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作为晚清最早以个人身份访问法国的近代知识分子,王韬详细考察了法国的经济、军事、文化、教育等各个方面,在游记《漫游随录》中以细腻、生动而又深刻的文笔记载了在法国的所见所闻,把法国以真实可感的形象介绍到中国来,对当时国人了解法国大有帮助。在普法战争爆发、欧洲社会发生巨大变动的历史时刻,他及时撰写了《普法战纪》、《重订法国志略》报道战况,介绍法国普鲁士的历史地理情况,开阔国人的视野,为国人睁眼看世界提供了一面镜子,对当时渴望了解世界的中国知识分子产生了积极的影响。在当时的历史条件下,他当然承袭了前人对法国的—些看法,但是,由于他有游历法国的亲身经历和编纂法国志的经验,所以,他又极大地发展、推动当时国人对于法国的认识。   相似文献   
《广韵》与《集韵》是北宋初年相继颁行的两种大型官修韵书,其成书年代相距仅31年,但两书所透露的语音信息却有所不同.《集韵》作为《切韵》系韵书的最后一个修订本,反切用字的改变在一定程度上反映了北宋的时音,其小韵数的增减则可能是历代的古切方音,亦可能是北宋时音的体现,这要视具体情况而定.  相似文献   
高中英语新教材的应用,使得测试手段的改革势在必行.新教材与目前测试手段的矛盾日益突出,使得交际式语言测试的运用成为必然.科学地运用交际式语言测试,能对英语教学产生较好的反拨作用,从而提高高中英语教学质量.  相似文献   
《大比丘三千威仪》,旧题“后汉安世高译”,一些学者也把它当作东汉语料来使用,颇值得商榷。从词汇角度考察,《大比丘三千威仪》中“阿闭梨”、“布萨”、“捷椎”、“檀越”、“维那”等佛经译名以及“橙”、“抖擞”、“猛利”、“某甲”、“爬”、“绳床”、“食堂”、“下”、“执作”等普通词语最早见于两晋时译经,未见于东汉三国可靠译经,而部分普通词语亦始见于晋代(或者更晚)中土文献,可见该经中明显存在着具有两晋时代特色的词汇,因而这部经书不可能是东汉译经,其翻译年代不会早于西晋甚至是东晋。  相似文献   
金炳镐是中国著名的马克思主义民族理论专家,三十多年来一直活跃在民族理论界、教育界,主要从事民族理论、民族政策、民族学方面的教学与研究。其创新名著《民族理论通论(修订本)》作为一部马克思主义民族理论与政策方面正式的、规范的专业教材及学术专著,无论在内容、结构体系上,还是在理论观点、研究方法上,都在原作的基础上进行了很大创新。  相似文献   
Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) prescribes crisis response strategies for organizations facing crisis. A meta-analysis of SCCT suggests using the prescribed responses has, at most, a small effect on reputation, while a few studies have shown that the base crisis responses (instructing information and adjusting information) may have a larger effect on reputation. This experiment compares the effects of SCCT’s prescribed responses, instructing information, and adjusting information on reputation in an experiment with 989 participants recruited from mTurk. It finds that instructing information has a very large effect on reputation, while adjusting information has a small but significant effect on reputation. In this sample, SCCT’s prescribed response strategies have no significant effect on reputation. The experiment proposes the revised model of reputation repair (REMREP) as a tool for understanding how crisis influences reputation. The model incorporates virtuousness and offensiveness, which demonstrates the importance of organizational virtuousness in handling a crisis. Implications for theory and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   
延中教授主编的<国外学者评毛泽东(修订版)>既有较强的文献价值又有助于中国学者在毛泽东研究中破除思维定势,得到研究方法上的启示.修订版弥补了初版的若干缺憾,展现了编纂者在毛泽东研究上"与时俱进"的学术境界,构造了中外学者在毛泽东研究中学术互动的平台,是"毛泽东是中国的,也是世界的"的明证与真实写照.中国学者要在批判的阅读中创新研究方法,展示中国的毛泽东研究的世界性意义与价值.  相似文献   
Problem gambling is a growing phenomenon in Italy, and there is increasing interest in studying the reasons for gambling in the Italian community. The Gambling Functional Assessment–Revised (GFA-R) was developed to assess two contingencies maintaining gambling behaviour: positive reinforcement and escape. The study hypothesized that the GFA-R could be translated and adopted in the Italian context. The main purpose of this study was to test the factor structure of the Italian version of the GFA-R by means of confirmatory factor analysis, its internal consistency and validity, in a sample of 667 Italian-speaking adults, recruited at universities, banks, of?ces, industries, markets, public parks and shops in five regions: Piemonte, Veneto, Lazio, Calabria and Puglia. The study found that the scale was internally consistent, and results showed that the original two-factor model fitted the data well. It also found moderate correlations between the GFA-R-I and both SOGS scores and GRCS scores. These results will allow Italian psychologists, educators and policymakers to identify specific contingencies maintaining gambling behaviour (positive reinforcement vs. escape) in the Italian community, detecting people more at risk of developing disordered gambling, with significant improvements in terms of prevention and clinical intervention.  相似文献   
论新《海洋环境保护法》的基本原则和法律制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章阐述了新修订的《海洋环境保护法》旨在强化海洋环境的监督管理,保护海洋资源,防治污染损害,实施可持续发展战略;并围绕这一问题,对其基本原则和法律制度进行了具体分析论述。  相似文献   
针对中国数字内容产业在经济、社会、文化等方面的重要作用,在总结数字内容产业生命周期的一般形态后,建立了产业生命周期模型,并从产业规模、产业技术、产业组织和政府作用四方面阐述了各阶段的主要特征。最后,在搜集和分析产业发展数据的基础上,将计算判断法、经验对比法两种定性判别法与拟合曲线法相结合,通过建立龚伯兹曲线模型和修正S曲线模型,判定中国数字内容产业目前正处于生命周期的成长期,未来还将保持高速发展并逐步进入成长后期。  相似文献   
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