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The (re)production of knowledge about crime is cultural in terms of the questions asked, the comparisons made, and the hypotheses selected to explain crime causation. Since criminologists do not operate in a vacuum, any prejudgments, biases, and beliefs acquired before their professional socialization may well persist and affect their approach to research over the course of their academic careers. Because American criminologists live in a society that racializes a number of problem behaviors, including crime, it is conceivable that widely held beliefs about race that predate graduate training will find their way into assumptions about the relationship between race and crime. Such preprofessional beliefs are transformed into facts when they meet with widespread agreement from other criminologists and thus come to be taken for granted in the objective pursuit of knowledge. Crime is racialized, for example, when the criminal behaviors of individual black offenders are understood in terms of racial traits, racial motives, or racial experiences. When traits, motives, or experiences are classified as the property of whole races or racial communities, these conceptions of race assume causal significance in explaining criminal behavior. Because these traits, motives, and experiences are supposedly shared by entire races or race-class categories, the predisposition to criminality becomes generalized beyond individual Black criminals to whole races or racial communities of noncriminal Blacks. When crime is thus racialized, whole communities or whole categories of phenotypically similar individuals are rendered precriminal and morally suspect. In addition, such racializations in academic criminology can be used to justify increased control of individual black criminals in the larger society; these controls can also legitimately be extended to encompass whole communities and whole categories of phenotypically similar persons who are not involved in crime. This paper will address the role that racializing assumptions play in traditional criminological theories.  相似文献   
犯罪学的本体与范式都存在着价值与事实的重要分野,在其本体反思上应当确认犯罪作为价值中立的社会事实,在其范式上应当坚持价值关联的实证嵌入。面临着转型社会挑战的中国犯罪学研究,不宜试图穷尽犯罪的终极真理,应当在扎实推进犯罪实证研究的基础上,努力为组织对于犯罪的正式反应提供理性化平台,为社会公众提供关照自我的视角。  相似文献   
We examine the relationship between income inequality, poverty, and different types of crime. Our results are consistent with recent research in showing that inequality is unrelated to homicide rates when poverty is controlled. In our multi‐level analyses of the International Crime Victimization Survey we find that inequality is unrelated to assault, robbery, burglary, and theft when poverty is controlled. We argue that there are also theoretical reasons to doubt that the level of income inequality of a country affects the likelihood of criminal behaviour.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on an important line of inquiry in contemporary criminal justice social work research: the collateral consequences of incarceration in the Chinese context. It gives an insight into the impact of incarceration on families from an insider's perspective. An analysis of interviews with 10 partners and 10 children yielded three major themes concerning the impact of imprisonment: the problems associated with the imprisonment of a family member, the coping strategies used and views on the importance of maintaining family ties. It is hoped that this study will give practical guidance regarding what should be done, and how, to reduce the negative consequences brought about by the absence (temporary or permanent) of the imprisoned on their families, including both their partners and vulnerable children.  相似文献   
杜宇 《学术交流》2003,(10):26-32
作为经济犯罪的概念海外和国内学者对统一归纳和梳理并取得了一定的研究成果。在此基础上,提出了经济犯罪概念在本质上只能是刑法学概念,而不能是犯罪学概念,从而在界定的路径和方式上予以了根本性的廓清。进而,对经济犯罪的"本质结构"展开了讨论,并对经济犯罪的内涵和外延进行了归纳。  相似文献   
犯罪的概念是犯罪学研究的首要问题,它是犯罪学理论体系的基础,只有对犯罪学中的犯罪概念做出一个科学、明确的界定,才能更好地开展对犯罪学基本理论范畴如犯罪现象、犯罪原因和犯罪预防等问题的相应研究。而对于犯罪学中犯罪概念的科学界定需要建立在上位概念的澄清——犯罪学中“犯罪行为”之范围的界定及其价值属性、社会属性和法律属性的正确理解的基础之上。  相似文献   
为重新审视实证主义犯罪学及其价值,分析比较龙勃罗梭与托尔斯泰的学术理念。分析认为,天生犯罪人论不过是一个以社会防卫论为刑事政策指向的庞大学术工程的开端。并认为,实证主义犯罪学通过批判过往的刑事理论,彻底扬弃了以报应为核心的刑罚观;将关注的重点从犯罪行为转向了承受刑罚之痛的主体——犯罪人;进而提出了革命性的犯罪人矫治理念。  相似文献   
康树华 《南都学坛》2008,28(3):72-77
犯罪学作为一门独立学科在新中国创建,经历了否定、复苏与深化阶段,并逐渐成熟。它既研究犯罪行为,更研究违法和不良行为,认为犯罪是特定社会特有的社会现象,从人的存在去研究人的意识,从而庄严宣告犯罪是可以预防的,人是可以改造的。因此建设学科的理论体系,总结和研究社会主义市场经济条件下预防犯罪的有效途径,完善治理犯罪的方针、政策和法律,建立各种预防犯罪的措施,则成为我国犯罪学研究最为重要的任务。  相似文献   
通过分析修改后的《刑事诉讼法》的特征,提出了公安机关应适应新刑事诉讼条件要求,采取有效措施做好侦查工作,以提高侦查水平,有力打击刑事犯罪。  相似文献   

Dozens of studies have examined how the press portrays crime. Most of these studies focus on some aspect of the criminal or the response to the event. Few have considered the portrayal of victims and even fewer have examined the way the media portrays older victims. To fill this void, this study examines (1) whether elder abuse coverage varies across newspapers and (2) how the extent of elder abuse coverage compares to child-abuse coverage. Results indicate that regional differences appear to exist and child abuse receives far more coverage than elder abuse. Implications are provided.  相似文献   
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