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文章从政治社会学的角度界定了中介组织的本质、含义及特征,认为中介组织并非社会团体,而是民办非企业单位,是经济和社会的支持系统.作为社会的一域,它有自己的运作逻辑.当前,中介组织的问题在于政府的越位和失位造成其功能的扭曲.因此,通过制度化的途径建立起二者良性的互动,让政府和社会走向善治,是当代中国改革实践的一个重要课题.  相似文献   
环境非政府组织(ENGO)的出现是中国社会结构变化的一个表征,体现了社会的进步。然而,中国的ENGO尚未充分发挥其应有的环境保护功能,具有明显的法团主义特征,表现为官民二重性、发展规模的自控性和"绿化"职能的单一性。法团主义是ENGO生存的策略选择,具有一定的现实合理性。但从长期来看,只有去除法团主义特征,ENGO才能更好地发挥环境保护的本质职能。  相似文献   
In addition to political parties and the government, trade union confederations and employer organizations are major power players in the Finnish labour market, policymaking and the wider society. This article analyses the significant role of the Finnish corporatist regime in creating and maintaining the gendered hierarchies of the labour market, including the gender pay gap. Using the case of the Finnish nurses’ industrial action in 2007, our analysis highlights the capacity of the corporatist regime to resist change in current wage relativities and effectively block attempts made to challenge the status quo. This article describes how wages are macro‐political, shaped by political processes, negotiations, power relations and vested interests of central stakeholders within the Finnish corporatist regime. The analysis focuses on the problem representations through which the actors articulate either their attempt to increase wages or to maintain the status quo, which makes their vested interests, as well as politics, visible.  相似文献   
Building a new model of major-country relationships is an unprecedented undertaking requiring theoretical support. However, existing theories, whether Western or Chinese, find it hard to assume the task of providing the theoretical foundation for such a model. Corporatism, which has both Chinese and Western cultural elements, offers conditions for such an undertaking. Although China-U.S. relations have some unusual features, corporatism offers the prospect of directing them away from the “Thucydides trap” and avoiding the political tragedies of major powers. For China and the world, making corporatism or group cooperation the central idea in building the new model of major-country relations will be a big step forward for the model and for international relations.  相似文献   
Defining Chinese Nongovernmental Organizations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In interpreting the current surge of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in China, scholars have mainly applied western concepts of civil society, corporatism, and the third sector. These perspectives, however, are not sufficient to account for the importance of China's particular historical and political culture. This paper discusses the development and future of NGOs in the context of current scholarly research as well as the role of China's historical and current sociopolitical situation.  相似文献   
20世纪40年代后,与进口替代工业化发展战略相适应,墨西哥政府重点支持商品性的农业,减缓了土地改革步伐 同时通过“全国农民联盟”对农民实行控制。70年代中期前,这种政策取得了一定成功,创造了政治稳定和经济增长的“奇迹”,此期出现的独立农民组织大多被政府同化。70年代后,工农业发展陷入停滞,社会政治矛盾加剧,“全国农民联盟”的控制力减弱,农民动员和独立农民组织有了新的发展,并呈现出新的特点。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the corporate city and the way it structures the experience of its inhabitants. The corporate city is seen here as the embodiment of power relationships of a distinctly postmodern nature, a means to preserve and promote hegemonic and homogenising discourses like globalisation and consumerism. Corporate design and architecture embody specific kinds of relationships, experiences and perceptions of space and place. We will suggest that the corporate city is homogenised, lacking richness of civic space, not just in terms of form but in terms of structures (both, spatial structures and the kind of social structures/interactions they invite). The activities of a group of traceurs practising parkour are described and their philosophy is explained as a metaphor for active participation and dialectic relationship between the actual and the possible structures of the world. Richness of experience, strengthening of community, variety of activity, openness and possibility are irrelevant (actually, inimical) to the corporate forces that shape our cities today. However, as the experience of parkour demonstrates, extreme artforms of ‘urban activism’ but also, more importantly, human agency and the performativity of the everyday, are capable of transforming the otherwise alienating non‐places, to grounds of possibility, creativity and civic identity.  相似文献   
以土地流转弱化农民对土地的依赖偏好、以住房改造隔离农民与村落的空间联系、以行政化社区组织的搭建瓦解乡村熟人社会及以城市社区服务标准催生新社区居民的“城市意识”是浙江省嘉兴市城乡一体新社区建设的主要方式和实践过程.在新社区建设过程中,产生了诸如社区庇护主义的出现和发展、社区法团主义的产生和扩大、社区父爱情结的再生与扩张等现象,这些现象的出现说明单位社会在中国大陆并没有完全终结,相反,它正以特殊的形态发挥着作用.正视这个现实是开展好新社区管理体制和管理方式建设的前提之一.  相似文献   
从结构论争到行动分析:海外中国NGO研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张紧跟 《社会》2012,32(3):198-123
当代中国NGO的发展一直是海外学者高度关注的话题,由于其复杂性与多样性,海外中国研究学者对改革开放后中国NGO的发展及其日益扩展的影响有着不同的理解,也引发了激烈的学术争论。本文运用文献研究方法,将海外学者的研究归纳为依托公民社会与统合主义理论的结构研究与关注NGO行为的行动研究,力图展现改革开放以来海外学者研究中国NGO的整体图式。 本文认为,“结构研究”基于 “国家-社会”的二元分离,在一国的政治与权力配置层面上思考问题,侧重于国家与社会之间的权力分配状态;“行动研究”则试图在中观和微观层面来洞察与把握国家与社会之间相互交融的机制、策略与路径,倡导关注NGO的行动。这两者之间存在明显的互补性。  相似文献   
张华 《社会》2015,35(3):221-240
基于国家-社会关系的视角,在目前对当代中国行业协会的主流研究中,公民社会理论强调国家对社团干预的放松和市场经济的发展对协会的影响,法团主义则强调国家对协会的控制与合作。通过对文献的回顾发现,还有一类重要的研究--依附理论的视角,没有得到中国研究者的足够重视。依附理论的视角关注在宏观的国家-社会关系讨论之下权力的实际运作对行业协会的影响,认为除了国家对社团的控制之外,国家对经济的干预也影响了企业家的行为和他们的集体行动意愿。由于国家权力的保留和市场的不完全,企业和行业协会形成了对政府的依附关系,而行业协会仍然镶嵌于国家机构内部,成为依附于地方政府的工具,而不是企业与政府之间的连接纽带。当代中国的行业协会涉及到国家、市场和企业多方的互动关系和复杂的制度环境,依附理论的视角重新定义了行业协会的角色,提供了个体研究的途径和原有研究中未被重视的其他解释变量,为我们进一步了解中国行业协会的发展环境和影响因素构建了可行的分析框架。  相似文献   
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