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随着房地产调控和城市化进程的加快,商业地产越来越受到开发商的青睐。城市综合体作为商业地产的典型代表以其多结构多层级的功能组合迅速提升区域价值而拥有了“城中之城”的美誉,在东部地区二三线城市大量涌现。但城市综合体带动城市发展的同时,也引发了一系列风险亟待关注。  相似文献   
给出了复亚半正定矩阵的概念,研究了它的基本性质及行列式理论,将Hermite阵的Schur定理,华罗庚定理,Minkowski不等式,凸性不等式,Ostrowski-Taussky不等式推广到了较广泛的复矩阵类,扩大了Minkowski不等式的指数范围,削弱了华罗庚不等式的条件。  相似文献   
马嵬情结是指唐代诗人对马嵬事变及事变中唐玄宗与杨玉环爱情结局的一种异乎寻常的强烈而持久的关注和评判。这种关注有着深刻的社会审美心理成因。它还兆示了中晚唐世俗化的社会审美倾向的滋生、因藩镇跋扈宦官擅权而导致的皇权削弱和帝王权威在士人心目中的下降以及唐代文禁的松驰。  相似文献   
试论美国电影中的英雄情结   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“英雄类”影片是好莱坞制造的最具轰动效应的神话之一。本文拟对美国影片中塑造的各类英雄形象加以梳理与阐释 ,并进而对这些英雄片背后的英雄情结进行剖析 ,以期管窥美国影片中一些深层文化心理机制  相似文献   
随着中国正式加入WTO ,推出股票指数期货已是确定的方向。目前中国建立股指期货交易制度不仅是必要的 ,也是可行的。股指期货作为一种金融创新产品 ,它的建立首先必须有统一交易场所 ,科学设计合约 ,同时也要进一步规范现货市场 ,培育交易主体 ,引入做空机制 ,规范会员结构 ,健全监管制度  相似文献   
基于复杂适应系统的作战理论哲学反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的作战理论与方法已经不能适应像现代信息化战争系统这类充满“活”的个体和变化因素的复杂系统,需要进行理论创新。而复杂适应系统理论是当代系统科学的一个新发展。有望成为创新作战理论的突破口。本文在分析比较作战系统的基础上,认为作战系统实质是复杂的适应系统,作战系统内的作战双方都力图以增强自身的适应性和复杂性,削弱对方的适应性和复杂性取得作战的胜利。  相似文献   
Diagnostics for dependence within time series extremes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. The analysis of extreme values within a stationary time series entails various assumptions concerning its long- and short-range dependence. We present a range of new diagnostic tools for assessing whether these assumptions are appropriate and for identifying structure within extreme events. These tools are based on tail characteristics of joint survivor functions but can be implemented by using existing estimation methods for extremes of univariate independent and identically distributed variables. Our diagnostic aids are illustrated through theoretical examples, simulation studies and by application to rainfall and exchange rate data. On the basis of these diagnostics we can explain characteristics that are found in the observed extreme events of these series and also gain insight into the properties of events that are more extreme than those observed.  相似文献   
我国股指期货推出的法律环境面临诸多不确定因素,一方面,《证券法》、新《期货交易管理条例》、《关于审理期货纠纷案件若干问题的规定》、《刑法》和新《破产法》、《中国金融期货交易所交易规则》的颁布和修订,为强化市场监管提供了强有力的法律依据;另一方面,现有法律体系在交易所规则的效力、会计制度、税收制度、净额结算、交易所的性质、透支交易、交易信息的送达、期货公司的举证责任、涉外期货等方面规定不明确,应对相关法律进行修改、梳理和完善,并在刑法典中增加虚假陈述罪、非法经营期货业务罪、泄漏内幕信息罪和挪用期货保证金罪等内容。  相似文献   
传统的信用风险评估方法仅仅从贷款企业角度来评价商业银行所面临的信用风险,而且评价企业信用风险时,也集中在贷款企业的财务风险评价上,忽略了银行本身存、贷款结构和风险状况对信用风险的影响,造成了评估主体缺位。作为对众多文献的补充,从贷款企业非财务风险因素、银行风险因素和宏观经济环境风险因素三个方面进行了信用风险因素分析,完善了商业银行信用风险评估指标体系。  相似文献   
Impacts of complex emergencies or relief interventions have often been evaluated by absolute mortality compared to international standardized mortality rates. A better evaluation would be to compare with local baseline mortality of the affected populations. A projection of population-based survival data into time of emergency or intervention based on information from before the emergency may create a local baseline reference. We find a log-transformed Gaussian time series model where standard errors of the estimated rates are included in the variance to have the best forecasting capacity. However, if time-at-risk during the forecasted period is known then forecasting might be done using a Poisson time series model with overdispersion. Whatever, the standard error of the estimated rates must be included in the variance of the model either in an additive form in a Gaussian model or in a multiplicative form by overdispersion in a Poisson model. Data on which the forecasting is based must be modelled carefully concerning not only calendar-time trends but also periods with excessive frequency of events (epidemics) and seasonal variations to eliminate residual autocorrelation and to make a proper reference for comparison, reflecting changes over time during the emergency. Hence, when modelled properly it is possible to predict a reference to an emergency-affected population based on local conditions. We predicted childhood mortality during the war in Guinea-Bissau 1998-1999. We found an increased mortality in the first half-year of the war and a mortality corresponding to the expected one in the last half-year of the war.  相似文献   
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