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朱绍侯 《南都学坛》2007,27(3):24-28
周公、召公在武王灭商战争中立下了赫赫战功。武王逝世后,成王年幼即位,周公践阼,行政当国,召公任太保,为周公的助手。周公、召公“分陕而治”、“东征平叛”、“创建成周”、“教导成康艰苦创业”,为周初的政治稳定和社会发展做出了重大贡献,促成了“成康之际,天下安宁,刑措四十年不用”的“成康之治”兴盛局面。实际上所谓“成康之治”,就是孔子所赞颂的“周召之治”、“周召之业”和“周召之迹”。  相似文献   
Between 2001 and 2013, Hong Kong regulations permitted pregnant women from mainland China to travel to Hong Kong to deliver their babies. In this article, based on 30 in‐depth interviews, I explore the transborder lives and identities of these mainland Chinese families who, motivated by cost considerations, citizenship and anticipated benefits for their children, chose to give birth to their babies in Hong Kong. In some cases, family networks providing flexible residential practices and family care, supported these transborder activities. However, the complexities of transborder life reveal the diverse ‘identifications’ within Hong Kong society and mainland families. Because neither administration totally accepts them, they are not full members of either society and so the identities they form are both plural and fragmented.  相似文献   
儿童的、非成人的叙事视角,是为不少中国现当代作家所青睐的叙事策略。萧红"忆家"题材系列(《呼兰河传》、《小城三月》、《家族以外的人》、《后花园》等)与严歌苓《穗子物语》系列小说,虽然创作的时间间隔已逾半个世纪,但是在叙事技巧的选取方面,却有殊途同归的惊人相似——通过儿童的、非成人的叙事视角的娴熟运用,以不同于"宏大历史叙事"的叙述方式,在难得的女性视野的展开中,实现作家独特的历史记忆与个人体验的双重书写。而且两位作家在叙事探索方面所呈现的微细的差异,也别具意味。  相似文献   
太平天国干王的反腐治吏思想及其现代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太平天国干王洪仁玕在<资政新篇>、<立法制喧谕>等著作中提出了一整套整顿吏治、反对官员腐败的措施,形成了对官员事前预防、事中监督和事后惩治的全程式监督和控制.洪仁玕的整顿吏治、反对官员腐败的思想虽未能挽救太平天国的衰亡之运,但如果我们剔除其封建主义的成分,却能为我们今天的反腐败工作提供许多有益的启示.  相似文献   
董解元的《西厢记诸宫调》和王实甫的《西厢记》(以下简称《董西厢》和《王西厢》),是两部闻名中外的名作,历来研究者和研究文章很多,但主要集中在关于作者作品的主题思想、情节结构、艺术成就等方面,对于遣字、用词、造句方面的研究甚少。为此,本文就《王西厢》和《董西厢》里大量迭词的运用,从重迭方式的多样化、迭词集中的高潮、表情达意的丰富多彩等方面进行了比较研究,试图弥补这一遗憾。  相似文献   
In the context of the academic interest shown in the enduring transnationalism of contemporary migrants and in the modes of transitions to adulthood in different global settings, in this article we examine the transnational lives of adolescents moving between Vancouver (Canada) and Hong Kong. While there is a lot of literature on the parents' political and economic calculations, there is very little on how adolescents in these situations articulate their geographical sensibilities. We draw on three periods of fieldwork undertaken in 2002, 2008 and 2010 during which we employed a transnational methodology to interview young people in Vancouver and Hong Kong. We argue that becoming an adult involves a process in which, in their discussions about the geographical and emotional distance between themselves and their families, young people articulate their own complex emotions towards specific places in their transnational social field. Their families sporadically interrupt the adolescents' otherwise independent lives with fragmented modes of supervision. By examining the complex intentions and emotions behind circular migration from the perspective of transnational youth in a community of split families, we advance the discussion on transnational geographies, particularly of the family in the context of a flexible global economy.  相似文献   
罗孝全是新教开创对华传教事业时期一名重要的传教士。特立独行的性格使他与差会的关系陷于尴尬;与太平天国领袖洪秀全的师生关系,潜移默化地影响着中国的现代化进程。穿梭于宗教与世俗之间的罗孝全最终没能实现他的宗教理想,但中西文化激烈的冲突与交汇赋予罗孝全的传教活动以更多的时代特征和历史意义。  相似文献   
程千帆、吴新雷两位先生在<两宋文学史>中对于宋代骈文(宋四六)发表了精辟的论述,同时也提出了"南宋前期四六四大家"的说法,具体所指为汪藻、孙觌、洪适、周必大四位南宋四六文名家.不过从四大家入选人数与分期两方面看,此说还不够严密,对洪适、洪遵、洪迈兄弟四六文数量和地位的论述也有进一步深入讨论的余地.总体看来,南宋前期骈文创作较为繁荣,名家众多,"四大家说"尚不足以概括这一特点.  相似文献   
佛山行通济民俗不是被化石般消极保留的"历史遗留物",而是在释放文化功能的过程中契合地方社会需要的活态文化形式。其功能以地域环境的变迁为动因,以民众需求的改换为基础,经退化、衍变与拓展而呈现出复合、杂糅的特点,彰显着传统与当代混搭、官方与民间杂糅的复杂机理。置身于当代"祛魅"语境,行通济民俗的情感宣泄、认同凝聚以及慈善教化等文化功能愈发凸显。  相似文献   
洪迈在《容斋随笔》一书中多有对历代史书的评论,通过这些评论我们可以看出洪迈的历史编纂思想。他强调在撰写史书时要坚持"据事直书"的实录精神,并且在广泛占有史料的基础之上"去粗取精",同时对史著语言提出了自己"精益求精"的要求,最后回归于"辨明正统"的编纂原则,实现其作为一位优秀封建史家的历史诉求。  相似文献   
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