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Changing Frameworks in Attitudes Toward Abortion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For more than two decades, legal abortion has been the subject of heated political debate and adversarial social movement activity; however, national polls have shown little change in aggregate levels of support for abortion. This analysis examines how the determinants of abortion attitudes have changed between 1977 and 1996, using data from the General Social Surveys. While in early time periods, whites were more approving of abortion than blacks, that pattern had reversed by the late 1980s. After controlling for other factors, older people are more accepting of abortion throughout the two decades, while gender is generally unrelated to abortion views. Catholic religion weakens slightly as a predictor of abortion attitudes, while religious fundamentalism and political liberalism increase in explanatory power. The associations between attitudinal correlates and abortion approval also change over this time period. Religiosity becomes a less powerful predictor of abortion attitudes, while respondents' attitude toward sexual freedom and belief in the sanctity of human life increase in their predictive power. Support for gender inequality remains a weak but stable predictor of abortion attitudes. This pattern of results suggests that the public is influenced more by the pro-life framework of viewing abortion than by the pro-choice perspective.  相似文献   
B超的滥用、强烈的男孩偏好以及对非法流产行为监控的失效共同构成我国出生性别比偏高的充要条件,三者中任一条件不满足都不可能出现出生性别比偏高。尽管B超发明和滥用前出生性别比并没有异常,但也不能说出生性别比偏高与受教育水平、传统文化等因素无关。事实上,这些因素通过影响男孩偏好和B超的可获得性而影响出生性别比。由此出发,促进出生性别比回复正常,短期内应标本兼治,以治标为主———坚决禁止B超的滥用,关键是加强立法和管理;长期内则必须治本———消除男孩偏好,关键是加速农村城市化。  相似文献   
"罗伊案"在美国政治生活中具有广泛而深远的影响.由"罗伊案"引发的堕胎权之争,在美国的政界、司法界和社会各个层面掀起了轩然大波."罗伊案"和此前的"布朗案"推动了美国司法复审制度的建设进程;围绕堕胎权的问题,衍生了选择权利派和生命权利派的对抗:由对选择权和生命权的认可,加剧了美国上个世纪末的政治分野;通过"罗伊案"的推动,美国妇女运动超越了对"性自由"、男女平等等权利的诉求,在更深、更广的层面延展.  相似文献   
对应用伦理学的一些典型论争所引发的有关核心概念进行分析研究 ,是当代伦理学的一项重要任务。“人”就属于这样一种核心概念。医学伦理学中有关堕胎、安乐死问题的争论 ,都涉及“人”这个概念的定义。辛格在其名著《实践伦理学》中消解了“人”这一概念 ,挑战了传统观念中人类生命的神圣性 ,指出人的生命权利以及对这种权利的尊重与保护并不取决于宗教或直觉上的准则 ,而是取决于他所具有的客观存在的特征与需求。他的这一论断及其所引发的论争对生命伦理学界产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
堕胎问题的立法进程及其相关的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
堕胎问题一直是一个备受争议的问题。世界各国对这一问题的态度不一,有的国家制定了《反堕胎法》,禁止妇女堕胎;同时,又有一些国家认定堕胎合法化。了解世界主要国家对待堕胎问题的态度和立法状况,最大限度地了解其争议之所在,可以推进我国在这方面的立法进程。  相似文献   
ProblemWomen need improved emotional support from healthcare professionals following miscarriage.BackgroundSignificant psychological morbidity can result following miscarriage and may be exacerbated by poor support experiences. Women frequently report high levels of dissatisfaction with healthcare support at this time.AimThis study was developed to pilot a survey aimed at exploring women’s access to healthcare services and support at the time of miscarriage.MethodsWomen over 18 years, residing in Australia, who had experienced a miscarriage in the past two years completed a 29-item online survey.FindingsA total of 399 women completed the survey. Two key findings arose: 1) More than half of women (59%) were not offered any information about miscarriage or pregnancy loss support organisations or referral/access to counselling services at the time of miscarriage, despite almost all reporting they would have liked various forms of support from items listed 2) More than half (57%) did not receive follow up care, or emotional support at this time, beyond being asked how they were coping emotionally. Other findings showed 3) Women accessed various healthcare services at the time of miscarriage and 4) Women often saw a general practitioner at the time of miscarriage despite having a private obstetrician.ConclusionThere is clear mismatch between the support women want at the time of miscarriage and the care they receive from healthcare professionals. Despite considerable structural barriers, it seems likely there is scope within healthcare professionals’ usual practice for improved support care through simple measures such as increased acknowledgement, information provision and referral to existing support services.  相似文献   
ProblemWomen commonly experience emotional distress following miscarriage but do not receive the support they need from healthcare providers.BackgroundMiscarriage can result in psychological morbidity; however, appropriate support at the time of a miscarriage can lead to better psychological outcomes. Early Pregnancy Assessment Services (EPASs) are dedicated outpatient services considered the “gold standard” for miscarriage care. Little is known about the psychosocial support EPASs provide in Australia.AimsThe aim of this study was to explore the provision of psychosocial support in Australian EPASs.MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted with 29 purposively sampled key-informants from 13 EPASs. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and thematically analysed.FindingsConsiderable variation was found in how EPASs functioned and their provision of psychosocial support. Many services were co-located with antenatal services, run by doctors with limited experience and most did not offer any psychosocial training to staff specific to EPAS. Referrals for additional support were generally not offered for first trimester miscarriages, and follow-up typically focused on physical management rather than emotional wellbeing. All EPAS staff demonstrated a strong commitment to providing best possible care to women within their own clinical setting and acknowledged the need for improved psychosocial support.ConclusionThis study provides the first exploration of Australian EPASs’ provision of psychosocial support. It has shown that while health care professionals working in EPASs are dedicated to providing the best possible care to women within their clinical setting, psychosocial support is very limited and could be improved.  相似文献   

Abortion decisions have a potentially meaningful effect on the lives of men. Previous research suggests that both men and women generally believe that men have the right to be involved in such decisions. However, very little research attention has been devoted to identifying individual difference correlates of discrepant levels of endorsement for male involvement in abortion decisions. The extent to which abortion attitudes (on a pro-choice to pro-life continuum), conceptualization of abortion as strictly a female issue, and interest in the issue operate as effective predictors of the appropriate level of male involvement in abortion decisions was examined in a sample of 1,387 college students. Results of a multiple regression analysis revealed that 44% of the variance in male involvement scores was explained by the predictor variables.  相似文献   
The effects of parental notice and consent laws on abortion and birth rates were analyzed for two groups of teens: those 15 to 17 years old (i.e., minor teens) and those 18 to 19 years old (i.e., non-minor teens). Twelve states report abortion and birth statistics at the county level for these two age groups. The sample consists of 597 counties from these twelve states. Residence county abortion and birth rates were regressed against parental notice laws, parental consent laws, and several control variables (i.e., type of state public funding, population density, education and income levels, unemployment rate, family stability, extent of poverty, church membership, and geographic region).An important finding of this study is that both parental consent and notification laws were related to significantly lower abortion rates and to significantly higher birth rates for both minor and non-minor teens. Three measures (i.e., church membership, family stability, and education level) were related negatively and significantly to minor and non-minor teens' abortion rates and birth rates. One other measure (i.e., restrictive public funding) was related significantly to lower abortion rates and higher birth rates for minor and non-minor teens.  相似文献   
本文通过对甘肃省农村已婚育龄妇女的人工流产状况的分析,建议加强对农村育龄妇女的生殖健康教育,降低非意愿妊娠率及人工流产率,提高育龄妇女的生殖健康水平。  相似文献   
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