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知识论与价值论美学认为,美学研究的视界规定着美学的研究方式、成果形态和内在观念的变革.因此,转换美学的研究视界,意味着美学研究逻辑起点的变革,它主要产生三个方面的重要影响:一是对现有美学资源给予合理的结构性配置;二是促成美学知识形态的话语拓展;三是以现实性和实践性景象实现美学界限的根本突破,对人类审美文明具有重要意义.  相似文献   
马克思主体性概念的两个维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在近代西方哲学的“认识论中心主义”主导倾向的影响下,人们习惯于从认识论维度出发去阐释马克思的主体性概念,从而忽略了马克思主体性概念的本体论维度。本文认为,马克思的主体性概念有两个维度,即本体论维度和认识论维度。其中本体论维度是始源性的,而这两个维度统一在实践的基础上。重新研究马克思的主体性概念具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
Qualified competences in social science and humanities are required across the various deliverables of the intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services (IPBES) in order to fully address the objectives of IPBES. Building integrative approaches has long been acknowledged as a scientific challenge. Hence, new paths have to be forged, including revisiting basic ontological and epistemological considerations, such as how we understand the world, what knowledge is, and the role of science. Constructive interdisciplinary dialogues in IPBES supports the development of innovative frames and terminologies. One example is the evolution from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment ecosystem service framework to the Nature’s Contributions to People classification now applied in IPBES assessments. IPBES is still in a learning phase and critical examination of what is accomplished this far is useful when refining ongoing modes of work and in long-term strategic considerations.  相似文献   
Populism as a concept is elusive and has been connected to very different political movements. Generally, populism’s connotations are rather negative and the term is often used pejoratively in the academic field as well. However, Ernesto Laclau has approached populism by arguing that populist reason is a manifestation of political logic in which group identification – formed through various signifiers such as ‘the people’, which are articulated as part of an ‘equivalence chain’ – eventually establishes political agency as a totality. This paper uses Laclau’s articulation theory to analyse the public construction of contemporary populism in the Nordic countries of Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. The analysis demonstrates that mainstream media frame populism rather negatively, although examples of the term’s positive identification with ‘the people’ are available, especially in the tabloid media. Thus, the positive identification behind the forming of populist movements clashes with the media discourse that prioritizes established journalistic views, practices and sources, making populism a ‘floating signifier’, that is, a concept that has several meanings which are contested in various public discourses. A general pattern in the construction of populism in Northern European multi-party democracies can be discerned, thus identifying the central role of nationalist and nativist identifications in contingent populist articulations. However, the differences between the Nordic countries emphasize a context-driven approach.  相似文献   
当代知识论越来越重视认知价值的研究,但从认知价值角度去重新思考传统怀疑主义问题的研究却很少。历史上的怀疑主义者既认为我们无法拥有任何知识,又主张我们应该悬置判断。因此,他们不仅预设了一个高的知识标准,而且预设了一个价值标准:任何达不到知识标准的认知状态都是没有认知价值的。但这个价值标准是错误的,所以我们即使无法达到怀疑主义者所设定的知识标准,也不必悬置判断。假设怀疑主义者认为我们无法拥有任何知识,同时认可“有些达不到知识标准的认知状态也有认知价值”,那么怀疑主义就没有很大的威胁性,因为即使我们无法获取知识,也可以获得具有认知价值的东西,取得认知进步。此外,摩尔主义、语境主义、溯因主义这几种对怀疑主义的主要回应是否成功,最终都依赖于对认知价值的讨论。  相似文献   
怀疑主义难题是怀疑主义最基本的论证形式,知识论语境主义是当代西方知识论中占支配地位的反怀疑主义理论。知识的归因具有语境敏感性,受归因对象和归因主体的影响。进行知识归因必须遵循语境补全原则和最佳知识论语境原则,运用知识论语境主义可以对怀疑主义难题作出新的解答。  相似文献   
在革命经典文本中,对于身体及其欲望的基本处理路径就是政治化,用马克思主义式的宏大叙事进行规约和编码;而在"后革命时代",马克思主义式的宏大叙事已因语境的延异而陷入绝境,发生了认识论断裂,表征为各种微观的文化政治。近年来,"底层书写"对身体、政治和性进行解辖域化并生成为微观政治。通过对《少男》文本能指的认知论断裂分析,比较这两种同具左翼色彩的文本对身体、政治及性之关系的异质性编码路向深描,尝试挖掘文本欲望叙事的生命政治踪迹。  相似文献   
《天望》是荷兰华人女作家林湄积数十年对中西文化的思考创作的一部长篇小说。它首先是一部跨越东西方文化的文本,作者在作品中始终将对人类目前的生存状况和对人类历史与现实问题的分析思考置于东西方文明的多层次的交流与对话、批判与综合的语境中加以展开;它又是一部跨学科的文本,对东西方文化中的深层次问题,对历史与现实中困扰人类很久的问题均有讨论和探索;它又是一部交织着理想的幻灭、真理的追求、知识的快乐和智慧的狂欢的现代哲理性作品,是对古往今来的知识、文化进行交流、分析、批判、超越的探索性文学作品,它向读者暗示了一种更为理性的、更为人道的、具有形而上的认识论意义的怀疑主义,一种导致大彻大悟的怀疑主义。同时它也是一部开放性、多义性文本。  相似文献   
Cultural studies professed ‘radical contextualism’ imbues the project with a particular orientation toward ‘the present,’ a consideration of ‘the current moment’ as a configuration of forces shaping possibilities for politically engaged practice and affording concrete potentials for telling better stories. This essay elaborates these claims by way of tribute to Lawrence Grossberg. It is neither retrospective nor prospective. Instead – and in a manner more befitting a figure who continues to champion the political-intellectual practice of cultural studies here and now, in the present – this essay reflects on the author’s experiences learning with and from Grossberg in order to explore the the temporality of the cultural studies project.  相似文献   
二语习得研究主要是科学系统地研究人们在习得了母语后是如何学会第二语言的.在二语习得研究中专家学者建构了很多二语习得理论.虽然这些理论对二语习得的本质、习得的过程及其影响因素关系的阐释和研究视角不同,但是可以概括为心灵认知主义和社会认知主义两种主要认识论取向.比较心灵认知主义取向的二语习得理论, 基于社会认知主义的二语习得理论为我国外语学习者的学习过程、学习动机、学习策略、社会文化环境等因素研究建立了理论基石,也为建构我国本土外语教学理论和教学实践提供了有利的理论支持.  相似文献   
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