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中国乡土武术文化的生存形态可分为原生形态、次生形态以及艺术形态。在现代中国,社会变迁主要体现在社会再生产土壤、社会再生产方式、社会再生产功能等方面的变迁,致使中国乡土武术文化的生态传承内容、动力、方式及评判标准发生变化。因此,中国乡土武术文化发展出路在于自身的文化内涵的拓深和增值,以适应民众正在或已经改变的文化需求。  相似文献   
This paper proposes ‘comprehensive neighbourhood mapping’ as a schema for gathering and interpreting information within a given geographical area which is informed by imaginative thinking about the safety of children and young people from sexual crime. It would build upon current forms of profiling by local authorities, health authorities and central Government. CNM would actively involve local people, in partnership with agencies, in ‘mapping’ danger points and support points. Eight components are discussed, including environmental issues, locations of sex offenders, sites where teenagers meet and share information, supportive individuals and organizations. Some issues for pilot projects are discussed, including the need to set up planning and implementation groups and to integrate CNM into wider child protection and community safety strategies. CNM is grounded in an ecological perspective which sees partnership approaches as essential and believes an overarching view of neighbourhood needs, based on detailed local information and understanding of how different forms of harm interconnect, is crucial in developing child protection strategies. At times of acute official anxiety about community ‘lynch‐mob’ reactions to known paedophiles, CNM aims to build communities which instead are informed and thoughtful about child protection. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
围绕上市公司国有股减持人们提出了许多方案。这些方案的实施对我国公司法上的小股东利益保护、公司治理及发起人股份转让限制制度提出了严峻挑战。我国公司法必须从建立系统的小股东利益保护法律制度、包括约束内部人控制和公司机关更迭衔接制度在内的公司治理制度和放宽发起人股份转让限制条件三个方面予以完善,才能应对挑战和保障国有股减持的顺利进行。  相似文献   
苗族刺绣已被列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产,具有鲜明的艺术特色,但由于受传承方式等的影响,苗绣有濒临失传危机。因此,必须采取多种措施,强化苗绣的保护传承和开发利用。  相似文献   
专利权的地域性是专利权法律冲突肯定说和否定说争议的焦点所在.文章通过分析专利权地域性的成因暨合理性,指出无论是国内法还是国际公约,适时地突破专利权地域性均不存在制度上的障碍.认为地域性并不是专利权的本质属性;随着各国政治、经济、文化环境的优化,专利权地域性的消失带有必然性;各国在处理涉外的专利权合同关系和侵权关系时,应突破地域性理论的窠臼,建立适宜的法律适用规则以解决存在的法律冲突.  相似文献   
我国古代神话人物在当代仍然是崇拜对象,姓氏、地名多可追溯到古代神话,民间传说中保留了一些“活态神话”,对民间习俗的解释也有神话的因素存在。但是,今天各地在竞相开发神话资源的时候,出现了一些滥用神话资源的不严肃做法,这对古代神话的传承有害无利。学者应和地方政府通力合作,利用当下保护非物质文化遗产的契机,传承和保护各地富有特色的神话资源。  相似文献   
西部大开发中的生态环境对整个大开发战略有着深刻的影响,应借鉴美国西部开发的教训,树立新的资源观和发展观,制定出一系列关于西部地区生态环境重建的制度措施。  相似文献   
在分析域名的法律特征、法律保护现状的基础上,提出了域名法律保护的三种途径;承认域名权作为民事利益受法律保护的基础保护;肯定域名在一定条件下可以注册为商标的强化保护;对驰名域名提供的特殊法律保护。  相似文献   
福建宁德畲族(聚居区)文化遗产保护与利用的调查报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
福建宁德畲族文化作为中华畲族文化的主源头之一,在团结与凝聚当地和国内外的畲族同胞,增进人们对畲族历史文化和现实了解方面发挥了不可替代的纽带作用,它与聚居区内景色秀丽的山水风光相映成趣,具有潜力巨大的旅游价值与产业价值。但近期以来,该地畲族传统文化也面临着逐渐失传的现实危机。抓紧实施抢救与发展畲族文化遗产系统工程的各项具体工作,对于继承畲族优秀传统文化,促进地方自然生态、文化生态与经济的和谐发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
Silphids in urban forests: Diversity and function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wolf  Jordan M.  Gibbs  James P. 《Urban Ecosystems》2004,7(4):371-384
Many ecologists have examined the process of how urbanization reduces biological diversity but rarely have its ecological consequences been assessed. We studied forest-dwelling burying beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)—a guild of insects that requires carrion to complete their life cycles—along an urban-rural gradient of land use in Maryland. Our objective was to determine how forest fragmentation associated with urbanization affects (1) beetle community diversity and structure and (2) the ecological function provided by these insects, that is, decomposition of vertebrate carcasses. Forest fragmentation strongly reduced burying beetle diversity and abundance, and did so far more pervasively than urbanization of the surrounding landscape. The likelihood that beetles interred experimental baits was a direct, positive function of burying beetle diversity. We conclude that loss of burying beetle diversity resulting from forest fragmentation could have important ecological consequences in urban forests.  相似文献   
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