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This paper uses social theory to explicate the competing perspectives on the on-going and, increasing, privatization of public services in the U.K. It suggests that if business ignores these perspectives then political imperatives will come into play that will inevitably turn privatization initiatives commercially sour.Contrary to political rhetoric, public/private partnerships (PPPs) constitute a more strategic form and process of out-sourcing, demanding that wherever public funding flows, private rent-seeking opportunities be created for the private sector. Seen in these terms, managerial elites will need to understand and anticipate conditions under which the state would seek to terminate lucrative partnering arrangements in the public interest.Political–administrative dialogue on partnerships can involve an unresponsive discourse or a dialogue of the deaf, both constituting a threat to business through the imposition of undefined community service obligations or hostile and unprofitable terminations by the state. Performance required of PPPs goes beyond market success and requires co-optation of strategic stakeholders, raising significant issues about corporate governance directions. Business leaders will need to develop communicative rationalities that build pluralized decision structures and implementation capacities. The paper concludes by outlining design features of more effective regulatory regimes to avoid hostile and unprofitable terminations of increasingly contested PPPs. The conclusion is less sanguine about the ability, or even the wish, of governments to do so.  相似文献   
否定文学性的西方文论可能有历史价值,一旦“自我关涉”,就暴露出致命的悖论。理论的抽象性决定了它必然与阅读过程中的审美体验为敌。这不仅是西方文论,而且是一切文艺理论的弱点。只有饱和的审美阅读体验才能给理论以生命。理论如果不能阐明审美体验,是病态的,苍白的。本文通过对贺之章的《咏柳》和《武松打虎》的微观分析,说明审美阅读的任务并不是为理论做附庸,而是和理论做搏斗,只有拥有审美体验的优势才能对理论进行同化、征服,甚至颠覆。每一次阅读,应该是一次审美的精神创造和升华。  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to examine child and parent predictors of children's hostile attribution bias (HAB) with a particular focus on exploring the associations between parents’ early attribution of child misbehavior and children's HAB in the transition to school age. Participants were 241 children (118 girls) of middle‐income families who were at risk for school‐age conduct problems. Multi‐method, multi‐informant data were collected on maternal attributions of child misbehavior, parental use of corporal punishment, and child attributes (i.e., verbal IQ, effortful control, theory of mind, and emotional understanding) at 3 years, and child HAB in ambiguous situations at 6 years. Results indicated that mothers’ internal explanations for children's misconduct may either reduce or increase children's later HAB depending on the specific content of attributions, such that mothers’ belief that children misbehave because of their internal state (i.e., emotional state or temperament) was associated with lower levels of child HAB, whereas attributing power‐based motives (i.e., manipulative, controlling intentions) in children was associated with higher levels of HAB. The findings are discussed with respect to appreciating the complexity of parents’ explanations for children's behavior, and considering parental cognition as a potential target for early identification and prevention of child HAB and related problems.  相似文献   
契约的可实施性与中国企业组织形式选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
契约的实施性影响企业组织形式的选择,对违约行为与契约实施机制的分析有助于理解企业在一体化与长期契约之间的选择。本文对我国的违约行为与契约的实施机制的特殊性进行了分析,将不可实施的契约分为自然违约、“敲竹杠”(hold-up problem)与恶意违约三种类型;在此基础上,笔者以东软集团有限公司为例,指出在恶意违约大量存在、信誉机制缺乏与法律执行力弱的情况下,一体化而不是长期契约是中国企业组织形式的理性选择。  相似文献   
随着我国经济体制改革的深入发展,母子公司管理体制在许多大企业中已经逐步确立。但是,在母子公司关联交易过程中,部分母公司利用自身的管理优势、技术优势、信息优势和控制权优势,对子公司实施恶意经营行为,严重损害了子公司利益相关者的利益。为此,应采取相应对策,对母公司的恶意经营行为进行治理。  相似文献   
商朝国家结构与国土改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
殷商时期,商王朝与四土诸侯、方伯之间的关系呈现出颇为复杂且不稳定的特点.殷商王朝与附属型诸侯、方伯之间的特殊的权利与义务关系的逐步加强使得殷商王朝的政治制度逐步摆脱殷以前的原始性与松散性,从而使其逐步向日渐成熟和完备的方向发展.目前学术界流行的商王朝掌握对诸侯的任免权及对臣僚的监察权的说法,并不符合殷商时期的历史实际.商王朝与敌对型诸侯、方伯之间关系中的"作邑"与西周时期的封邦建国之制既有一定的联系,又有着实质性的差异.商王朝在一些军事要地尤其是边境地区屯驻师旅的制度与西周时期设置诸监的制度颇为相似,是殷商王朝加强对四土经营的一项重要战略性措施,它反映了商代国家结构及政治制度方面仍然具有一定的的原始性.殷商王朝与四土的关系表明,商代四土之地已经逐步成为商代政治地理的重要组成部分.殷商王朝是一个由邑土国家逐步向领土国家过渡的发展中的早期国家,并非是一个完全拥有四土之境的疆域辽阔的领土国家,更不是大一统的中央集权制的奴隶制大帝国.  相似文献   
论构建目标公司反收购制度的理论基础   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
如何构建目标公司反收购制度 ,其理论基础在于如何定位敌意收购与公司治理关系。美德两国在构建目标公司反收购制度时所采纳的两类截然不同的理论基础。借鉴英美模式 ,是确立我国目标公司反收购制度的理论基础  相似文献   

Objective: This review evaluates literature on how parenting behaviors are passed from one generation to the next in families by providing a new definitional framework to organize existing work, utilizing this framework to review literature on intergenerational continuity in parenting behaviors, and proposing a new developmental framework for understanding the etiology of intergenerational continuity in parenting behaviors.

Design: The present review examines 31 studies of intergenerational continuity in parenting, summarizes the findings offered by these studies, and integrates this existing literature in a theoretical framework for considering the etiology of intergenerational continuity in parenting behaviors.

Results: Results indicate that parental warmth, hostility, and behavioral control each demonstrate intergenerational continuity, and that internalizing and externalizing behavior serve as potential mediators of intergenerational continuity across all three types of parenting behaviors.

Conclusions: Parenting behaviors falling in the warmth, hostility, and behavioral control domains each demonstrate modest continuity across generations. Internalizing and externalizing behaviors developed by children in response to parenting in their family of origin may persist and cause similar patterns of parenting when these children grow up and start their own families. Partner psychopathology and parenting styles may moderate these externalizing and internalizing pathways to intergenerational continuity in parenting.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work is to analyse how some ideological variables (ambivalent sexism, culture of honour, and right-wing authoritarianism) affect rape myths acceptance (RMA). Two hundred and fourteen university students (83 men and 131 women), mean age 20.39 years old, participated. The results show that there is a high correlation between RMA and hostile sexism, benevolent sexism, culture of honour, and right-wing authoritarianism. Hostile sexism and right-wing authoritarianism predict RMA in both male and female samples. Benevolent sexism predicts RMA in the female sample. In addition, in the male sample right-wing authoritarianism interacts with hostile sexism to predict RMA, while in the female sample right-wing authoritarianism interacts with benevolent sexism to predict RMA. These results show the close relationship existing between certain ideological variables and RMA.  相似文献   
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