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为测试考生对英语书面材料的确切理解能力以及汉语的表达能力 ,在四级考试和考研试题中均采用了英译汉这一题型。由于英汉两种语言在表达方式上存在着极大的差异 ,因此准确地译出符合汉语习惯的句子成了考生的一大难题。本文就英语被动句的翻译问题作了简单的归纳  相似文献   
The current study examined passive leadership as a potential antecedent of two commonly studied workplace stressors (i.e. workload and work–family conflict), and investigated its negative effect on employee burnout and physical symptoms via these stressors. We collected two waves of data from 274 focal participants, and one wave of data from their co-workers. Results showed that both self-reported and co-worker-reported passive leadership was positively related to employee burnout and physical symptoms, as well as workload and work–family conflict. Additionally, workload and work–family conflict partially mediated the effects of passive leadership on burnout and physical symptoms, respectively. Our findings support the notion that passive leadership can create a stressful workplace and have a detrimental effect on employees’ health.  相似文献   
在英语中,被动意义除了最常用的“be+V—ed”结构之外,有时也可以采用主动形式来表示,只不过句子的语义功能则由原来强调动作的承受者变为强调人或事物处于某种静止状态之中。本文初步探讨了这些主动形式的语法结构及语义特征。  相似文献   
Multiple imputation (MI) is an appealing option for handling missing data. When implementing MI, however, users need to make important decisions to obtain estimates with good statistical properties. One such decision involves the choice of imputation model–the joint modeling (JM) versus fully conditional specification (FCS) approach. Another involves the choice of method to handle interactions. These include imputing the interaction term as any other variable (active imputation), or imputing the main effects and then deriving the interaction (passive imputation). Our study investigates the best approach to perform MI in the presence of interaction effects involving two categorical variables. Such effects warrant special attention as they involve multiple correlated parameters that are handled differently under JM and FCS modeling. Through an extensive simulation study, we compared active, passive and an improved passive approach under FCS, as JM precludes passive imputation. We additionally compared JM and FCS techniques using active imputation. Performance between active and passive imputation was comparable. The improved passive approach proved superior to the other two particularly when the number of parameters corresponding to the interaction was large. JM without rounding and FCS using active imputation were also mostly comparable, with JM outperforming FCS when the number of parameters was large. In a direct comparison of JM active and FCS improved passive, the latter was the clear winner. We recommend improved passive imputation under FCS along with sensitivity analyses to handle multi-level interaction terms.  相似文献   
After an extensive review and analysis of the scientific evidence on the respiratory health effects of passive smoking, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concluded that environmental tobacco smoke causes lung cancer in adult nonsmokers and increases the risk of a variety of non-cancer respiratory disorders, especially in children. This article is a response to claims in Dr. Gio Gori's article "Policy Against Science: The Case of Environmental Tobacco Smoke," appearing in the same issue of this journal, that such conclusions are unwarranted. This response focuses only on the respiratory health effects of environmental tobacco smoke.  相似文献   
从20世纪90年代初开始,作为"外来者"的国际NGO纷纷涌入中国。近年来,学术界对国际NGO的研究成果也越来越多,但主要局限于描述国际NGO的参与式工作方法和工作领域,评价其对中国政府扶贫机制的补充作用,而对于国际NGO前期"入场"和后期"运作"过程缺乏关注。基于笔者在某国际NGO的工作经验,以"局外人"的身份重新审视该国际NGO的整个"入场"及后来的"运作"过程,文章发现国际NGO一步步从资金拥有者的"主动方"深陷"地方性知识"控制之中,以致于呈现被动性"入场"与依附性"运作"的特征,最终导致发展项目在实践上的扭曲和变形。  相似文献   
本文将机会主义区分为积极的和消极的,将合同细分成包容性和约束力两维度,研究合同的双维度与关系规范在治理不同渠道机会主义时各自及其交互的作用。实证研究表明:①合同的包容性会同时增加渠道成员积极和消极机会主义;合同的约束力会减少渠道成员的积极机会主义;②关系规范可降低积极和消极机会主义;③关系规范可强化合同的约束力在降低积极机会主义、弱化合同的包容性在增加消极机会主义方面的作用,但在弱化合同的包容性增加积极机会主义方面并无显著效果。本文对于机会主义表现形式、治理机制设计及效力的实证研究有突出的理论启示,也为企业诊断具体的渠道机会主义、设计适宜的治理机制提供了指导性建议。  相似文献   
汉语以介词为标志的被动表述分为四个时期:甲骨文、西周铭文时期;春秋战国、秦朝时期;两汉至明朝;清朝至今。被动表述的历史沿革具有传承性,其演化过程是渐变的。  相似文献   
现代汉语词典中的被动式释文有以被作形式标记的,也有不含被的;它既可以充当释文的主干部分,也可以充当定语、状语成分;被动式释文的运用体现了词典编撰的简洁性、对应性、一体性等原则,同时它也是释义的一种重要手段。  相似文献   
本文从交际功能角度对语料进行分析,揭示了科技英语写作中几个潜在的误区。例如名词化可能会使句子转弯抹角,拖泥带水;被动语态的过多使用显得生硬刻板,使句子结构失去平衡,意义模棱两可等。  相似文献   
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