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解放思想是发展中国特色社会主义的一大法宝。对这个新概括可从以下三个视角予以解读:解放思想是打破僵化、保障发展的思想利器,是开拓创新、推进发展的精神动力,是开辟航程、引领发展的经验凝结。坚持这个法宝,对于推动中国特色社会主义实现科学发展具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   
解放思想,是党的思想路线的本质要求,是我们应对前进道路上各种新情况新问题、不断开创事业新局面的一大法宝,是中国特色社会主义的思想精髓。要把中国特色社会主义事业不断推向前进,必须在新起点上推进新的思想解放。  相似文献   
文章利用一般自我效能感量表和简易应对方式量表,对某校大学生作抽样调查,结果显示:不同性别和专业的大学生在自我效能感和应对方式上无显著差异;大学生自我效能感的来源存在偏差,主导性的应对方式也有错位。这表明当代大学生的心态并非都是积极的。因此,高校思想政治工作者要高度关注和研究大学生的心态问题,要培养大学生基于能力的自我效能感,要形成以行动为主导的应对方式,要建立起积极心态培训机制。  相似文献   
船山创造性地诠释了张载关于“太虚”的观念,提出了“气”本体论,并以“气”本体作为其重新阐释儒学心性论的天道依据,全面阐发了“性”、“心”之内涵及其内在联系,性情论,未发已发说,道心人心说等心性论各个层面的问题。船山对儒学心性论的解释,贯穿着“理本一原,故人心即天”,“以健顺五常之理融合于清通”的主题,突显了儒家传统性善论的主体性原则和天人合一的圣学思想。其目的在于,克服宋明理学自身的逻辑矛盾及其在精神气质上与儒门之正学的张力和偏差,以便回归儒门之正学,重新确立道德理性的至上地位。  相似文献   
采用理论与实践相结合的研究方法,对学练太极拳三要素,即调形、调心、调息进行了分析和探讨,同时对学练过程中容易出现的问题,结合实例予以举证,并提出了相应的解决思路和办法,旨在提高广大太极拳爱好者的练拳质量,增强锻炼效果,促进我国太极拳运动的普及与发展。  相似文献   
联系教育工作实际,就辩证思维这一正确而科学的思维在学生思想教育工作中的应用所产生的作用进行科学的分析、探讨和研究,指出如果缺乏辩证的思维方法,就会影响思想教育的效果。  相似文献   
从审美的角度看,张岱的小品文卸去了“文以载道”的传统,以普通人的视角再现明亡之前其亲历的生活,多方面表现了大众风情,具有鲜明的世俗性:把在传统文人看来俗之又俗的生活素材诉诸笔端;牵引市民化的人物走进小品文;尤其小说化语言的运用,使得作品富于生活气息。究其成因,首先是文艺思潮世俗化的时代洪流。涌溢各处、不断浸淫;其次是当时市民阶层爱好并喜做小品文的风气甚炽,使得张岱需要考虑读者的趣味;再次是张岱家世生平的坎坷,使他处于文化边缘的写作境地,用饱含深情的笔墨展现市民形貌、礼赞世俗人生。  相似文献   
Previous research concerned with children's belief-desire psychology has examined the capacity to predict or interpret action on the basis of the implicit proposition that ‘when an actor desires a particular end and believes that a particular action will achieve that end, he or she will undertake that action’. The limitations of this formulation for understanding acts of omission are outlined and an elaborated version of belief-desire psychology introduced. This version holds that ‘when an actor desires a particular end and believes that a particular action will achieve that end, and when it is believed that there are no co-occurring outcomes of that action whose avoidance is desired more highly than is the originally conceived end, then the actor will undertake the action which will satisfy the original desire’. An experiment is reported which examines 4-, 5, and 7-year-olds' ability to predict story characters' actions on the basis of either their true or false beliefs concerning undesirable outcomes associated with the pursuit of a desired end. Children of all age-groups provided evidence of understanding the elaborated version of belief-desire psychology. However, a significant improvement was noted between the ages of 4 and 7 years in the ability to understand circumstances involving false beliefs.  相似文献   
魏晋名士艺术境界的形成路径清晰而富于哲理,他们通过心身外在表现的审美追求以获得艺术对象审美外观的人格化,通过“远”之本体追问与“远”之身体探寻来实现人生和艺术的玄远境界,使得“心”臻至“无”之境与“美”臻至“无我”之境在人生与艺术层面完美融通。如此,魏晋名士与肉身以及欲望存在的自我渐行渐远,而生命精神却始终作为不可或缺的逻辑线索,延续于人生、艺术之中,成为艺术精神和人格蕴含的内在逻辑线索。  相似文献   
This investigation proposes that theory of mind (ToM) may be related more strongly to change in friendships than peer acceptance in late middle childhood through early adolescence, and examines the relation between ToM and anxious solitude. Fourth grade ToM was tested as a predictor of change in reciprocated friendships, peer acceptance, and anxious solitude from 4th to 7th grade, and, conversely, reciprocated friendships, peer acceptance, and anxious solitude in 3rd grade were tested as predictors of 4th grade ToM. Gender moderation of these relations was evaluated. Participants were 688 American public-school children (51.5% girls), 193 of whom completed a ToM questionnaire in 4th grade. In 3rd–7th grade children and their peers reported reciprocated friendship, and peers reported peer acceptance and anxious solitude annually. A multi-group (gender split) autoregressive cross-lagged panel analysis modeled relations between ToM and reciprocated friendship, peer acceptance, and anxious solitude over time. Consistent with hypotheses, girls’ more advanced 4th grade ToM predicted incremental gains in their number of friendships two years later, but not their peer acceptance. In contrast, boys’ more advanced 4th grade ToM did not predict change in their number of friendships or peer acceptance over time. Gender differences in the relation between ToM and friendship are discussed in the context of gender-specific peer relations patterns in late middle childhood and early adolescence. Additionally, more advanced 4th grade ToM predicted gains in anxious solitude in middle school for both genders. This somewhat surprising result is discussed in relation to ToM assessment and peer relations in anxious solitary children.  相似文献   
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