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A recent literature emphasizes that gender differences in the labor market may in part be driven by a gender gap in willingness to compete. However, whereas experiments in this literature typically investigate willingness to compete in private environments, real world competitions often have a more public nature, which introduces potential social image concerns. If such image concerns are important, and men and women differ in the degree to which they want to be seen as competitive, making tournament entry decisions publicly observable may further exacerbate the gender gap. We test this prediction using a laboratory experiment (N = 784) that varies the degree to which the decision to compete, and its outcome, is publicly observable. We find that public observability does not alter the magnitude of the gender gap in willingness to compete in an economically or statistically significant way.  相似文献   
杨苹苹 《北方论丛》2022,(1):127-134
关于经济停滞问题的探讨是对马克思主义经济危机理论的传承。2008年金融危机爆发十余年,资本主义经济停滞趋于常态化。积累的社会结构理论从资本积累与支撑这一积累的制度环境之间的矛盾出发,发现了主流经济学探讨资本主义经济停滞所忽略的制度性因素。积累的社会结构学派沿着"中间层次"的路径,将2008年金融危机界定为系统性的结构危机,认为新自由主义SSA的失灵是此次经济停滞持续的原因。资本主义经济停滞引发欧美发达资本主义国家的社会治理危机升级,一系列政治、社会和文化危机不断加剧。积累的社会结构理论从微观层面深刻把握了资本主义制度转型的轨迹,但并未深入探讨开展根本的制度变革。在面临百年未有之大变局的时代境遇下,中国在参与全球治理的过程中不断探索并推动世界经济政治新秩序朝着更加公正、合理的方向发展。  相似文献   
Influence plays a key role in reaching consensus among multiple actors involved in project-based decision-making processes. While prior literature devotes considerable attention to describing influence, little attention has been paid to influence at the individual level of the strategic project manager within the context of megaprojects. This research intended to fill this knowledge gap by identifying and describing the influence strategies that a strategic project manager applies when implementing innovation strategies on megaprojects. A qualitative case study was used to examine the complex social processes involved in a major UK capital investment programme. The findings underline a critical subset of influence strategies, notably higher-management support, inspirational appeal and bargaining. The study proposes a utilitarian structure of social power comprising selective, supportive and executory power bases.  相似文献   
贺建风  李宏煜 《统计研究》2021,38(4):131-144
数字经济时代,社交网络作为数字化平台经济的重要载体,受到了国内外学者的广泛关注。大数据背景下,社交网络的商业应用价值巨大,但由于其网络规模空前庞大,传统的网络分析方法 因计算成本过高而不再适用。而通过网络抽样算法获取样本网络,再推断整体网络,可节约计算资源, 因此抽样算法的好坏将直接影响社交网络分析结论的准确性。现有社交网络抽样算法存在忽略网络内部拓扑结构、容易陷入局部网络、抽样效率过低等缺陷。为了弥补现有社交网络抽样算法的缺陷,本文结合大数据社交网络的社区特征,提出了一种聚类随机游走抽样算法。该方法首先使用社区聚类算法将原始网络节点进行社区划分,得到多个社区网络,然后分别对每个社区进行随机游走抽样获取样本网 络。数值模拟和案例应用的结果均表明,聚类随机游走抽样算法克服了传统网络抽样算法的缺点,能够在降低网络规模的同时较好地保留原始网络的结构特征。此外,该抽样算法还可以并行运算,有效提升抽样效率,对于大数据背景下大规模社交网络的抽样实践具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   
Changing Frameworks in Attitudes Toward Abortion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For more than two decades, legal abortion has been the subject of heated political debate and adversarial social movement activity; however, national polls have shown little change in aggregate levels of support for abortion. This analysis examines how the determinants of abortion attitudes have changed between 1977 and 1996, using data from the General Social Surveys. While in early time periods, whites were more approving of abortion than blacks, that pattern had reversed by the late 1980s. After controlling for other factors, older people are more accepting of abortion throughout the two decades, while gender is generally unrelated to abortion views. Catholic religion weakens slightly as a predictor of abortion attitudes, while religious fundamentalism and political liberalism increase in explanatory power. The associations between attitudinal correlates and abortion approval also change over this time period. Religiosity becomes a less powerful predictor of abortion attitudes, while respondents' attitude toward sexual freedom and belief in the sanctity of human life increase in their predictive power. Support for gender inequality remains a weak but stable predictor of abortion attitudes. This pattern of results suggests that the public is influenced more by the pro-life framework of viewing abortion than by the pro-choice perspective.  相似文献   
探究公立高校学生管理的法治化,推进高校依法治校,促进高校和谐管理正日益成为高校构建和谐校园的重要方面。从传统高校学生管理存在的问题入手,提出了新时期高校学生的管理应当以构建和谐校园为目标,正确认识高校与学生的法律关系,把握高校学生管理的法治化原则,探究高校学生管理法治化道路。  相似文献   
哈贝马斯是在分析交往行为和生活世界的过程中建构起交往理性概念的。他是以工具理性和交往理性二元分立为基点,赋予交往理性以对抗工具理性的使命,通过“交往理性”这种新理性观的确立,解除了意识哲学的“先验主体”和“先验理性”的设定,摒弃了主、客体二元对立的思维方式,从而取消了主体中心主义的独裁,从根本上否定了狭隘的传统的“理性”观,也为现代人逃离现代性困境提供了一个可能的方向。  相似文献   
基于复杂适应系统的作战理论哲学反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的作战理论与方法已经不能适应像现代信息化战争系统这类充满“活”的个体和变化因素的复杂系统,需要进行理论创新。而复杂适应系统理论是当代系统科学的一个新发展。有望成为创新作战理论的突破口。本文在分析比较作战系统的基础上,认为作战系统实质是复杂的适应系统,作战系统内的作战双方都力图以增强自身的适应性和复杂性,削弱对方的适应性和复杂性取得作战的胜利。  相似文献   
通过实地观察和对殡仪馆工作人员的访谈,描绘了天津市城市内部现有的国家规范框架下葬礼仪式的具体过程以及附着在这个框架下的民间习俗的现状,试图通过对国家规范框架下的“正式”葬礼仪式及与其相对的“非正式”仪式——家庭告别仪式的程序形式的简略描述,展现在城市中普通个人的葬礼基于公共环境和家庭环境不同场景所采用的不同仪式过程。这是民间习俗对规范仪式的补充,同时也是“正式”规范对这种“非正式”实践的通融和消化。在描述现状之外,作者试图讨论蕴含在葬礼仪式中,不同死亡个体的葬礼仪式形式、规模及参与者等方面的区分所展现出的一种社会对死亡个体生前所处社会结构地位的认同,这种认同不仅反映了仪式所处社会背景的秩序和结构,也强化了这个社会的秩序和价值判断标准。  相似文献   
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