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“性别文化”是与“性文化”涵义不同的概念 ,指男女两性的区别及其相互关系。性别文化在上古神话世界有着鲜明的印迹 ,世界各国的神话都经历了由女性生殖崇拜到男性一统天下的演变过程 ,并在发展演化中印映出社会文明对“性”的差耻心和“性禁忌”。神话世界折射出人类在童年时代对自身生产从企望到审美的心智历程 ,最终形成的道德约束 ,是人类为保证自身健康繁衍的社会契约。  相似文献   
在男性占主导地位的语言,诚如英汉语中"乞丐""医生"等职业术语和"chairman""hero"等官衔荣誉称呼之类的名词,一般性的人类泛指"a man","mankind"以及代词的非指示用法中,女性往往被置于"隐形"的地位。性别差异和性别歧视的现象已引起社会上各学科的普遍关注,然而,从认知角度对这一现象作出注解的文章寥寥。运用认知语言学中的原型和范畴理论、框架理论、心理空间和概念合成理论对此予以阐释,可为英汉语中这一现象的理论阐释提供全新的多元认知视角。  相似文献   
Gender discrimination is felt and found universally, and sexism in language is no exception. Sexist languages exist in both English and Chinese. An analysis of linguistic sexism will promise us the assumptions that language is emblematic of and constitutive of social identity.  相似文献   
避讳学是一门研究避讳现象发生发展的一般规律及其应用的边缘学科,历史悠久、文献丰富、成就巨大是我国避讳学研究的最显著特点。伴随一部避讳史,也有一部中国避讳学史。中国避讳学史可分为四个时期:一是避讳史料学时期——先秦至明代,二是避讳学的萌芽期——清代,三是避讳学的形成期——近代,四是避讳学的发展期——现代。  相似文献   
Since reunification in 1990, Prenzlauer Berg, located in the former East Berlin, has turned from a cheap and neglected area into a popular middle‐class neighbourhood. The area's new character is reflected in its linguistic landscape. These days the signs of posh shops and trendy bars adorn its streets. But alternative views are noticeable too. Graffiti is present even on the most expensively refurbished buildings and residents put up slogans to protest against their flats being refurbished and sold to new owners. This case study of the changing graphic environment of Prenzlauer Berg shows that, despite the strong influence of commercial discourses, the public space remains an area of contestation between civil society, private businesses and the state. The particular approach to linguistic landscape I developed combines textual and visual analysis with interviews with sign producers. This has enabled me to show how the linguistic landscape both reflects as well as shapes social change and urban development in Berlin since reunification. Seit der Wende ist der Prenzlauer Berg, zu DDR Zeiten vernachlässigt und heruntergekommen, zu einem der beliebtesten Stadtteile des neuen Berlins geworden. Der neue Charakter des Kiez, sichtbar an seinen renovierten Häusern und steigenden Mietpreisen, lässt sich auch anhand seiner sprachlichen Landschaft (linguistic landscape) erkennen. Heutzutage bestimmen die aufwendig gestalteten Schilder teurer Geschäfter und schicker Bars Prenzlauer Bergs Strassenbild. Es gibt aber auch andere Stimmen. Bewohner von Häusern, die an Investoren verkauft wurden und denen nun gesteigerte Mieten drohen, protestieren mit Plakaten gegen die Politik der Ankäufer. Fast keine der neu gestrichenen Fassaden ist frei von Graffiti und überall findet man Poster, die zu Demonstrationen und Unterschriftenaktionen aufforden. Ausgehend von Fotografien und Interviews mit den Autoren von Schildern, Plakaten und Transparenten zeigt der vorliegende Artikel, dass der öffentliche Raum – die Strasse – trotz der Dominanz kommerziellen Diskurse, ein Bereich bleibt, in dem Staat, private Inverstoren und bürgerliche Gesellschaft aufeinander treffen und ihre – oftmals im Konflikt zueinander stehenden – Meinungen zum Ausdruck bringen. [German]  相似文献   
莎士比亚《一报还一报》一剧以克劳狄奥与朱丽叶的婚前私通为主要伦理线,展示了维也纳法治下个人私通和公共淫乱两类人的跌宕命运,着重探讨了维也纳城的伦理混乱,以及在主政者的伦理秩序重构中个人私通者由悲而喜和公共淫乱者由喜而悲的命运转向,旨在指出在西方前现代社会中,对基督教伦理规范的认同与否决定着个人的命运转向。  相似文献   
We investigated specific award-winning public relations efforts to derive best practices that bridge industry practices with academic research and pedagogy. The data for this project were the winning entries for the annual Public Relations Society of America's (PRSA) Silver Anvil Award, which is considered the top award recognizing excellence in public relations. We found, however, that the archive of award winners does not provide sufficiently definitive information about what defines any public relations discourse genre or why any genre as used is “excellent.” This archival research provides us with a key rationale for employing rhetorical, narrative, and linguistic theories prospectively to guide public relations message design and planning, theories which hitherto have been used to judge campaigns post hoc or retrospectively.  相似文献   
禁忌是从一个民族的历史、文化和物质经济基础上产生和发展起来的。本文试图就藏族传统的禁忌文化对生态环境保护的贡献和对精神文明建设方面的影响作一探讨  相似文献   
姓名是个人与社会联系的纽带,是个人在社会上存在的一种证明。称谓是以本人为轴心确定亲属以及非亲属与本人关系的标志。无论是在中国还是在日本,姓名和称谓对于人们来说都有着非常重要的意义。但是,由于两国的历史文化以及价值取向不同,导致了两国人民在对姓名及称谓的认知不尽相同。中国古代在名字的使用上有避讳的制度。在言谈和书写时,遇到君父长上的名字一律要回避。取名时也不能取他们的名字中有的或同音的字。这一习俗在亲属称谓以及社会称谓习俗上也留有烙印。从文化对比的角度,以人名的避讳为切入口,分析中日两国的姓名及称谓的特征和差异以及所产生的原因。这一研究有助于我们对中日两国的姓名及称谓有一个更加系统的认识,对中日两国的社会、传统文化有更加深入的了解。  相似文献   
Dialogic communication has long been viewed as vital for effective organization-public relations. Yet, it is under-theorized whether and how organizations’ disaster communication messages may embody dialogic communication principles, and how various dialogic features are associated with different public engagement outcomes on social media. Extending the Organization-Public Dialogic Communication (OPDC) framework to the context of social media-mediated disaster communication, we propose a multi-level framework to assess the dialogic capacity of Facebook messages sent by disaster management organizations during a natural disaster. Three levels of dialogic communication characteristics (i.e., message structure-level, topic-level, and linguistic level) are examined using content analysis and Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC). Results identified media richness, correcting, and confirming topics as three consistent predictors of public engagement of all types. Meanwhile, there exhibit greater variations regarding how other topical features and linguistic characteristics are related to public’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement during a disaster.  相似文献   
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