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Lorber  Judith 《Sociological Forum》2002,17(3):377-396
My presidential address looked back at the gendered imagery of American heroes and warriors, Muslim terrorists, and oppressed Islamic women as they appeared in comparatively sophisticated media sources in the first 6 months after September 11. The imagery was conventionally gendered, but the actions of women and men reported in the same sources showed multiple gendering—heterogeneity within homogeneity. Making this multiplicity of gendering visible blurs and undermines gender lines and the inequities built on them. The social constructions of heroism, masculinity, and Islamic womanhood are core parts of the gender politics of September 11, a politics deeply embedded in the current debates over the causes and consequences of terrorism and war.  相似文献   
哈桑.图拉比的宗教政治思想充满了理想主义色彩,主张社会伊斯兰化,强调“真主主权论”,否定民族主义,否定国家权威,主张开放与对话,倡导宗教对话。其领导的伊斯兰民族阵线审时度势,相机而动,在苏丹的两度军人政权中推动国家的伊斯兰化。由于国内外的诸多影响因素以及图拉比在理论与实践、理想与现实之间充满的矛盾,图拉比与军人政权的结盟在本质上仍是权力斗争的需要。要实现苏丹政治稳定和国家发展,务实主义的领导集体和治国方略必不可少。  相似文献   
中东恐怖主义的发展与宗教和战争两大因素相关。伊斯兰名义下的暴力恐怖活动与反对帝国霸权和侵略战争紧密相连,恐怖主义的行为主体不仅仅是伊斯兰极端主义组织一方,还包括美国和以色列在侵略战争中所实行的国家恐怖主义。这种态势决定了中东恐怖主义现象的复杂性。认清这种复杂性,明确伊斯兰名义下的恐怖主义与伊斯兰复兴、伊斯兰教的联系与区别,避免误解和混淆,将有助于对中东形势及整个国际政治有准确而深刻的认识。  相似文献   
所谓伊斯兰文化的研究方法,是指正确地进行伊斯兰文化研究所应遵循的一套原则、手段、程序和技巧。研究方法在伊斯兰文化的发展过程中承担着特别重要的职能,它在一定程度上制约、规范着伊斯兰文化发展的水平和风格。没有成熟、科学的研究方法,就不会产生成熟、发达的伊斯兰文化。就伊斯兰文化的研究方法,我们有两点拙见,把它说出来,以求教学人。 首先,摆正伊斯兰与伊斯兰文化的关系。伊斯兰文化作为一种宗教文化实体,与伊斯兰密不可分,互为依托。按照伊斯兰的基本教义,伊斯兰是安拉的意志,通过《古兰经》和圣训得以具体体现。两者是伊斯兰教的基础和最基本的经典,是伊斯兰国家信仰原则、哲学思想、政治经济、法律创制和司法实践的权威准则和第一源泉。而伊斯兰文化是由阿拉伯民族和穆斯林各民族在社会历史实践中共同参与创造  相似文献   
重视研究西部大开发中的伊斯兰教现实问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施西部大开发战略 ,必须正确处理大开发与伊斯兰教的关系 ,从而动员和团结广大穆斯林群众积极投身于西部大开发的伟大进程 ,组织和推动伊斯兰教界在实施西部大开发中作出应有的贡献 ,积极引导伊斯兰教与社会主义社会相适应。本文作者根据工作实践 ,提出一些与西部大开发有关的伊斯兰教现实问题 ,并认为应切实加以研究探讨 ,如维护祖国统一 ,反对民族分裂主义和宗教极端主义 ;关注中国穆斯林与西部地区城市化的关系 ;加紧培养造就新世纪伊斯兰教事业接班人 ,其中包括伊斯兰教高层人士或领袖人物 ,也包括一批高素质、爱国爱教的年轻阿洪或毛拉 ;在广大穆斯林中进一步加强民族宗教政策和法制教育 ;研究和掌握利用网络技术传递伊斯兰教信息等问题  相似文献   
伊朗与中国之间的文化交流有悠久的历史,在伊朗成为伊斯兰教国家之后,伊朗伊斯兰文化对中国穆斯林民族产生了深刻的影响,其中在中国穆斯林文化教育及苏菲派门宦方面的影响尤其明显。  相似文献   
Research on UK government counter‐terrorism measures has claimed that Muslims are treated as a ‘suspect community’. However, there is limited research exploring the divisive effects that membership of a ‘suspect community’ has on relations within Muslim communities. Drawing from interviews with British Muslims living in Leeds or Bradford, I address this gap by explicating how co‐option of Muslim community members to counter extremism fractures relations within Muslim communities. I reveal how community members internalize fears of state targeting which precipitates internal disciplinary measures. I contribute the category of ‘internal suspect body’ which is materialized through two intersecting conditions within preventative counter‐terrorism: the suspected extremist for Muslims to look out for and suspected informer who might report fellow Muslims. I argue that the suspect community operates through a network of relations by which terrors of counter‐terrorism are reproduced within Muslim communities with divisive effects.  相似文献   
The spectre of environmental ‘domestic extremism’ has long been postulated by police leaders and security analysts in Britain. It is a narrative that has justified the commitment of enormous amounts of government resources towards police intelligence work directed at non-violent direct action campaigns. Most controversially, this has included the long-term infiltration of environmental (and other) activist groups by undercover police. This article provides a critical analysis of the justifications put forward in support of the covert surveillance of environmental activists in Britain. The paper proceeds by way of a single case study – a high profile, environmental direct action protest in the north of England – in order to reveal the levels of abuse, manipulation and deception at the basis of undercover protest policing. Through their court case, the activists involved with this action were able to obtain rare insights into the police authorisation documents for the undercover operation that had led to their arrests. An analysis of these documents provides us with a glimpse of the contradictory justifications given by senior police officers for infiltration – now under scrutiny by a public inquiry.  相似文献   
伊斯兰教在伊斯兰文明中占有支配性的地位,伊斯兰文明具有政教合一、复古倾向、文化统一性以及因强大的适应能力导致的多样性和区域化倾向等文化特点。对于中国穆斯林中的回族而言,文化自觉包括对中华文明和儒家文化的研究,对伊斯兰文明的研究,以及对西方文明的研究。对于伊斯兰文明的研究,特别需要关注伊斯兰文明的网络结构以及伊斯兰文明对于当代社会的适应性。文化自觉的意识源自危机和危机感。近代以来中华文明和伊斯兰文明所面临的生存危机,必须从文明内部寻找原因,并从内部和外部全方位寻找解决的办法。在这一过程中,中华文明的文化自觉可以从中国伊斯兰文化和域外伊斯兰文化中受益。  相似文献   
伊斯兰世界联盟与伊斯兰合作组织是泛伊斯兰主义制度化的产物,伊盟主要通过朝觐平台间接对伊斯兰国家政治施与影响,伊合则通过推进议题的方式直接对伊斯兰国家政治产生影响;我国历来重视发展与这些泛伊斯兰国际组织的友好关系,并取得了宝贵历史经验与良好的成效;在明确我国与泛伊斯兰国际组织开展人文交流与合作的资源优势、基本目标及其实现途径的基础上,探索我国对中东国家开展“全方位、多层次、宽领域”人文外交的应对之策,旨在进一步提升我国对中东伊斯兰国家的人文外交能力.  相似文献   
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