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不同于上几代老移民作家,也有异于同时代的一些新移民作家,作为20世纪80年代的新移民作家代表,美籍华人查建英致力于描写北美华裔所面临的文化和性别冲突.她徘徊于中西文化之间,体会着"边缘化"的状态,其作品《到美国去!到美国去!》透视了"边缘人"的生存和心理状态,反映出人物在中/西矛盾对立中特殊的充满悖论式的生存困境,揭示了新移民难以逃遁的文化身份认同危机和异化等问题,以及在身份认同危机和异化中所追求的一种自我放逐的自由.  相似文献   
山西省农业产业结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用纵向与横向相结合的研究方法,分析了山西农业产业结构。认为目前山西农业产业结构不尽合理,与发达省份存在较大差距。需要采取提高产品竞争力、强化市场意识、推进农业产业化经营、调整种植业内部结构、加强农业基础设施建设等措施,以促进山西农业产业结构的优化。  相似文献   
Diversification gains in mean-variance efficiency derived from including real estate in financial asset portfolios are examined. Optimal financial and mixed-asset portfolios were generated by selecting from an investment universe including several distinct financial and real estate media. Deficiencies of previous studies were overcome by employing data with improved representativeness and comparability. The efficient mixed-asset portfolios dominated the efficient financial asset portfolios implying that purely financial asset diversification is inefficient. The optimal mixed-asset portfolio prescribed that approximately two-thirds of the investment wealth be allocated to real estate and one-third to the financial media.  相似文献   
Discriminant analysis is relevant to business decision making in a variety of contexts, such as when one decides to make or buy a specified component, fund a venture project, or hire a particular person. Potential applications in artificial intelligence, particularly in the area of pattern recognition, have further underscored the importance of the field. A recent innovation in discriminant analysis is provided by special linear programming (LP) models, which offer attractive alternatives to classical statistical approaches. The scope of application in which discriminant analysis can be advantageously employed is broadened by the flexibility to tailor parameters in the LP approaches to reflect diverse goals and by the power to explore the sensitivity of these parameters. In spite of the promise of the LP formulations, however, limitations to their effectiveness have been uncovered in certain settings. A recent advance involving a normalization construct removes some of the limitations but entails solving the LP model twice (to allow for different signs of a normalization constant) and does not yield equivalent solutions for different rotations of the problem data. This paper introduces a new model and a new class of normalizations that remedy both remaining limitations, making it possible to take advantage of the modeling capabilities of the LP formulations without the attendant shortcomings encountered by earlier investigations. Our development shows by empirical testing and illustrative analysis that the quality of solutions from LP discriminant approaches is more favorable (relative to the classical model) than previously supposed.  相似文献   
An integer linear programming model is presented for the scheduling of n products on m identical machines. The particular problem studied is one that occurs frequently in the fiberglass and textile industries. The model incorporates setup costs, lost production costs, and overtime costs. Due to the structure of the model, integer solutions can be obtained by explicitly restricting only a small number of the integer variables. This allows those responsible for scheduling to solve realistically sized problems in an efficient manner. Computational results are provided for a set of generated test problems.  相似文献   
西汉人口数量变化大体可分为三个阶段:汉初至武帝前期(前202年—前130年),西汉人口由1300多万增长到3400万左右,是人口的快速增长时期;武帝中后期(前129年—前87年),由于战争等原因,造成大量人口非正常死亡,全国人口进入增长停滞期,甚至显著下降,武帝末年人口减少到2800多万;昭帝至平帝元始二年(前86年—公元2年),社会较为安定,西汉人口又进入增长时期,并达到5900多万的高峰。但此数字,并不是西汉末年全部实际存在的人口数,而仅仅是以郡国为基础列入政府版籍的“编户齐民”。实际人口数应加上:隐匿人口,宗室、列侯及奴婢人口,西域都护管辖地区的人口及以属国方式管辖的少数民族人口。西汉末年人口总数可达6400万。  相似文献   
本文对民国时期关于康藏研究的三种学术期刊《康藏前锋》、《康导月刊》、《康藏研究月刊》产生的背景、时代特点、载文内容及其学术价值进行了全面、系统的论述与探讨,同时对三种期刊所载文章的数量、类型等进行了文献计量学的分析.此外,文章还对20世纪上半叶作为我国现代藏学兴起之重要标志的藏学类专业学术期刊的出现为何同康区研究有密切联系,以及康区研究在我国现代藏学兴起过程中所占有地位等问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   
以一个单位型社区的变迁为个案,通过观察法和访谈法,从社区文化、社区参与以及制度性作用这3个要素分析单位制度对社区变迁过程和社区内部整合的影响,反映出在我国当代社会转型的背景下,单位社区的消解以及单位社区走向城市社区的必然趋势。单位社区的转型,对我国现代城市社区的建设具有重要的意义,通过描述这一单位社区的变迁,进而引发思考如何有效地应对这一转变,并从单位、居委会和社区自治组织三个方面出发而提出建议。  相似文献   
从女性主义角度,探讨维拉·凯瑟是如何诠释拓荒女性在拓荒中追寻、发展和完善自我的。追溯维拉·凯瑟两部小说《拓荒者》和《我的安东尼娅》中的女主人公的成长历程,描述拓荒女性在荒野中追寻自我,创建生活的经历。探讨拓荒女性发展自我、追寻自由精神的历程,并分析了拓荒女性完善自我的过程。  相似文献   
少先队员是祖国的未来,培养少年儿童的科学素养至关重要。当前少先队科技教育相对薄弱,为此,少先队组织本着普及队员的科学知识,增强队员的科学意识,培养队员的科学精神为宗旨,在学校科技节活动中,通过一系列丰富多彩的队活动努力提高全校少先队员的科学素养。  相似文献   
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