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安全可靠的高楼清洗设备设计已成为当前重要课题。由于高空作业要求安全、稳定、贴墙、行走、平衡等,文章突破吊栏等传统结构,采用双钢丝吊挂式设计,从材料选用到自带电、液结构等方面,对高楼清洗机进行了优化设计,保证高楼清洗机的安全、轻便与简洁。  相似文献   
文学与宗教异曲同工,宗教成为集体无意识影响作家,文学中渗透着宗教情韵。中国当代作家张洁的小说《祖母绿》,就具有着浅淡的宗教气息。  相似文献   
无论是杨歧派看话禅所崇尚的妙悟 ,即神秘的体验方式 ,还是它对文字障碍的超越 ,以及它所追求的羚羊挂角的境界 ,都和严羽的《沧浪诗话》存在着密切的关系。杨歧派的话头 ,有的是《沧浪诗话》的理论准备 ,有的是对《沧浪诗话》论断的超越。严羽以诗界的妙喜自许 ,实际上承认了他的理论和南宋杨歧派闽僧的关系。  相似文献   
Abstract: The Nagasaki's Lantern Festival is gaining popularity through the continued partnership between the immigrant Chinese (Kakyo) and Nagasaki city, largely owing to the ethnic Chinese revitalization movement and the distinct way of life typical in Nagasaki. Following my past research, I would like to discuss the development and modification of Nagasaki's Lantern Festival, to examine the relationship between the features specific to the Nagasaki area and the changes in the Kakyo community's sense of ethnicity amid the wave of globalization. By the Meiji period, ethnic Chinese society in Nagasaki consisted mainly of immigrants from Fu Jian province. Today the community is experiencing rapid transformation. In particular, the restoration of Sino–Japanese relations and the wave of internationalization have led to the creation of the Nagasaki Shinchi Chinatown Shopping District Promotion Association and the renewal of Chinatown for the ethnic Chinese. The Chinese Spring Festival, originally aimed toward community vitalization, not only included the Kakyo (immigrant Chinese) but the Japanese in the district and private corporations. Nagasaki was transformed not only into a strategic point for East Asia's multilateral trade, but also served as a trading center for the entire nation. But as Japanese ports opened their doors to the world after 1850, Nagasaki was reduced to only one of the local trading centers. As for overseas business, Nagasaki took advantage of its heavy industry by expanding its share in the Asian international market and has been striving in the domestic market to activate the local economy through tourism. Such strategy hinges on the rich historical and cultural resources formed and nurtured within the 400 years of relations with Asian nations. The historical merger between the Kakyo community and its cultural tradition in Nagasaki society served as one of the incentives for such development and progress. The enlargement of Nagasaki's Lantern Festival has been achieved as part of this concept of “Asian‐oriented region”, in line with the city's plan on tourism promotion.  相似文献   
悬灌连续梁采用三角形挂篮施工,三角形挂篮具有结构简单、受力明确、稳定性好、自重轻、变形小、行走和装拆安全方便等特点,结合郑州黄河公铁两用桥连续箱梁施工实例,介绍了挂篮的具体设计与安装技术及预压和施工工艺,并指出了施工中需注意的要点和线形控制中需注意的问题,该桥建成后,连续梁安全,质量可靠,线形与设计线吻合良好,这些可为类似工程应用参考.  相似文献   
湘西花(花灯戏)傩(傩戏)音乐拾零   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花灯、傩戏是湘西地方戏剧重要组成部分,花灯、傩戏中的音乐有着独特的艺术形式和表现手法,花灯、傩戏及其音乐形式在其产生与发展过程中为中国戏剧艺术发展作出了积极贡献。  相似文献   
重庆秀山地处渝、鄂、湘、黔四省市结合部,逐渐形成具有民族性、地域性和群众性特征的跳灯习俗,孕育出历史悠久的花灯文化。重庆秀山花灯的历史起源目前尚无定论,主要有土著说、外来说和土著外来结合说三种看法,但至少可以肯定重庆秀山花灯文化的历史悠久。重庆秀山各族乡民在节日喜庆、修房造屋、婚嫁礼俗等民俗活动中跳灯祈福纳祥,使秀山花灯文化集歌舞表演、乐器吹打和故事说唱于一体,涵盖众多的艺术门类,具有鲜明的表演特色。重庆秀山花灯文化形象地反映了当地人民的生产生活、审美情趣和理想追求等,具有历史和教化等方面的价值。  相似文献   
吉安民间灯彩艺术是吉安大地上盛开的民间艺术之花,是国家的非物质文化遗产,文化血脉承袭了农耕文明的基因。其原生文化情结在农耕文明的浇铸下,折射出生殖崇拜、和谐生存、韧性抗争等极富农耕文明特质的生命旨趣。  相似文献   
通过对连续钢构桥梁的结构受力特点分析,在结合连续钢构桥梁的设计理念、施工技术的基础上,介绍了连续钢构桥梁悬臂施工中的挂篮选型,墩顶0号块、悬臂浇筑段、边跨现浇段和合龙段的主要施工工艺。  相似文献   
灯谜是一种中华传统汉字文化艺术,从它的诞生、发展来看,它具有鲜明的时代性、民俗性和艺术性。灯谜在不同的历史阶段、不同的地域具有不同的文化特性,而又因为它是一种文学样式,所以又具有文学的趣味性和审美性。  相似文献   
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