治效应?各方对于此一理论的基本立场差异又是如何?透过本文的讨论,我们希望能针对这些问题提出回答。  相似文献   
<一个人的村庄>是刘亮程的散文集,也是他散文所经营的一个意象."一个人的村庄",是人的一种生存心境,是"城市"对"土地"的一种思念,这种思念是在现实的城乡互为参照下所产生的,是人类社会在城市化的历史发展进程中对回归大自然的一种人性呼吁,是对"天人合一"的诗意存在的一种向往;他旨在呼吁我们不能抛下土地不管,那里是我们最终的家园,它不能被荒落,否则我们将成为永远的无家可归者.  相似文献   
Guiding Resource Allocations Based on Terrorism Risk   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Establishing tolerable levels of risk is one of the most contentious and important risk management decisions. With every regulatory or funding decision for a risk management program, society decides whether or not risk is tolerable. The Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) grant program designed to enhance security and overall preparedness to prevent, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism by providing financial assistance for planning, equipment, training, and exercise needs of large urban areas. After briefly reviewing definitions of terrorism risk and rationales for risk-based resource allocation, this article compares estimates of terrorism risk in urban areas that received UASI funding in 2004 to other federal risk management decisions. This comparison suggests that UASI allocations are generally consistent with other federal risk management decisions. However, terrorism risk in several cities that received funding is below levels that are often tolerated in other risk management contexts. There are several reasons why the conclusions about terrorism risk being de minimis in specific cities should be challenged. Some of these surround the means used to estimate terrorism risk for this study. Others involve the comparison that is made to other risk management decisions. However, many of the observations reported are valid even if reported terrorism risk estimates are several orders of magnitude too low. Discussion of resource allocation should be extended to address risk tolerance and include explicit comparisons, like those presented here, to other risk management decisions.  相似文献   

The conventional literature on diaspora politics tends to focus on one ‘homeland’ state and its relations with ‘sojourning’ diaspora around the world. This paper examines an instance of ‘bifurcated homeland:’ the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan) since 1949. The paper investigates the changing dynamics of China's and Taiwan's diaspora policies towards Overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia throughout the Cold War and post-Cold War periods. They were affected by their ideological competition, the rise of Chinese nationalism, and the ‘indigenisation’ of Taiwanese identity. Illustrating such changes through the case of the KMT Yunnanese communities in Northern Thailand, this paper makes two interrelated arguments. First, we should understand relations through the lens of interactive dynamics between international system-level changes and domestic political transformations. Depending on different normative underpinnings of the international system, the foundations of regime legitimacy have changed. Subsequently, the nature of relations between the diaspora and the homeland(s) transformed from one that emphasises ideological differences during the Cold War, to one infused with nationalist authenticity in the post-Cold War period. Second, the bifurcated nature of the two homelands also created mutual influences on their diaspora policies during periods of intense competition.  相似文献   
While scholars have studied the political incorporation of migrants and refugees through measures related to naturalisation and voting, others have investigated the ways by which participation in protests and other forms of activism foster assimilation. But how is transnational contention connected to domestic integration? Using archival research and life history interviews of Filipino migrant activists in the U.S. and the Netherlands and drawing from the literatures on immigrant assimilation and social movements, I show the processes and mechanisms that enable activists to become simultaneously involved in the movements for homeland regime change for migrant/minority rights in the hostland. Thus, they assimilate into the domestic polity while they participate in transnational politics. I argue that as activists perform the functions associated with homeland activism, they develop relations and networks that allow new forms of collective identities to emerge, often rooted in civil-society spaces in the hostland. This study contributes to the debate on transnationalism and assimilation, which has recently moved from contradiction to synergy.  相似文献   
形上迷失即终极关怀的缺失,它的内在原因是人的意识,但意识在人类诞生之初仅提供给形上迷失以先在的前提条件,真正导致形上迷失产生的是把人类从他的物质家园———自然中分离出去的异化劳动。在异化劳动的推动下形上迷失跨越史前时代、古代文明和轴心期这三个历史阶段,从偶然的可能开始经由现实的可能最终达到其完全的现实。与此同时在轴心期,人类的精神家园也随之而彻底建立。  相似文献   
萧红的小说文本表现了两性关系/性别意识与民族国家文化历史的双重主题.在民族国家文学之外,女性文本的多元特质在她的文本书写中进一步得到延续,为中国现代女性文学遗产开拓出富有符号性意义的女体空间和女性乡土想象书写.在萧红的<呼兰河传>中,萧红大量地书写了女体空间所可能载的各种符号形态,特别是有关跳大神的仪式化女体现象.萧红笔下女性所构成的女体符号空间,其根基建立在民间文化的基础之上.与乡土想象有密切的关系.事实上,萧红对女体的想象书写和乡土的文化空间建构是双线并行的,缺一不可.此种女体/乡土叙述突显出历史文化交织的符号空间,乡土的象征功能是女性作家藉以窥探女性内宇及社会文化系和人生命运不可或缺的书写策略.在萧红的<生死场>中,女体的符号化和乡土的女体化,让萧红笔下的农乡女性归属于此以富有女性意识的土地,也让乡土同样归属于这些生活其上的女性团体.此种乡土经验有别于传统父权/男性视下的乡土经验.  相似文献   
论海子诗中潜流的民族血脉   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
海子作为一位必将传世的诗人,除了受到外国文化的影响,他的诗歌中也潜流着民族文化的血脉。首先是他浓厚的乡土情怀,海子的乡土情怀与古代诗歌所体现出来的乡土情怀之间的有联系也有不同,不同之处在于:海子的乡土情怀泛化了;把思乡的我与故土都心象化了。同时海子诗中的故土情结还给向往的故土蒙上了一层梦幻中的远古色彩。海子诗中潜流的民族血脉之二,是他的诗中反映的历史观念,有着我国古代诗文和古代思想观念的明显影响。最后,在海子的创世说中,水占有重要的地位,他不仅把水看作万物生长的来源,而且,把水看作一种精神的象征,这又与汉民族农耕社会水生万物的古老观念有着相连的血脉。  相似文献   
This essay examines Showtime’s television program Homeland, along with several examples of what Jonathan Gray calls paratexts, arguing that meanings produced through the intersection of text and paratexts create a preferred interpretation of the show’s main character, Carrie Mathison, which aligns with neoliberal and post-feminist ideologies surrounding affective labor. Using textual cartography to map meanings, I locate a preferred interpretation of Homeland that recognizes the instrumental value of affective labor while writing off the deleterious effects as individualized personal issues. This read supports a neoliberal, post-feminist interpretation of Carrie as a pathologically flawed individual woman inept at emotional self-management.  相似文献   
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