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在<骆驼祥子>中,虎妞是作为一个相貌丑陋、品行不端、对祥子悲剧负有不可推卸责任的人物出现的.本文从人性和伦理的角度分析,认为虎妞在祥子的悲剧中不应负有过多的责任,事实上她也是一个受害者.而且她还有一些属于她自己的品质精明强干,谙于算计,泼辣直率.  相似文献   
稻作起源的考古学探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据农业起源理论与考古学实例分析,长江下游的水稻栽培发生在野生资源非常丰富的自然环境里,其驯化机制并非饥馑和用于果腹,很可能是为了增加美食的酿酒。稻作农业在良渚阶段成为主要经济形态与复杂社会强化剩余产品生产密切相关,良渚酋邦解体后的马桥文化又退回到了狩猎采集经济。农业经济最终成为不可逆转的发展趋势,是野生资源持续减少、人口增长和社会复杂化等因素共同作用的结果。文章呼吁,中国的农业起源研究要摆脱一味寻找最早栽培谷粒来确定农业起源时间和地点的模式,从人地关系的互动来了解农业起源的潜因和具体进程。  相似文献   
There is a gulf between the analytic and experiential aspects of cross-culturalists' functioning that is reflected in the split between explicit scientific rules for studying the culture of others, while following an informal oral tradition for considering our own cultural makeup. This article discusses both a possible strategy for correcting this situation and the barriers that are likely to prevent such a correction. Structured cultural self-study procedures are presented as a possible resource in the continuing development of graduate students and professionals, and these have already proven highly effective in teaching cross-cultural psychology to undergraduates. Fostering commitments to standardized self-study and to applications of experiential learning is currently not likely to flourish due to complex academic and epistemic traditions, discussed as six cultural self-masking factors. A specific self-study protocol is offered to provide a beginning point for generating improved reflexive methods and for individual trial use. Through disciplined reflexivity, benefits might emerge in the form of better bias control in research, enhanced external validity, and a new theory about the interplay of investigators' self-knowledge and the conduct of cross-cultural research.  相似文献   
对1927年顷茅盾的思想与创作的历史评价,历来存在两点分歧:一是怎么理解茅盾所说的我“有点幻灭”,但“并没动摇”;二是对他失去党的组织关系的原因和应作何评价。两者都应站在历史唯物主义立场上,放到当时中国革命现实、国际共运与中共党史史实大背景上作宏观考察。一是茅盾“幻灭”的,是他参与建党时就形成的“革命速胜论”,即认为中国革命是一步到位的“无产阶级革命”,但是他的共产主义信仰从未动摇过。二是茅盾失去党的组织关系的主要原因,在客观方面不在主观方面,因为他公开反对一度控制中共中央的“左”倾盲动主义路线,在具此“左”倾思想的党内负责同志看来,不能认为是“表现得好”而予以恢复党的组织关系。这一切充分表现出茅盾坚定的共产主义信念,勇于自我批评,勇于反对错误路线的难能可贵的政治品格与高尚人格。  相似文献   
企业文化是企业竞争优势的来源之一,与企业经营业绩呈正相关。随着跨国公司的跨国经营,文化差异和冲突为企业的经营带来了严重的不利后果,这就需要研究和加强跨文化管理。通过跨文化管理解决文化冲突,寻找超越文化冲突的企业目标,使得企业文化的形成按所希望的方向发展。企业竞争优势是企业在与同行业的竞争中所表现出来的相对于对手的一种优势,依赖这种优势企业可以获得超过本行业平均收益率的回报。跨文化管理使企业在学习和接受其他文化理念的同时创造自身的竞争优势。  相似文献   
本文从分析文化、语言、跨文化交际能力的关系入手,指出在大学英语教学中必须改变片面强调语言知识教学,忽视文化知识教学的现状,阐述了大学英语教学中导入文化教学的必要性、可行性以及文化教学的目标和内容。  相似文献   
Abstract Since the pioneering work of Faris and Dunham (1938), a number of studies in the United States have documented an inverse association between socioeconomic status (SES) and mental illness both at the aggregate and the individual levels, and both for the treated and the general population. However, there are few studies of whether this relationship holds in other countries. This study examines socioeconomic characteristics and mental illness in Japan, which has a very different social stratification system from that of the United States. It was found that, at the aggregate level, the “inverse” association between socioeconomic characteristics and the rate of treated mental illness does not hold in Japan. Instead, the relationship is curvilinear: mental illness is higher in districts with large numbers of blue collar and upper white collar workers than in districts with large numbers of lower white collar workers. The effect of SES on mental illness operates through economic stress embedded in the macro social context. Because different social structures lead to different patterns of economic stress, the inverse relationship between socioeconomic status and mental health cannot be assumed to hold in all countries.  相似文献   
美国著名汉学家史景迁(Jonathan D. Spence)从文化认知、文化比较的研究视域出发,对孔子进行了跨文化解读与传播。在史景迁“去偶像化”的观照方式下,孔子被解码、建构为具备鲜明个性特质的人文主义者及令人尊重的教育者形象。同时,史景迁致力于厘清西方一般认知中对孔子及其思想的诸多误读,并努力唤起西方受众对孔子当代意义的认同。  相似文献   
藏汉中学生心理健康水平比较研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理健康教育是教育者应用心理学、教育学、社会学乃至精神医学等多种学科的理论和技术,通过多种途径与方法,培养学生良好的心理素质,提高心理机能,充分发挥其心理潜能,从而促进学生整体素质全面提高和发展的教育。藏族学生在学校学习的过程实际上是两种或两种以上文化之间交流并融合的过程,所有影响交流的因素都有可能对藏族学生的心理发展产生影响。教育落后是制约西部地区经济发展的根本原因。因此,研究西部少数民族学生的心理与教育,对于加快发展西部教育事业具有强烈的现实意义。  相似文献   
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