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《离骚》“求女”的指寓是什么 ?屈原最大的人生痛苦是不被理解 ,《离骚》与《九章》中反复申说这一点 ;在《九歌》中也有人神或神灵之间不相理解的叙写 ,而先秦时常以男女之间关系比喻知己关系 ,因此 ,“求女”就是求知己。但屈原又把求知己不成归结为介绍者的失职。  相似文献   
从汉末交游士风看"古诗十九首"女子形象知音化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"古诗十九首"表现汉末交游士风,或直刺朋友交情凉薄,或写渴望知音,或写思念,都是把看女性形象当作知音来刻划的.  相似文献   
对招聘中社会资本的博弈分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本已经同物质资本、人力资本并称为推动当代社会发展的三大动力要素.可是许多人把运用社会资本错误地理解为不道德的"耍手腕",从而影响了其作用的有效发挥.  相似文献   
从当今<红楼梦>的年轻读者更偏爱薛宝钗的网络调查谈起,重新对薛宝钗、林黛玉的婚姻问题进行剖析,解读了薛、林二人的性格特征,重点分析了薛宝钗凭借高超的战法取得宝二奶奶的地位,林黛玉追求真爱,但并未同宝玉成就姻缘的原因,揭示了宝钗、黛玉婚姻悲剧的实质.  相似文献   
Ethnographic data have frequently been used to examine socialization, but rarely to ground theories of socialization. This paper is an exception. Interest in indigenous representations emerging in situations involving socialization has led to the building of a relational model of socialization, which contrasts with mainstream developmental models of this phenomenon. Socialization is generally defined in terms of cultural learning, the internalization of culture or culture acquisition, that is in terms of the individual's development. The present paper defines it in terms of becoming familiar with a new ‘world’, and a series of changes affecting the structure of the relationship between the human agent and this new world. These structural changes include immersion in a world that is at first strange; subjection to the authority of this world on the basis of acceptance of this authority; and involvement in the world's everyday life structures and activities through doing.  相似文献   
Most discussions of legitimation focus on factors that are expected to contribute to it, such as tradition, expertise, or prosperity. Less attention has been paid to “the dark side” of legitimation, which depends heavily on evading attention. A potentially informative approach is to learn from professionals with special expertise in evading attention while making things “disappear”—magicians. Rather than seeking overt control over the audience, they perform in plain view, largely by using well‐timed distractions, or “misdirection.” Preliminary evidence suggests that similar techniques may be widely used in political contexts, with some of the most effective forms of misdirection involving diversionary reframing—diverting attention away from any questions about existing distributions of privilege, not by brute force, but by changing the subject, especially by raising questions about the legitimacy of critics. These and related techniques clearly deserve to be the focus of additional research.  相似文献   
王统照与闻一多都是中国现代著名诗人,他们虽然所属的文学流派不同,却是知音和挚友,共同追求诗歌创作的绘画美。然而,由于个人性格气质和审美视角与艺术情趣的不同,他们诗歌中的绘画美风格又表现出较大的差异。前者侧重清新雅致,以素淡的色彩工笔细描,构制优美的意境,耐人回味;后者追求浓墨重彩,七色俱全,虽重象征笔法,但更突出的特点却是直抒胸臆。正是由于诗人们笔法的繁复多样,才造成了现代诗坛的千差万别美艳多姿。  相似文献   
鲁迅与韦素园的交往是短暂而又真挚的,而这段交往由于种种原因却被遮蔽于现代文学史料中。二人的交往始于未名社的成立和对进步翻译文学事业的追求,由于同患肺病的特殊经历和相似的人生早年以及二人性格的相近,使得他们成为现代文坛一对年龄悬殊的知己。  相似文献   
袁枚的两则涉红诗话一度曾是胡适先生新红学的奠基石之一。后来由于其学生顾颉刚先生的质疑,袁枚就成了对曹家的不知情者,以致他那两则著名的涉红诗话也被打入冷宫,不再被采信。然笔者根据袁枚的人际交往圈的考察后认为:袁枚对曹家不但知情,而且知之甚深。所以对袁枚《随园诗话》中两则涉红诗话的可信性和可靠性,不应再继续采取否定态度。  相似文献   
近年来,微信的出现逐渐改变了传统的社交模式,成为人们日常沟通的主流平台。与此同时,借助微信朋友圈庞大的受众群,微商的迅猛发展也受到越来越多的关注。然而,正处于起步阶段的微商缺乏统一的监管,导致市场混乱,消费者维权困难。这一市场充斥的劣质商品不仅侵害消费者的知情权与求偿权,一些不法商家为扩大产品宣传盗取买卖个人信息的行为,也对消费者隐私权保护构成严重威胁。由于立法难度大、程序复杂,目前尚没有专门规制微商等网络购物平台的法律。完善对微商等网络购物平台的监督机制,督促其改进技术和管理,并促进行业自律协会形成,是目前规制微商侵权、保护消费者合法权益的有效手段。  相似文献   
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