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中国古代美学资料说:“同声相应,同气相求。”“物固以类相召。”人性“爱同憎异”,“会己则嗟讽,异我则沮弃。”这些是异质同构为美思想的明确注脚;也是中国古代关于美的心理本质的固有思想。它与西方美学异质同构为美的思想异曲同工。究其成因,渊源于中国古代“天人合一”的文化模式。  相似文献   
对《印度之行》中回声的多角度探寻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以后殖民主义理论作为支撑,从不同的角度解读了《印度之行》中的回声之谜。由于山洞和回声的含义都过于含蓄,且福斯特竭力运用似乎真实的自然现象去容纳过多的含义,因此山洞和回声不仅使英国游览者而且也使读者感到混乱和神秘。本文旨在从多角度解读回声,以进一步启发读者思考。  相似文献   
民本与有容--传统文化二题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“民为邦本”的思想形成于西周初年,它强调民意是天意的体现。孔、孟学说对民本思想有更完备的论述,孟子指出只有被人民接受才有资格作天子,否定君权的无条件合理性,倡言“民贵君轻”,把民本观发挥到了极致。历代王朝的倾覆都显示了一条历史教训:“暴其民甚,则身弑国亡”(孟子语),这是民本思想能传承至今的原因。“有容”之德是我国传统文化的另一精华所在,主旨是能涵容不同意见和异质文明。与之一致的是“和而不同”的理念,在上者要有容众言,不能压制异见,强使同己;在下者要献可替否,不可阿比附同。对待差异和矛盾的正确态度,应是“执中”(掌握正义、公平的原则)协调,这样才能构建起真正的和谐社会。  相似文献   
反响型量词是研究量词的关键。其特点可以归纳为以下三点:一是具有能产性;二是语法功能超过语义功能;三是具有中介性。反响型量词在发展中从"语音语法"模式走向"语义语法"模式。  相似文献   
文化情境是政治认同孕育的源泉与土壤,它直接关系政治认同的道义合法性与情感支持。文化情境的变迁与政治认同的生成样态紧密相连。纵观文化情境的动态变迁,东方君主专制时期、西方古希腊、古罗马与中世纪时期,在主体的附魅、利益的"充公化"事实生态中呈现专制型文化预制下的价值附和。当历史步入近现代,身份的多重、利益的多元、消费的至上,在东西方隐约呈现消费型文化预制下的价值分殊。伴随着公共领域的拓展与治理民主的尝试,民主型文化预制下价值共识成为变迁走向。与此相应,政治认同呈现个体遮蔽与外在强力下的混沌化认同、"唯私症"与"冷漠症"双重裹挟下的私密化认同、自在自为的理性化认同的生成逻辑。  相似文献   
基于DEA方法和回归分析法,对2003—2012年陕西省87个县域层面农村金融资金配置的综合效率、纯技术效率、规模效率进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:县域农业贷款产值率与县域农村金融资金配置效率存在相关关系,即县域涉农贷款规模与县域农村金融资金配置效率相关。在县域资本流动总量受资本要素收益与财政金融政策双重影响条件下,资本流动的回波效应易于在自然资源欠丰裕的县域出现;而一省县域传统农业向资本较为密集的现代农业转型进程的快慢,一定程度上取决于本省农业资本流动由回波效应阶段进入扩散效应阶段之速度的快慢,这是一种需持续引入制度创新以引致制度变迁的演进过程。  相似文献   
The presidency of Donald Trump has occasioned critical repercussions within the field of American Studies around the world. This piece is a response from Germany: a country marked by the historical experiences of fascism and a socialist surveillance state, but a country that, in spite of the liberal pluralistic consensus that grew out of these historical traumata, now has to face a similar development as other Western countries: the rise of new forms of nationalist parochialism, racism coupled with white patriarchal nostalgia and a militant anti-humanism. The rise of a new right, the piece argues, must be regarded as the manifestation of deep insecurities about individual and collective identities which are increasingly defined not on the basis of achievement but on the basis of inheritance. Remembering an instance of ‘hospitality toward a stranger’ in 1979 California, the essay evokes the spirit of cosmopolitanism which, though currently under fierce attack, continues to thrive in the United States, thanks to the commitment of local civil actors, and which needs to be defended by comparatively minded American Studies scholars.  相似文献   
王粲为首的"建安七子"以其慷慨悲凉的"风骨"之作,成就了一个时代的辉煌;而其大量的应制、应诏作品,或出于颂赞曹氏或感发于性情,或酣歌娱情,代表着建安士风的转变,从中可见王粲柔克、机变的性格和特定历史阶段社会风尚对文学发展的决定性影响.  相似文献   
Until recently, western TV programming rarely featured sexual or ethnic minority members; if present, their representation was mostly negative. Increasingly, though, diverse characters start to play likeable protagonists as well. Thus, television can promote negative diversity attitudes and, at other times, positive ones. The present article reviews and connects theories and research from sociology, psychology, and media and communication studies to clarify the role of television in diversity attitudes formation and to identify directions for future research. Specifically, two research questions are addressed. First, through which processes does television influence diversity attitudes? Second, what features of TV shows contribute to positive diversity attitudes formation among viewers, according to different theories of television effects? Findings indicate that television can entrench existing negative diversity attitudes through the echo chamber phenomenon. However, TV content featuring numerous, likeable, attractive, and typical minority characters that have friendly interactions with the rest of society can promote positive diversity attitudes. Future research should study openness to view content with minority characters, examine the effects of the complete video media diets, check media effects in non-western countries, explore media effects in longitudinal studies and investigate what constitutes attractive, likeable, and typical representation of ethnic and sexual minorities.  相似文献   
通过深入分析阵列雷达的杂波/干扰抑制问题,提出应用基于线性预测的有噪盲源提取算法来提取阵列雷达的回波信号,实现杂波/干扰的同时抑制,最终提高阵列雷达的目标探测能力。在建立逼真的阵列雷达接收信号模型的基础上,通过仿真分析了该算法提取阵列雷达回波的能力和改善阵列雷达的目标探测能力。结果表明,该算法提取雷达回波信号的效果理想,平均相关系数大于0.93;当运动目标的归一化多谱勒频率大于±0.1Hz时,阵列雷达的检测概率接近1,验证了该算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
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