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浅议独立学院的学风建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高校学风状况直接关系到学校的生存和发展。独立学院由于其自身特点,学风建设需引起高度重视。本文通过对独立学院学风现状的分析,强调了独立学院学风建设的必要性和紧迫性。学校和国家教育行政部门应给予一定的政策倾斜,独立学院本身要从端正教风入手,加强对学生的思想教育,强化学风建设意识。独立学院的学风重在建设,贵在坚持。  相似文献   
新旧《唐书·李邕传》对传主叙述互有异同, 并有疏谬。对照两传并利用其它文献, 可以确定李邕的籍里和生卒年; 证明他“补益《文选注》”是讹误; 考辨他仕途坎坷遭遇悲惨不是因为他险躁矜狂, 而主要由于封建官场倾轧与残酷, 他性格主要是刚毅忠烈, 英风豪气; 补充他与李白、杜甫、崔颢等盛唐文坛巨子的交往事迹, 由此表现出的长者风范, 以及他诗文书法作品数量及流传情况  相似文献   
对学生实施心理健康教育已成为学校共同的教育行为。学校心理健康教育不是在心理咨询室里完成的 ,要防止医学化倾向 ,诊疗模式的心理健康教育只会使它的路子越走越窄。心理健康教育的重点应由矫治性向发展性推进  相似文献   
陈植锷先生遗著《石介事迹著作编年》对石介一生求学、仕宦经历、学术交游活动以及诗词文章的写作时间做了详尽挖掘研究,对石介生活时代的政治背景、学术界人物活动皆有阐发。但书中对石介部分作品如《麦熟有感》诗、《代郓州通判李屯田荐士建中表》、《上范思远书》、《上徐州张刑部书》、《上徐州扈谏议书》的写作时间的判定不尽准确,需予以辨析。  相似文献   
解构主义文学误读理论的"误读"主要存在于两个方面,有必要对其进行辨正:第一,误读理论并不只是强调读者的阐释活动,同时关注的是一个更为宏观的经典文本的历时性差异运动,而在这种运动之中,"作者的焦虑"才是关键所在;第二,误读理论在肯定所有阅读都不是单一解释的同时,又指出在对文本进行解释的时候存在界限,超出这一界限所作的解释是不合理的,误读的界限就源于"文本"。  相似文献   
在总结网络条件下中国社会道德问题的基础上,提出从建构网络道德规范体系、实现网络道德话语创新、构筑网络道德安全屏障、加强网络制度建设、加强网络主体的道德教育等途径入手,帮助国人形成良好的道德准则和行为风范,为促进社会主义道德风尚和社会主义精神文明建设提供不竭动力。  相似文献   
Science affects multiple basic sectors of society. Therefore, the findings made in science impact what takes place at a commercial level. More specifically, errors in the literature, incorrect findings, fraudulent data, poorly written scientific reports, or studies that cannot be reproduced not only serve as a burden on tax-payers’ money, but they also serve to diminish public trust in science and its findings. Therefore, there is every need to fortify the validity of data that exists in the science literature, not only to build trust among peers, and to sustain that trust, but to reestablish trust in the public and private academic sectors that are witnessing a veritable battle-ground in the world of science publishing, in some ways spurred by the rapid evolution of the open access (OA) movement. Even though many science journals, traditional and OA, claim to be peer reviewed, the truth is that different levels of peer review occur, and in some cases no, insufficient, or pseudo-peer review takes place. This ultimately leads to the erosion of quality and importance of science, allowing essentially anything to become published, provided that an outlet can be found. In some cases, predatory OA journals serve this purpose, allowing papers to be published, often without any peer review or quality control. In the light of an explosion of such cases in predatory OA publishing, and in severe inefficiencies and possible bias in the peer review of even respectable science journals, as evidenced by the increasing attention given to retractions, there is an urgent need to reform the way in which authors, editors, and publishers conduct the first line of quality control, the peer review. One way to address the problem is through post-publication peer review (PPPR), an efficient complement to traditional peer-review that allows for the continuous improvement and strengthening of the quality of science publishing. PPPR may also serve as a way to renew trust in scientific findings by correcting the literature. This article explores what is broadly being said about PPPR in the literature, so as to establish awareness and a possible first-tier prototype for the sciences for which such a system is undeveloped or weak.  相似文献   
错误分析是二语习得研究领域的主题之一。教师在CET作文教学中要正确对待学生的错误,改进目前作文评改中一些不良纠错策略,逐渐提高学生对被评改后的作文的反馈意识,使教师的纠错和其指导下的学生自我纠错在CET作文教学中有机结合起来,力争使学生的写作水平上一个新台阶。  相似文献   
名实关系受到先秦诸子异乎寻常的重视,并形成了丰富的正名理论,在汉代有重大影响.贾谊对正名方法的广泛应用,反映出正名思想在汉代发展的一个特征.  相似文献   
汶川大地震后,地震灾区在各级党政部门的领导下,展开了灾后重建工作。灾后重建同时也引起了学术界的注意。本文认为,灾后重建作为一项系统工程,既有物质重建,同时也包括思想重建,并就灾后思想重建的内涵展开分析。  相似文献   
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