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费耶阿本德在他的《反对方法》一书中,从多种角度论证了他的多元主义方法论,对科学哲学中的非理性思想和相对主义思想作了进一步的发展。其中,在他的反归纳原则中,他论证的一个重要角度就是对经验事实的再考察,从而得出了理论多元化的思想。  相似文献   
1909年北京学界于六国饭店公宴伯希和是早期敦煌学史上的一桩标志性事件,学者们对此多有考订。根据新公布的《江瀚日记》影印本,可确认公宴时间为1909年10月4日,另外此次公宴的参会人员有18人,包括王国维,此日记为考察王国维与早期敦煌学之间的学术因缘提供了珍贵史料。此次公宴原本具有双重意图,既有对外联络西方学者、推动敦煌文献刊布的目的,也有对内促成学部、京师大学堂的主事官员同意购买、保存劫余敦煌写卷的用意。  相似文献   
鲍尔·恩格尔是美国当代著名作家,在散文《爱荷华圣诞节》中,作者从孩子的视野出发,讲述儿时一次普通的圣诞节经历。作者灵活运用排比修辞手法,使文章结构紧凑,衔接自然。作者还多次从视觉、听觉和嗅觉角度,形象地刻画了农家圣诞节宴会,细微之处见真情。同时,作者以孩子的口吻讲述圣诞节的所见所闻,通俗易懂,简洁明了。而宗教故事的引用,则使文章富有浓厚的宗教传奇色彩。这些创作技巧的使用,体现了作家独特的创作手法。  相似文献   
保尔.费耶阿本德是当代西方最有影响的科学哲学家之一,他的科学哲学思想与西方其他科学哲学家相比有着鲜明的特色,被称为“当代科学哲学中最大的异端”。他属于历史学派,反对科学沙文主义、经验主义、证伪主义、理性主义等,并提出了“无政府主义认识论”、“韧性原理”和“增殖原理”等科学发展模式理论,他认为他的任务乃是宣告科学哲学的终结,成为科学哲学的送葬人。  相似文献   
“对话”是巴赫金理论体系中的核心概念,它体现了他的认识论、存在论和价值论等多方面的重要思想。然而,美国著名解构主义思想家保罗·德曼却以语言的修辞性为基本立场,把对话看作是解构巴赫金思想体系的重要的“墙角石”:第一,对话作为理论术语和巴赫金现实生活的潜意识对应,在某种程度上会影响其理论体系向艺术创作的辐射力度,造成阅读过程中的盲视;第二,对话作为文艺研究方法,忽视了虚构与现实之间的关系,否认文本语言的转义性,造成了阅读过程中诗学话语和阐释话语两种阅读模式之间的不确定性。  相似文献   
This article evaluates the methodological philosophy and strategy of Paul Willis's classic, Learning to Labour. We use King, Keohane, and Verba's Designing Social Inquiry as a litmus test, showing how Willis's work meets, diverges from, and innovatively reconstructs good social science research. Drawing from Learning to Labour and Willis's writings on methodological issues, as well as key texts on the science of sociology, this article evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a reflexive method and the potential this method holds for qualitative work in sociology.  相似文献   
Two ethical dilemmas are discussed; breaching client confidentiality in order to intervene in the client's illegal behavior, and defining the role of evaluator as expert witness. The evaluation context concerns a combined program development and evaluation project with clients involved in family court proceedings for child abuse or neglect. Different perspectives, approaches, and experiences in resolving each dilemma are reviewed. The conclusion argues that approaches to ethical dilemmas in evaluation projects must go beyond techniques to disguise data, to include an assessment of the values and value commitments connected to the different roles an evaluator must perform.  相似文献   
Evaluation methodologies have generally emphasized the measurement and assessment of program merit, as reflected by the achievement of program objectives. Less attention has been devoted to analyzing and explaining the reasons for deficient performance and, more importantly, what needs to be modified to improve performance. While evaluators do identify performance problems, the identified problems are not always analyzed. Consequently, the information reported to decision makers may be incomplete, inconclusive, and of limited utility in the decision-making process. This article describes an evaluation methodology based on problem solving techniques which can be effective and efficient in defining and analyzing problems which impair program performance. The model can be applied in evaluations where the purpose is to provide decision makers with information and recommendations to improve program performance and provide an alternative to those evaluation models which emphasize the assessment of program merit. The model also provides a potentially unique cost/benefit methodology for estimating the potential worth of improving program performance (i.e., solving the problem).  相似文献   
20世纪下半叶,西方学界文艺复兴研究的中心发生了由欧洲至美国的“跨大西洋洲际转移”,汉斯·巴龙、菲利克斯·吉尔伯特和保罗·克里斯特勒三位德裔犹太学者在此过程中扮演了至关重要的角色。三位学者的学术背景和治学路径既有共性又存殊异,他们凭借各自在文艺复兴研究领域的标志性贡献,共同谱写了“意大利文艺复兴、美利坚制造”的浩荡历史篇章。  相似文献   
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