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在古今黄帝及其文化研究中,从无人认真地把“黄帝都邑”与西安正式联系起来;也从无人认真地把西安之“黄帝都邑”作为陕北黄帝陵历史真实性的考古———历史学证据。随着西安杨官寨遗址(以下简称“杨址”)出土且被确认为“黄帝都邑”,以及其盛期首领即“第一届黄帝”为陕北黄帝陵的墓主,这种情况彻底改变。这不仅是黄帝及其文化研究中的质变突破,而且实际也是中国文明“探源”研究的质变突破。本文将在此前相关拙论的基础上,聚焦黄陵墓主为西安“黄帝都邑”杨官寨遗址族群盛期首领即“第一届黄帝”,从而证明杨官寨遗址是应把“黄陵祭祀”确定为“国家公祭”的考古学主要证据。  相似文献   
赵阳等 《统计研究》2019,36(7):104-118
基于信息不对称理论,本文以2013-2016年深交所重污染行业上市公司为研究样本,分析了机构投资者实地调研对企业环境治理的影响及其作用机制。研究发现,机构投资者实地调研对企业环境治理具有积极的推动作用;在环境信息披露较差以及本地子公司较多的企业中,机构投资者实地调研的环境治理作用更为明显。进一步考察实地调研对企业环境治理的影响路径发现,机构投资者实地调研推动了企业环境治理的资本市场监督和媒体监督。本文的研究验证了信息不对称理论在环境治理中的作用,拓宽了实地调研经济后果的研究领域,对于深入理解并推动我国企业环境治理具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
据《水经注》等古文献记载:鲁泮池、泮台与汉太子钓鱼池、太子钓鱼台同在鲁故城西南部,地理位置相近,但却分属于不同的古建筑群遗址,形状也尽不相同。明中期衍圣公孔弘绪与孔弘泰分别在太子钓鱼池遗址和古泮池遗址上修建有南池别墅(又名南溪)和东庄别墅(又名东池)。明正德、嘉靖年间"移城护庙",新建阙里城东墙恰好从太子钓鱼池和古泮池中间穿过。太子钓鱼池留在了明城内,古泮池则被隔在了明城外。清乾隆年间,在明城内太子钓鱼池遗址上修建"古泮池行宫",乾隆帝"古泮池证疑"将其地定为古泮池。由此古泮池与太子钓鱼池张冠李戴,明城外真正的古泮池遗址再也无人问津。  相似文献   
笔者长期亲身参加偃师二里头遗址的考古实践,熟悉二里头遗址的发掘材料,并参加<偃师二里头>报告集的执笔编写.因此,有责任对<报告>中出现的缺点错误加以补充和更正.同时对相关问题,阐明自己的意见,全文共分为十点.可供阅读<偃师二里头>报告集和对二里头遗址有兴趣的读者参考.  相似文献   

Johnson describes changes in library journal literature topics over the past one hundred years, with a focus on the period between her first Balance Point column in 2003 and this one, her last. She reminisces on her experience as a Balance Point column editor.  相似文献   
日本“516”毒气部队遗址的现状与保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“516”毒气部队遗址是侵华日军利用化学毒气武器残害中国人民的重要罪证。“516”毒气部队遗迹的残骸,依然清晰地记录着日本侵略者的罪恶。在日本政府否认侵略战争、右翼势力猖狂活动的今天,保护和开发“516”毒气部队遗址,保留日本军队侵华害人的罪证已刻不容缓,所以必须日军“516”毒气部队旧址进行实质性的有效保护与开发。  相似文献   
本文通过阐述历史文化遗址景区标志牌系统的概念与研究进展,提出标志牌系统设计应当遵循规范化与系统化、人性化与中国本土化、与空间设计相结合及与环境协调、布局合理化与信息性和精心设计、制作与维护的5点重要原则,并在此基础上调研分析了北京焦庄户地道战遗址纪念馆旅游标志牌系统中各类标志牌存在的缺、乱、错的问题,进而设计了一套更高效的标志牌系统。  相似文献   
梳理炎黄文化与中华文明之间的关系,对于探寻中华文明的起源不无裨益。结合文献资料和考古发现,从农业、冶铜、玉器、祭祀、文字、筑城及聚落等方面综合考察。研究认为,仰韶文化和龙山文化时期是中国的炎黄时代,是炎黄文化的滥觞期,也是中华文明的起源期;炎黄时代已经有了铜的冶炼和使用,龙山文化时期中国已进入铜石并用时代;玉在中国文化中有着十分特殊和重要的意义,玉器是决不亚于青铜器的礼器;石峁遗址和陶寺遗址虽然出土了少量铜器,但远不及玉器突出,说明直到铜石并用时代,玉器仍是主要的礼器,是炎黄时代的鲜明标识,也是中国早期文明的重要表征;刻划在龟甲、骨片和陶器上的符号,是中国文字的来源之一;文献记载炎帝神农氏培育粟谷,制作耒耜,耕而作陶,发明医药,考古发现证明,中国是稻作农业和粟作农业的发源地,炎黄时代是中国耜耕农业的起源和初步发展时期,随着农业的长足发展、人口的不断增长和财富的逐渐累积,大型聚落越来越多;作为大型聚落的政治、军事、经济、宗教、文化中心,城邑的出现是文明诞生的标志之一,中国发现的仰韶文化和龙山文化时期的城址已近百座;炎黄时代是中国冶铜、文字、城邦乃至国家的滥觞期,也是中华文明的初创期,炎黄二帝是开创中华文明的人文初祖。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to revise and revalidate the End‐User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) instrument to measure satisfaction with a Web site from a usability perspective. This study is especially important given the increased significance of the Web and the uniqueness of the Web as a computing environment. A total of 176 students participated in a lab simulation that involved a usability evaluation of the Lands' End Web site ( http://www.landsend.com ). Students were asked to complete a set of tasks, record their answers, and then complete the EUCS instrument. Confirmatory factor analysis and invariance analyses were conducted to test the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the revised EUCS. The results show that the EUCS is a valid and robust instrument in the Web environment but that one of the subfactors, timeliness, will need further refinement in the future. Usability practitioners can use the EUCS to measure end‐user satisfaction with a Web site and use the feedback for improving Web‐site design. We describe a case study of an actual usability application that utilized the revised EUCS effectively to support the design of building supply Web sites involving two types of end users, homeowners and contractors. We also propose a typology that researchers can use as a starting point to judge when it is necessary to revalidate an instrument like the EUCS. Finally, we discuss the limitations of our study and present avenues for future research.  相似文献   
An online support site was constructed for graduate social work students at San Diego State University in California during their first‐year field practicum. A study was conducted to explore and describe the attitudes of these students toward the usefulness of the site's online features. Students participated in the site through the Blackboard Software Platform by adding discussion threads to asynchronous forums on an online discussion board, receiving information through online announcements, accessing field‐related materials through the site, and engaging in an online network. The most useful forum was related to the learning plan that students were required to complete in planning and organizing their field practicum experience. Students reported that the most useful feature of the site was the ability to access timely information through the online announcements from the Field Education Program.  相似文献   
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