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为了促进委托人和律师充分且深入地交流一切案件信息,委托人与律师之间的交流内容受到律师—委托人特免权的保护。由公司享有的律师—委托人特免权的适用标准存在很大争议。由公司享有的律师—委托人特免权的适用标准存在普遍适用标准、控制群体标准、事项标准以及其他标准。事项标准与控制群体标准相比扩大了受律师—委托人特免权保护的员工的范围。美国联邦最高法院通过厄普约翰案对由公司享有的律师—委托人特免权的适用标准作出了判决。厄普约翰案为由公司享有适用律师—委托人特免权奠定了基础,但是该判决并未彻底解决适用标准存在的争议。  相似文献   
在美国殖民地时期,政治参与是占社会少数的富裕的成年白人男性基督徒的特权。公民的选举权受到了种种限制,主要包括财产资格限制、宗教资格限制、种族限制、性别限制、年龄限制、居住地和居住时间限制、甚至品行限制等。在后来的历史发展过程中,在战争以及社会运动的冲击下,对选举权的不合理限制被逐渐废除,使选举权由少数人享有的特权转变为所有成年美国人普遍享有的一项权利。美国在废除选举权的财产资格限制、确立成年男性选举权方面走在世界各国的前面,然而它却是最后一个实现真正普选权的发达资本主义国家。然而,在当代美国,在选举权扩大的同时,公民政治参与的热情与程度却持续降低。这是美国公民选举权扩大过程中出现的一个发人深思的悖论。  相似文献   
霍红霞 《阴山学刊》2009,22(2):110-112
欧洲中世纪大学的产生有着特殊的政治、经济和文化背景。欧洲中世纪大学的培养目标明显打上了宗教烙印;教学方法主要是讲课和辩论;出现了学位与学位制;组织形式是在中世纪行会组织的影响下形成的:校长的产生不是行政任命,而是由各个学科的学生和民族团的学监一起选举产生,采用了特殊的专业设置——科;早期的中世纪大学,由学生或者教师组成的行会管理学校内部事务。  相似文献   
我国刑事诉讼制度以辩证唯物主义认识论为指导思想 ,追求客观真实的实现是刑事诉讼的基本目标。客观真实也成为刑事证据制度的理论基础。传统刑事诉讼中的客观真实片面强调了刑事诉讼与一般自然认识和社会认识的共性 ,忽略了刑事诉讼之不同于其他认识过程的特殊性。应当以法律真实代替客观真实 ,并在以法律真实作为诉讼基本目标的基础上建立现代文明、科学的诉讼制度  相似文献   
太平天国官制的基本原则与前后期变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太平天国官制是太平天国以客家人为主要精英阶层的社会结构的反映,旨在强化广西客家“老兄弟”的世袭贵族特权。杨秀清有意识强调官爵的特权性质而弱化具体职任。后期官制的变化,一方面体现了贵族阶层扩大的趋势,另一方面是天京朝廷与地方诸侯权力斗争的反映。  相似文献   
王祥磊 《宿州学院学报》2005,20(2):26-28,52
沉默权是近年来我国刑事诉讼法学研究的热点问题,特别是在刑诉法再修改之际。本文在梳理了沉默权制度的历史发展脉络并研究了英美对其的最新限制之后,结合我国国情,试图就建构我国的沉默权制度的必要性和相关的限制提一点管窥之见。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on partnerships between black and white academics in social work education with a focus on the accountability of white people for understanding the implications of the history and impact of the dominant culture upon colonised or dominated cultures. This focus has particular relevance for anti‐racist and anti‐oppressive approaches in social work as well as other fields of study and practice such as teaching, cultural studies or health services. The paper examines the relevant literature and the justification for the teaching method developed by the authors. Results from an exploratory study into the impact of this pedagogical model are then explored. This pedagogical approach is distinct in that it engages with students within a relationship model. Conclusions drawn from the study show that black–white partnership teaching is an effective pedagogy because it allows students to apply theoretical concepts within a framework of practice within their personal and professional identities. The approach offers the potential for further development in a variety of complex contexts. This model of teaching provides a context for students to safely engage with practice skills essential for working in sites of racial discrimination.  相似文献   
证人免证特权是大陆法系和英美法系国家诉讼证据法律中的一项重要内容 ,其理论基础是防止公共权力侵犯个人权利 ,尊重个人价值 ,维护和谐稳定的家庭关系 ,保护特定的社会关系和重大公共利益。证人免证特权包括拒绝强迫自证其罪特权、“亲亲相隐”特权、职业上的特权、公务秘密特权等  相似文献   
Research on privilege and education often focuses on institutions that are elite in a rather traditional way, for example schools that instruct the children of the upper classes according to a reproductive logic that reinforces existing inequalities. The present article addresses the fostering of advantage from the angle of a more ambiguous case. The Global College, a municipal Swedish upper secondary school specialized in environmental issues and global justice, offers an empirical prism for discussing the cultivation of elite identification through the formative potential of an egalitarian ethos. The relation between ethics and class is examined, not only in terms of how moral stands are classed, but also by investigating into the productive capacities of such orientation. Through extensive ethnographic fieldwork, the study unfolds how a possible tension between egalitarianism and elitism resolves into a productive relation whereby the students’ incarnation of ethico‐political ideals becomes a means for developing agency, confidence, entrepreneurial skills and an overall sense of ease.  相似文献   
论中国古代的"亲亲相隐"制度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“亲亲相隐”思想最早源自中国古代先秦儒家“父子相隐”的理论学说,随着中国古代法律的儒家化,最终成为一项重要的法律制度,并经久不衰,持续至清朝末年。作者考察了其思想的源起以及在中国历代法律制度中的体现,探讨了传统中国法律中的道德因素以及该制度的历史成因。  相似文献   
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