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辛克莱·刘易斯在其代表作品《巴比特》中 ,继承了西方传统的人道主义和人性论的精髓 ,对人性的内涵及其表现形式作了深入的探索和挖掘。在巴比特身上 ,我们发现真真切切的人性沉浮。这正是刘易斯对 2 0世纪美国文学最杰出的贡献  相似文献   
考察郭沫若知识分子身份的早期构建,不能忽视美国文学的影响。通过分析郭沫若接受美国文学影响的多元语境,以及惠特曼、辛克莱与郭沫若的新诗人身份、革命文学家身份构建之间的关系,认为研究美国文学在郭沫若的知识分子身份早期构建不同阶段所产生的影响时,既要分析郭沫若身份认同及其认同变化的表现形态,也应注意"变"中的"不变"成分以及"不变"的深层原因。  相似文献   
反叛的文化叙事情结的探讨旨在纠正学界有关刘易斯个性孤僻、对社会抱有消极的仇恨心理的偏见。刘易斯的成长环境带给他的并非是学界所争议的仇恨和孤僻,而是对他小说文化叙事起着重要作用的非凡的观察力、准确的表现力、渊博的知识储备,以及追求美好揭示丑陋的意志力、强烈的社会责任感和反叛精神。  相似文献   
从文化叙事的角度对辛克莱·刘易斯的小说进行分析,可以揭示被批评界所忽略的刘易斯小说之重要文化主题和艺术风格。笔者提出"现代现实主义"的新概念,认为《大街》等小说生动地呈现了美国民族"集理想主义和实用主义于一体"的文化特征,创造了具有高度艺术性的"现代现实主义"的叙事策略。  相似文献   
美国左翼作家厄普顿.辛克莱致力于以文学介入社会生活,其代表作《屠场》的生态意识获得学界共识。小说从包括食品安全问题在内的多层面反映作者对人类与环境之矛盾冲突的生态思考。其中,从消费主体和消费环境两方面所反映的异化消费问题阐释了人类物质生活层面的困境。辛克莱以移民群体作为再现的对象,从消费的符号层面与文化内涵探讨美国现代社会中资本的逻辑,以及资本与社会控制之间的关系。  相似文献   
对辛克莱·刘易斯《阿罗史密斯》中科学家纯洁的爱情、真诚的友谊及社会机构与科学家之间理想的合作观进行了分析。长期以来,西方学界主要聚焦于刘易斯小说对美国医学社会的讽刺批判这一伦理层面,对该小说中美国文化精神肯定一面的探讨,无疑有助于更全面深刻地了解刘易斯这位文化反叛者的叙事伦理态度,也有助于从刘易斯小说中更全面地了解美国的民族文化精神特质。  相似文献   
美国作家厄普顿·辛克莱的代表作《屠场》是生态视野下毒性写作的经典文本,成就作家以文学介入社会生活的夙愿。辛克莱以文学为起点唤醒民众的生态意识,并将自我的思考付诸于现实。海利肯大厅的合作社区实验与在加州结束贫困运动是作者在微观与宏观政治的生态实践,反映作者对人与自然、人与人、人与社会之关系的反思,折射作者以和谐中庸的方式调和阶级矛盾,倡导以人为本的人文主义精神的中产阶级价值观。  相似文献   
Novelizations of the story of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos have been in publication almost from the moment when news of the Project first broke. In this article I survey these productions, from their earliest beginnings in the writings of Upton Sinclair to their latest manifestation in Nora Gallagher’s novel Changing Light (2007). The best way in which to read these works is to locate them within a larger cultural trend, prevalent in the US, which takes stories of scientific achievement as a means to deflect attention from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, one might also see these narratives as inadvertently revealing a gulf in the writer’s capacity to represent nuclear apocalypse within the genre of the historical novel.  相似文献   

Don DeLillo’s 1973 novel Great Jones Street is seldom analysed as a serious engagement with the rock music and countercultural politics of the 1960s, yet these constitute its historical context, its subject matter, and its central concerns. An historicized reading positions the novel as an intervention into contemporary debates about the causes and consequences of the defeat of the 1960s ‘rock revolution’. These debates were most thoroughly synthesized by the rock culture’s chief agitator and organic intellectual John Sinclair in his 1972 book Guitar Army. Like Guitar Army, Great Jones Street dwells on the connections between the political failure of the rock revolution and the provenance and validity of rock’s anti-rational aesthetic. Sinclair finds political hope in re-emphasizing rock’s anti-rationalism, rooted equally in black music and the psychedelic experience. More sceptical, DeLillo offers a very different reading of the rock culture’s view of African American aesthetics and its use of psychedelics.  相似文献   
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