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加强青少年的网络道德教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年网络道德失范行为时有发生,且表现形式多种多样;青少年网络道德失范与网络的特点、青少年自身的生理心理特点、所受的学校和家庭教育以及自身的道德素养等因素都有关系;加强青少年网络道德教育已是刻不容缓的大事,而且最根本的一点是通过多种方式不断提高青少年的道德自律能力.  相似文献   
保持自律,恪守学术道德是学术期刊编辑的职责所在,更是高校社科学报构建良好学术生态系统的关键所在。在当前我国学术生态环境的部分恶化的语境下,面对批评与困境,增强高校社科学报的自律,提高学报编辑的综合素质,实现学术个体、学术群体与社会全体的联动机制,是提高高校社科学报的质量,促进其健康成长,营造和谐学术生态环境的不二选择。  相似文献   
失范范畴的理论演化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
法国学者对失范理论作出了开创性的贡献:马里.居友把失范理解为一种有创造力的新生事物,强调了失范的正功能;涂尔干认为失范已成为任何解组形式或者是缺乏凝聚力的表现。美国学者默顿认为失范是指文化目标与制度性手段的不平衡,并阐述了个人适应模式;索罗尔关心的是个体层面上的失范,通过五种失范的维度构建起失范量表。失范是一个动态的、多义的理论范畴,西方学者对失范范畴的讨论经历了由抽象到具体、由理解性的概念到可测量的指标的过程。社会失范概念的内涵分可为微观和宏观两个层面:宏观层面的失范是社会规范、制度体系的稳定性与社会秩序问题,主要指社会规范系统的瓦解状态,即社会解组;微观层面的失范主要指社会团体或社会成员的失范行为,它与越轨行为是同义语。前者是失范行为产生的宏观社会背景条件;后者是规范对象与执行者的失范,是一个社会产生解组的外在表现。宏观层面的规范解组与微观层面的行为越轨是理解失范范畴的两个核心概念。  相似文献   
Weber on anomie     
InGesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie, Max Weber discussed the anomic potential of some non-Western religious doctrines. This paper provides an analysis of Weber's writings on anomie and attempts to show the relevance of Weber's work to contemporary anomie research. First, I locate Weber's treatment of anomie within his discussion of great world religions, highlighting its significance in a cross-cultural context. Second, I compare Weber's notion of anomie with current evaluations of anomie and discuss a typology of usages of the term. Finally, I explore the suggested usefulness of Weber's work on anomie for contemporary purposes.  相似文献   
侯俊丹 《社会》2014,34(3):61-91
太平天国运动对晚清帝国的冲击不仅体现在财政税收、人口、土地关系等社会结构要素上,更重要的是人心与世风之变以及由此形成的新的社会民情基础。这一世风丕变特别体现在:地方为应对太平军冲击而进行的军事化运动中伴生的失范型暴力,是以“任侠之气”的精神伦理作为军事动员的内在组织原则而导致的后果。“侠气”这一精神伦理以“力”的无限扩张为法则,与传统帝国政治结构中的宗法、乡礼、师道以及凝结在地权上的依附关系形成巨大张力,由此造成军事化组织与国家政治的背离。“力”的无限扩张法则打碎了帝国政治所依赖的身份与等级结构,导致了夷平化的社会形态出现,从而对传统政治治理构成挑战,并最终召唤了用现代革命的方式推进政治和社会变迁的时代的到来。  相似文献   
从表象到实质--当代中国城市问题的文化透视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论全球化、城市化加速发展背景下,中国城市建设的文化失范问题,提倡以多层次区划综合分析为基础,建立科学的城市文化判断标准,引导和规范城市发展建设.  相似文献   
微博凭借强大的集聚效应,为群体的形成提供了便利条件,已经成为虚拟社会公众实施意见表达的首选载体。基于微博语境下的网络社群,其意见表达经常会因结社自由和言论自由失控泛滥而出现失范,引发出了对网络社群意见表达的批判性思考。功利意识、责任缺失、无序传播和情绪失控,降低了网络社群意见表达的有效性、可信性、可控性和合理性,需通过加强网络社群文化建设、强化制度体系的创新与供给、构建多元主体协同治理模式、提升网络社群的表达均衡、推进网络生态文明建设等途径加以应对,从而促进虚拟社会的繁荣与稳定。  相似文献   
伴随着制度变迁进行的结构性调整与创新,带来了不同利益群体之间的矛盾与冲 突,这种矛盾与冲突引发的许多问题可归结为“结构紧张”产生的张力所致,“失 范”状态就是一种典型的结构性问题。以调查数据为依据,分析、检验结构紧张与失 范之间的关系,发现社会地位结构、组织结构、角色结构、权力地位结构、收入水平 与教育水平结构上的差异与分化确实导致了失范感受的产生。诸如个体的失范、不满 意度、相对剥夺感、地位不一致等负面感受很大程度正是缘于客观的结构分化快于制 度整合而引起的失衡与紧张。

关键词: 制度变迁?结构紧张?失范

The structural readjustments and innovations accompanying institutional change have brought about contradictions and conflicts among different interest groups. The many problems thus touched off can be attributed to the tensions resulting from “structural strain,” with “anomie” a typical structural problem. We have used survey data as a basis for analyzing and examining the relationship between structural strain and anomie. We find that differences and differentiation in social status, organization, role and power structures and in income and educational level structures have indeed led to the birth of a sense of anomie. To a large extent, such negative feelings as individual anomie, dissatisfaction, a sense of relative deprivation, status inconsistency, etc., are nothing other than the result of the imbalances and tensions brought about by an objective structural differentiation that is proceeding faster than institutional integration.  相似文献   
Anomie is a complex, dynamic concept that refers simultaneously to a social state and an individual state of mind. Generations of sociologists have attempted to clarify, extend, and measure the concept at various levels of analysis. This article summarizes these developments around the twin concepts of exteriority and constraint. Exteriority refers to experiencing the social world as an objective, predictable reality, while constraint refers to the extent to which one experiences a personal commitment to the demands and expectations of society. The Anomie Scale of Exteriority and Constraint (ASEC) is presented and tested across various psychological and social outcomes among adolescents in 18 European countries. Exteriority is found to be primarily associated with more depression and less self‐esteem, while constraint is associated with a lower probability of daily smoking, illicit drug use, truancy, and suicide attempts. Societal anomie is higher in eastern European countries and it has a strong negative correlation with GDP per capita and a marginally positive correlation with GDP growth. Societal anomie is also associated with higher baseline levels of depression, self‐esteem, and illicit drug use. These results lend strong support to the theoretical construct of anomie as exteriority and constraint.  相似文献   
网络失范行为应防治并举,重在预防,以促进其学习进步和身心健康的发展。  相似文献   
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