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萧伯纳在剧本《芭芭拉少校》与《华伦夫人的职业》中清晰地表达了他的社会观。他憎恨贫穷,认为贫穷是罪恶之源,而社会是贫穷之根。他认为,在资本主义社会的英国,金钱是万能的。他痛恨帝国主义列强之间的战争,并认为英国在战争中同样也是非正义的。在访问苏联之后,他赞同暴力革命改造社会。他认为英国政府低能且无道德原则,资本家寡廉鲜耻,惟利是图。该文探索了萧伯纳的社会现在以上二部剧本中的体现。  相似文献   
沃伦作为美国当代具有深远影响力的南方诗人,其诗歌指涉自我与真理,历史与时间,责任与负罪等一系列伦理主题.沃伦对自我身份的思考是从“身体”这一文化占位上表现的.本文从巴赫金身体理论角度探讨了沃伦笔下“身体”概念的独特性:身体是体察自我的第一出发点,时间与记忆通过内在视角的延宕和他人经历的补足达成对个体认知的完善;外在空间的直感性使得沃伦诗歌中的自我与他者产生互相接触和对话的循环,求真意识和责任感由此产生.他者既包括一系列人物形象也包括自然万物,从而体现了沃伦深刻的自然意识和道德关怀.  相似文献   
Optimal control theory is used to analyze the implications of the adoption of price and LDC export revenue stabilization objectives by an international buffer stock for cocoa. The results obtained for the period 1956–76 suggest that the stabilization of either price or revenue at systematic trend would reduce the instability of both variables from that during the sample period. Although the stabilization of revenues at systematic trend decreases their average level, the stabilization of price has the opposite effect. Because of this, it may be financially feasible for the LDCs to provide the necessary resources for a price-stabilizing buffer stock.  相似文献   
Changes in the discovery of U.S. spatial milled rice prices due to the shift from stable economic conditions and government policy of supply control in the 1960s to the more variable economic conditions and market-oriented rice farm policy of the 1970s are investigated. Efficiency of the markets was evaluated in terms of the magnitude and speed of price adjustments over three different time periods. The efficiency of the price discovery process is of concern to policymakers because firms must receive price signals quickly and accurately in order to use their resources optimally.  相似文献   
在20世纪美国作家中,罗伯特.潘.沃伦以博学多才而著称。其诗歌创作中动物题材占有重要的地位,这些诗歌揭示动物生命具有神秘和纯净、责任感和使命感、本质的纯洁和“恢复”能力等特征。沃伦动物诗歌有其深刻的基督教哲学根源和治疗时代之弊的宗旨,构成了他以爱为主题的终生诗歌创作的重要部分。  相似文献   
Longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics are used to explore the determinants of economic resource levels among recently retired workers. Three income determination models are used to examine significant predictors of economic status using a broad measure of economic well being that includes both retirement income and wealth. Findings indicate that variables used in status attainment, human capital, and labor market segmentation models explain substantial amounts of variance. Applying these models to the longitudinal data provide suggestive information about the crucial life-span characteristics and circumstances that determine economic status as workers enter retirement.  相似文献   
This paper is an empirical historical study of institutionalization of juvenile delinquents. Estimates of institutionalization rates from 1820 to 1970 are presented. Rates have increased throughout this period, most rapidly in the second half of the 19th century and again during recent decades of the 20th century. Theories that have attempted to explain institutionalization are reviewed. However, the commonly accepted theories do not seem to comprehensively account for the observed pattern of institutional growth. A different perspective is offered, one that seems to fit the totality of data better than previous theories. The evidence suggests that institutionalization for juvenile delinquency has increased as a function of a changing vouth labor market—first the separation of work from family life, followed by a long-term decline in demand for young workers. As a dilemma in social planning related to juvenile delinquency, the findings suggest a need for providing con- structive social and economic alternatives to the declining youth labor market.  相似文献   
Optimal control theory is used to analyze buffer stock price stabilisation. Linear econometric models of the world cocoa and copper markets are estimated over the period 1956-75 and the simulated to determine the “systematic” price for each commodity—the price when stochastic sources of market variation are suppressed. Stabilization at this price reduces the instability of producer revenue and also increases total revenue for both commodities. However, the buffer stocks are expensive. Net costs over the period 1966-76 are estimated at $1.7 billion for cocoa and $0.9 billion for copper.  相似文献   
在布鲁克斯与沃伦合著的《理解小说》第二章中,欧.亨利的代表作《带家具出租的房间》被两位新批评家作为反面教材不遗余力地加以诟病。他们将人物心理描写作为小说优劣的评判标准、人物行动缺乏合理动机的评判都有失妥当。小说中情节的协调一致并非不可或缺,对小说中感伤情调的考察需从整体着眼,小说的结尾并非不符合逻辑性。  相似文献   
This study explored the relation of parents alcoholism to the health, behavior, and learning problems of their children. To control for the impact of hospitalization on the children, two control samples were obtained. In general, the problems among children of alcoholics were the same as for children in the control group except in the area of behavioral problems. The implication of these results for further research and for clinical practice were discussed.  相似文献   
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