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蒲松龄基本哲学观点及其宗教鬼神观念具有矛盾性。宗教鬼神不过是借之发愤的手段,蒲氏对宗教鬼神有似信复疑的态度。虽然抱着济世的儒家思想,而现实又迫使蒲氏对儒家的思想道德产生了怀疑。作品中表现了他冀求恢复科举的健康机能,以实现其“学而优则仕”的儒家思想,但出于个人不平遭际,又对科举强烈批判;受明中叶以来反对程朱理学的社会思潮影响,蒲氏作品表现出反礼教、反传统的新型道德观念。  相似文献   
汉代在对水灾的认识和救治中存在着鬼神为祟和天人感应等迷信观念,认为水灾产生的原因是鬼神作怪的结果或上天对君主失政的惩罚和警告。在这种观念指导下,汉代很多救治水灾的行为包括免三公、省刑、举士等完全无效或效果甚微。  相似文献   
Both the dybbuk and the ikota are mythological spirits which possess a person whom they force to speak in a voice that is not his or hers. They have common transitional, liminal features to a greater degree than many other mythological creatures in Jewish and Slavic traditions. A comparative typology of these Jewish and Slavic demonological creatures, describing them according to their main features and functions, reveals some remarkable parallels between them. The comparative categorization will facilitate the elucidation of the specific features of each of the creatures and universal features that characterize all demonological creatures with a similar characteristic.  相似文献   
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