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1954年 ,日本渔船福龙丸第五的船员在比基尼海域遭受美国氢弹试验放射性物质的伤害 ,并导致一名船员死亡。日美两国围绕船只处理、受害者治疗、赔偿等问题进行交涉 ,引发了战后以来日美关系的第一次危机 ,日本国民掀起了反美、反吉田茂政权的风潮。美国政府重新审查对日政策 ,制定了NSC5516/1文件 ,确认了吉田茂提出的渐增军备的方针 ,该文件成为此后美国对日政策的纲领性文件  相似文献   
19世纪的中国和日本 ,在西方资本主义国家的重压下 ,被迫实行开放政策。向西方学习成为近代中日两国知识分子的共同认识。吉田松阴在“取舍”和“聚类”的思想下 ,侧重学习西方军事 ;谭嗣同在“取文”和“去之”的思想下 ,提出了大力发展资本主义经济的主张。探索两国知识分子的开放思维特征 ,对进一步研究中日现代化道路问题会有启示  相似文献   
吉田茂的皇国史观包含着皇室中心论、天皇无罪论、否定对美战争论、神道观等内容.吉田茂的这种历史观不是战前日本皇国史观的简单承继,而是有新的发展,如象征天皇制下的皇室中心论和新时代的国家神道观.战后50年代吉田茂的皇国史观成为日本政界的主流历史观,影响至今.  相似文献   
吉田松阴(1830—1859年)是日本幕末时期著名志士。明治维新以后,松阴被逐渐塑造为日本国家主义意识形态的理想人物,成为军国主义宣传的重要工具。由此而形成的松阴观直至今日依然有很大影响。笔者在先行研究的基础上,选择井上哲次郎和关根悦郎所塑造的松阴形象为个案,试图通过对前者的考察来展示符合近代日本官方意识形态所需要的吉田松阴像的编制过程,通过对后者的考察来分析对前一操作的抵抗之所以失败的内在原因,即吉田松阴的思想实态对松阴形像塑造者所施加的制约。  相似文献   
作者主要通过利用中国台湾地区所藏的未刊档案,结合美国、日本的资料来梳理1952年"日台条约"之适用范围问题的来龙去脉.通过回溯美、日、台三方在谈判过程中的表现,重点探讨台湾当局所起的作用,呈现这一双边条约背后的多边运作.  相似文献   
Tamito Yoshida, a giant of theoretical sociology, passed away in 2009. Here, I give a concise review of his theoretical achievements, called “Yoshida Theory”, and foresee the future. The main features of Yoshida Theory are the following: information controls resources; there was evolution from the stage of only materials to that of materials controlled by generic information and also to that of materials controlled by symbolic information; the process of information procedures is divided into “to cognize,”“to evaluate” and “to order,” which are distinguished from one another, and from the theoretical standpoint called the “Information Processing Resources Paradigm”; i nformation is maintained as long as it is useful, and when it becomes useless it is selected or expected to be changed. There was much criticism against the theory. The most unrelenting opposition was that it was not a system of explanation in the conventional sense of scientific methodology. It was claimed not to be positive scientific theory because of the logical inconsistency. Yoshida's counter‐criticism was, contrary to his opposites' expectations, that sociological theory ought not to fulfill the criteria to be science. It seemed to support his evolutionalist assertion that the synchronically inconsistent theory will be corrected diachronically and achieve some consistency. The criteria of science themselves should be re‐constructed to thematize the fact that information or program‐controlling society has evolution, he thought. He called it “New Science”; however, the attempt was never completed. It is still our task to clarify whether sociological theory can remain in science or not.  相似文献   
吉田松阴的皇国史观及对外政略 ,给明治政府领导人以深刻影响。山县有朋在担任军界、政界要职的生涯中 ,忠实地继承和实践了吉田的思想 ,他在日本近代天皇制的确立、日本军国主义的形成及日本对外侵略政策的推行过程中起了重要作用。  相似文献   
吉田茂作为日本著名的政治家、外交家,对战后日本的外交政策体制的确定起到至关重要的作用。旧金山媾和会议时,吉田茂以"吉田书简"的形式选择了"台湾政权"作为媾和主体,这确立了战后初期日本对台政策的基本框架,而在此后签订的《日台条约》进一步确立了日本对台的政策体系。日本对"台湾政权"的媾和被认为是吉田茂推行等距离外交的一种策略,实行的是一种限定承认与有限媾和,是推行"一中一台"的外交策略,同时也为同大陆改善关系留出了余地。  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider two semimartingales sampled at stopping times in an asynchronous manner. We are interested in estimating their cumulative co‐volatility separately from the sum of their co‐jumps. For this purpose, we combine the Hayashi–Yoshida method (to deal with the asynchronicity) with the threshold technique (to separate the jumps) and consider a class of statistics called the truncated Hayashi–Yoshida estimator. We prove the consistency and the asymptotic mixed normality of the truncated Hayashi–Yoshida estimator under some mild conditions allowing the presence of infinite activity jumps.  相似文献   
"中苏离间论"既是战后国际冷战格局作用于保守主义思想代表人物吉田茂的产物,同时也承继战前吉田思想,内含了吉田政治思想中"反共主义"、"经济主义"、亲美英的"对美追随主义"等侧面,可以作为吉田政治思想及其对华政策研究的切入点。1954年吉田携其"中苏离间论"出访欧美,目的是欲以他的"离间中苏"构想为手段游说美国,以求美国同意日本调整对华政策,发展对华贸易,这充分体现了吉田政治思想"现实主义"的侧面。此访未果,意味着对外以"对美追随主义"为第一要义的吉田政府在谋求调整对华政策上的努力以失败告终。此后至美国转变对华政策,中日邦交正常化,战后日本历届政府只得以"政经分离"为政策原则与中国发展经贸关系。  相似文献   
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