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埃及军方推翻穆兄会政权,局势仍难以稳定;叙利亚化武危机化解,但政治解决步履艰难;巴、以重启和谈,取得突破仍困难重重;美、伊关系松动,伊核谈判取得阶段性成果;美国在中东地区的主导能力下降;阿拉伯国家转型之路漫长而艰难;伊斯兰势力崛起受挫。  相似文献   
本文在吸取和借鉴前人说法的基础上,结合考古实物资料,从形音义方面对西周金文中传统释读为"彤欮"、"厚必"的二物进行了讨论。将前者改释为"彤杆",即"涂红漆的箭杆";对释后者为"緱必"的观点加以补证说明。  相似文献   
This article explores state involvement in the ‘enchanted’ aspects of irrigated rice production in Bali, Indonesia. Modernising states invariably forward what Max Weber called the rationalisation and disenchantment of the world. In irrigation management, the Indonesian colonial and postcolonial states operated staunchly on this model. ‘Enchanted’ elements of Balinese rice production involving temples and rituals were assumed irrelevant and sidelined. Recently, however, bursts of state-funded construction of irrigation temples and shrines suggest a surprising shift. The post-Suharto decentralised state appears to be supporting the enchantment of irrigated agriculture. This article deals with the relationship between legislation under the decentralised state and ritual building activities in Balinese irrigation associations (subak). We examine how contemporary farmers view the new emphasis on ‘ritual technology’. Does it constitute decentralised support of the farmers' world, of local priorities and variance, or a new homogenising project?  相似文献   
日本现代派作家安部公房的作品受到了西方存在主义哲学的影响。在《魔法的粉笔》中,"氩先生"象征着处于困境又不甘于命运的摆布,遂借助想象来获得某种程度的精神解脱的可悲的现代人。"夏娃"是现实的化身,象征着当时社会里,思想上冷酷与拜金、行动上虚伪与莽撞的现代人。粉笔是权力的象征,是连接"氩先生"与现实和新世界的重要工具。封闭的小屋和墙壁象征封闭的社会,以及这种社会中的人际关系和人的孤独感觉。  相似文献   
文章以女性主义叙事学理论为依据,对《魔幻玩具铺》的叙述声音和叙述视角进行分析,具体剖析安吉拉.卡特在该小说中对叙事元素的独到应用,以此阐释其是如何颠覆男性话语,建构女性叙事权威,以折射其性别政治的。并试图挖掘卡特强烈的女性主义意识。  相似文献   

Scholars use the concept of 'political opportunity structure' to explain how the political context affects the differential development and influence of ostensibly similar movements. Although the concept promises to become an important analytical tool for comparative studies, to date it is underspecified and undertheorized. It also faces new challenges in this era of increased transnational activism and more extensive scholarly recognition of activist ties across borders. In this paper I argue that assessing opportunity by looking exclusively at national political structures neglects the important role that international factors, such as alliances and transnational movements, play in constraining both states and their challengers. I begin by reviewing the literature on opportunity and drawing a synthesis between it and the literature on domestic influences of international politics. I argue that political institutions are nested in a larger international context, and that the tightness or looseness of that nesting affects the range of possible alliances and policy options available within states. I examine this framework by looking at New Zealand's decision in 1984 to prohibit port visits by nuclear-powered ships or ships that might be carrying nuclear weapons. I conclude by calling for more research that recognizes the interplay of national opportunities and international structures.  相似文献   
通灵宝玉是贾宝玉生而衔来的一枚宝物,贯穿《红楼梦》的始终。它不只是一枚护身符,还是封建宗教、政治与道德的物化形态,也是贵族婚姻制度的代言,更是贵族自我危机中身份重建的寄托。看似没有生命的通灵宝玉,却在贾宝玉的成长过程中,与其独特个性形成一种强烈的对立,表面体现的是以贾母、贾政为代表的封建家长与以贾宝玉为代表的贵族新青年之间的对立;实际体现的是没落封建贵族内部两种不同人生观价值观的对立;实质体现的则是没落封建礼教与新兴文化之间的对立。  相似文献   
本文通过对蒲元神刀铸造工艺的考察,揭示神刀之所以削铁如泥,称之为神刀的原因,一是“淬火”过程对“淬冷介质”——水有相当高的要求,二是打制过程中“百炼钢”工艺的运用。  相似文献   
哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯是 1982年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者 ,他的小说代表着风行于拉美的魔幻现实主义的最高成就。综观他的小说创作 ,我们发现死亡话题是作家经常涉猎的。本文从这个角度切入 ,分析了死亡话题在马尔克斯创作早期和黄金期的不同表现 ,最后得出这样的结论 :死亡话题不仅在内容上更准确地表现出拉美的孤独 ,而且在艺术上增强了作品神奇的魔幻现实主义特征  相似文献   
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