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统筹兼顾是落实科学发展观的根本方法,这是马克思主义唯物辩证法在发展问题上的科学运用,也是中国共产党革命建设长期探索的经验总结,更是在新的历史时期新的历史起点上,落实科学发展观的现实选择。  相似文献   
马克思主义具有与时俱进的理论品质。马克思主义哲学是这个理论品质的理论基础。实践与理论的矛盾运动、对真理的探求、以及创造崭新的马克思主义话语体系,都要求马克思主义与时俱进。  相似文献   
Discrete‐choice models are widely used to model consumer purchase behavior in assortment optimization and revenue management. In many applications, each customer segment is associated with a consideration set that represents the set of products that customers in this segment consider for purchase. The firm has to make a decision on what assortment to offer at each point in time without the ability to identify the customer's segment. A linear program called the Choice‐based Deterministic Linear Program (CDLP) has been proposed to determine these offer sets. Unfortunately, its size grows exponentially in the number of products and it is NP‐hard to solve when the consideration sets of the segments overlap. The Segment‐based Deterministic Concave Program with some additional consistency equalities (SDCP+) is an approximation of CDLP that provides an upper bound on CDLP's optimal objective value. SDCP+ can be solved in a fraction of the time required to solve CDLP and often achieves the same optimal objective value. This raises the question under what conditions can one guarantee equivalence of CDLP and SDCP+. In this study, we obtain a structural result to this end, namely that if the segment consideration sets overlap with a certain tree structure or if they are fully nested, CDLP can be equivalently replaced with SDCP+. We give a number of examples from the literature where this tree structure arises naturally in modeling customer behavior.  相似文献   
Drawing from social cognitive career theory ( Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994 ), this study explored social supports’ influence on the career choice consideration of farmers during China's current process of urbanization. A questionnaire was designed based on interviews with 140 people and a pretest with a sample of 419 participants. A total of 628 participants were involved in the formal questionnaire survey. Results indicated that social supports had a dual effect: Positive supports were indirectly related to career choice consideration through the mediation of career self‐efficacy, whereas negative supports were related to career choice consideration directly. Implications for future research and the development of a career guidance and social support system for Chinese farmers are discussed.  相似文献   
随着艾滋病慢性病化的发展,免疫力逐渐成为艾滋患者健康的一个重要指标。积极的免疫观不但有利于艾滋患者个体机能的增强,有效预防机会性感染,更有利于降低艾滋病传播,节约社会医疗成本。在对艾滋患者免疫认知、态度和行为进行调查分析的基础上,社会工作强调专业的素质要求和严格的伦理道德原则,着重从个案照顾、小组辅导、社区宣传教育以及社会政策倡导等多层面提升艾滋患者的免疫观,促进艾滋患者的身心康复和社会防治。  相似文献   
邓小平“不搞争论”思想包含着丰富、深刻的内容。对“不搞争论”思想的历史背景、内涵、方法、原则和现实指导意义作深入探析,以全面、准确地把握这一思想,对于贯彻落实党的十七大精神,坚持解放思想具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
博采精鉴、深思妙悟、融贯打通是钱学独有的三境界。如果说博采精鉴体现了钱学视界大、眼力高的特色,那么深思妙悟则体现了钱学敏于思、妙于悟的特色。前者由中西合璧式的浩博之学而臻于老吏断狱、拔俗不群的鉴别力,后者由旁鹜八极的连类之思而臻于透彻玲珑的悟性。在此基础上钱钟书更辟出融贯打能之极境,将不同文体、不同学科乃至古今中西贯而通之,将心理情理事理物理乃至宇宙至理笼而统之,从而为20世纪中国学术划上完善的句子。  相似文献   
信息化是当今社会发展的必然趋势,也是我国加快实现工业化和现代化的必然选择.农村信息化是我国信息化的重要组成部分,也是我国信息化建设的难点所在.因此,正确认识和分析我国农村信息化建设的现状和问题,明确其发展的思路和对策,对推进新农村建设,全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   
在反补贴案件中,私人投资基准是判定政府投资是否带给企业以补贴利益的标准。在具体选择私人投资基准时,不宜设置股权比例的限制,也不可选择囿于沉没成本效应的内部投资者价格,更不应采用容易异化为贸易保护的结构价格。若无私人投资价格,可转而审查政府投资是否基于商业动机,但投资动机的举证责任由被调查方承担。符合关联性、中立性、逻辑性、专业性四项要求,由会计师事务所等专业机构出具的报告,是商业动机的首选证据。  相似文献   
对大学毕业生就业失信行为的审视   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
失信在当今社会、经济生活中已成为较为突出的矛盾和问题 ,就连大学毕业生在求职过程中也表现出失信行为。如“注水简历”、“伪造证书”、“随意违约”等 ,过早地闪现了诚信危机的寒光 ,现状堪忧 ,这不能不引起全社会的关注。其原因主要有就业形势严峻 ;社会失信行为的负面影响 ;社会、学校、家庭诚信教育体系的缺失等。大学毕业生在求职过程中惟有自身进行反省 ;学校建立起良好的诚信育人环境 ;主管部门加快健全信用机制 ;用人单位调整好选才标准 ;媒体舆论等社会力量共同营造诚信的良好氛围 ,才能实现诚信就业。  相似文献   
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