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Name-altering practices are common in many creative fields—pen names in literature, stage names in the performing arts, and aliases in music. More than just reflecting artistic habits or responding to the need for distinctive brands, these practices can also serve as test devices to probe, validate, and guide the artists’ active participation in a cultural movement. At the same time, they constitute a powerful probe to negotiate the boundaries of a subculture, especially when its features are threatened by appropriation from the mass-oriented culture. Drawing evidence from electronic music, a field where name-altering practices proliferate, we outline dynamics of pseudonymity, polyonymy, and anonymity that surround the use of aliases. We argue that name-altering practices are both a tool that artists use to probe the creative environment and a device to recursively put one’s creative participation to the test. In the context of creative subcultures, name-altering practices constitute a subtle but effective form of underground testing.  相似文献   
The confounding and aliasing scheme for fractional factorial split-plot designs with the units within each wholeplot arranged in rows and columns is described and illustrated. Isomorphism for this design type is described, together with a procedure which considers extensions of the concepts of wordlength patterns and letter patterns that can be used to test isomorphism between designs. Using in part this isomorphism testing procedure, a construction algorithm that may be used to obtain a complete set of such non-isomorphic two-level designs is described. Software based on this construction algorithm was used to obtain a complete set of non-isomorphic designs for up to five wholeplot factors, five subplot factors and up to 64 runs, which is presented as a table of designs. To aid the experimenter in distinguishing between competing designs, the estimation capacity sequence for each design is presented.  相似文献   
Some experimenters carry out their investigation in stages. They begin with an initial 2n-p fraction of resolution IV, in which the main effects are clean and the interactions are aliased in chains, Then, having analyzed the initial experiment, they plan further runs to isolate certain interactions by breaking the chains. In this paper a method called semifolding, for choosing the points in the second experiment, is presented.  相似文献   
We consider main effects models for 2-level experiments that also include. Parameters characterizing potential dispersion effects due to specified factors. One special case is considered. In this case only a single specified factor is responsible for the dispersion effects. We determine the connection between alias relations and Optimality of a design for estimation of dispersion effects in the class of regu!ar fractional Y - P factorial designs of resolution III or higher. This rmectioil heips US identify those designs that are A-optimal for estimating dispersion effects by a suitable choice of defining contrasts. in particuiar, we show that an increase in efficiency with respect to dispersion effects is accompanied by a loss iii efficiency for estimating the location effects. In practice, one mmt thcrcfcre accept a trade& between the efficiencies associated with estirnates of location effects and dispersion effects.  相似文献   
别号不同于绰号、徽号、法号等,它是由自取或他人提示而自己首肯的名号。中华民族特殊的文化心理积淀.决定了别号的产生与盛行。对中国人来讲。人须命名的意义远远不止是一个标识的作用,而是意关治平之任的大事。而对迷蒙的传统文化的认同,则显示出别号产生的图腾与禁忌。  相似文献   
本文对晚清时期报人笔名勃兴这一文化现象进行了追根溯源,针对晚清报人笔名所呈现的追求怪异、偏激以及变动不居的特征,大胆立论。认为:晚清报人笔名乃是时代的产物,反之,它也用突显个性的时代特征展现了文人丰富的内心世界,透露出他们观念变迁的个中讯息。  相似文献   
This article extends the resolution of time trend free designs for sequential 2n-p experiments from III into IV and minimizes the number of factor level changes between runs (i.e., cost) by constructing a catalog of (2k?2 ?1) minimum cost linear trend free resolution IV 2n?(n?k) designs (2k?2 ≤ n ≤ 2k?1?2) from the full 2k factorial experiment using the interactions-main effects assignment technique. Each systematic 2n?(n?k) design in the catalog is economic in minimum number of factor level changes and allows for the estimation of all n main effects unbiased by either the linear time trend (which may be present in the 2n?(n?k) sequentially generated responses) or the non negligible two-factor interactions. This article provides for each 2n?(n?k) design: (1) the defining relation or the alias structure; (2) the k independent generators for sequencing the 2n?(n?k) runs by the generalized foldover scheme; and (3) the minimum cost represented by the total number of factor level changes between the 2n?(n?k) runs. All k main effects of the 2k experiment are excluded from the selection assignment process due to their nonlinear time trend resistance as well as excluding a total of (2k?1 –k +1) interactions violating the resolution IV requirement.  相似文献   
周密是宋元之交著名的文学家及文献学家.他博学多识,著作等身,在史学理论、史学撰述、文学批评、诗词创作等方面都有突出的建树,在中国文学及史学史上均占有一定的地位.周密一生,所用字号甚多,但因种种原因,导致现今学术界对其字号的使用并不能取得统一,在一定程度上处于混乱的状态,亟需作一细致梳理.本文就周密的全部字号依次展开梳理考订,补阙拾遗,以期正本清源,还原其历史的真实原貌.  相似文献   
This paper examines some properties of a measure of aliasing proposed by Hedayat, Raktoe, and Federer (1974). It is shown that in the case of balanced orthogonal designs with no repeated treatments, minimizing the alias measure is equivalent to minimizing tr Yar(ψ). Lower bounds are found for fixed eigenvalues of the design matrix. These results are applied to two-level fractional factorials to show that in certain cases classical fractional-factorial designs yield minimal solutions for the alias measure.  相似文献   
啸在明清有新的发展,这表现为隐士之啸成为主流.隐士们以口哨表达内心的苦闷,使啸具有强烈的反抗色彩;文人还以啸为名号,把啸提升到文学意象和观念的层面,使啸呈现出新的时代特色.  相似文献   
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