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转基因产品低水平混杂(LLP)是随着转基因作物商业化而出现在进出口贸易中的一个现实问题,也是当前多边贸易谈判中的一个前沿议题,近年来已成为各国政府共同的政策关注点。作为转基因作物研发、种植和农产品贸易大国,我国农业产业的多个方面都将受到转基因产品LLP的影响。文章分析了转基因产品LLP的演进逻辑,探讨了现行LLP定义的政策含义;从技术和政策层面出发,论证了进口国对转基因产品的特殊关注是LLP问题出现的根本原因,提出了加强双边合作与互认的解决思路;从进出口两方面分析了LLP问题和LLP风险管理策略的缺失对一国农业产业产生的影响,并针对其经济风险评估和政策制定提出了建议。  相似文献   
理解老子的道,关键是理解老子的有、无。引进现代哲学概念,从结构与功能的涵义方面理解有、无,应是一个较为合理的解释。实际上,对有、无作这种涵义的理解,贯穿在中国哲学史有无问题的论争当中。  相似文献   
为遏制苏联对非洲新独立国家的影响,加强冷战争夺,肯尼迪政府大力调整美国对非洲的政策,经济援助成为肯尼迪政府“新非洲”政策的主要内容。通过扩大援助规模、丰富援助种类、扩展援助国别分布等方法,肯尼迪时期美国加强了与非洲国家的联系和对它们的影响。  相似文献   

According to different media and analysts, globalization could be in a phase of ‘slowbalization’, de-globalization or even secular stagnation. After surveying academic proposals for defining, classifying and measuring globalization, by means of the Elcano Global Presence Index, this paper explores to what extent globalization has stagnated and/or whether it has changed its nature. Our results show that globalization has slowed down, but not retrenched. However, economic globalization has lost traction (something that probably explains the general perception on de-globalization) while soft projection has become the main driver of globalization.  相似文献   
现象学文论由读者意识与作者意识的融合去揭示语言艺术作品的本质以及文学批评的功能,并由此而衍生出文学理论的新观念,开辟文学批评的新境界;其观点和方法与中国传统文论的"识照"之说及比拟之法多有扣合,为当代文学批评理论的建设提供了重要的启示和思路.  相似文献   
建国后我们的艺理论是由苏联引入的认识论艺学,其本质是理性主义至上的传统形而上学,框架之内的修补式改良,不仅难解其弊,且使新观念被异化,现象学哲学为艺理论提供了新的逻辑起点和建设新体系的可能。  相似文献   
In this article, we discuss and empirically examine the importance of embodiment, context, and spatial proximity as they pertain to collaborative interaction and task completion in virtual environments. Specifically, we introduce the embodied social presence (ESP) theory as a framework to account for a higher level of perceptual engagement that users experience as they engage in activity‐based social interaction in virtual environments. The ESP theory builds on the analysis of reflection data from Second Life users to explain the process by which perceptions of ESP are realized. We proceed to describe implications of ESP for collaboration and other organizational functions.  相似文献   
本文主要的目的,在藉由《般舟三昧经》在北传地区由经典、思想、禅法以至于造像的发展,反映早期北传大乘佛教形成的一个纵切面。公元二世纪末《般舟三昧经》等大乘经典的出现,正好结合稍后西北印及中亚兴起的大乘佛教思想,“十方佛”先与《十住经》的菩萨行及《法华经》“三乘”思想中的“菩萨乘”结合,成为早期北传大乘的核心思想之一,然后再逐步落实于具体的禅法与石窟造像。  相似文献   
Visual media technologies such as 360° video, augmented reality, and virtual reality are on the rise for immersive storytelling in a variety of public relations contexts. Yet there is a profound lack of scholarly research in public relations, crisis communication, and disaster communication to explore the effects of content displayed using these delivery formats on publics’ responses. To begin addressing the knowledge gap, this work reports results from a laboratory experiment investigating effects of media modality (traditional unidirectional video content vs. 360° omnidirectional video content) on attitudes toward the disaster communication content. Results demonstrate that 360° video featuring the aftermath of a natural disaster yields enhanced attitudes toward the helpful impact of the content. Importantly, mediation analyses show that (1) a sense of spatial presence underlies these effects, and (2) the mediating effects of spatial presence are attenuated by involvement with similar disaster media coverage (indirect experience).  相似文献   
祭天礼中的三岁一亲郊制虽肇端于秦,但宋以前并没有严格执行,其制度内涵亦呈现出多重内容。降及宋代,三岁一亲郊制开始趋向稳定。在制度内容上,宋代的三岁一亲郊制主要包括南郊大礼和明堂大礼。在制度路径上,它开始实施于宋真宗朝,形成定制于宋仁宗朝明道年间,完善于嘉祐末年。三岁一亲郊制能在宋代发展完善,不仅与宋代中央集权的强大、新儒学的理论支撑息息相关,同时,祭典和赏赐的耗费、礼仪的繁冗以及中国古代祭天礼由繁至简日益世俗化的趋向亦构成了三岁一亲郊制逐步稳定的深层动力。  相似文献   
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