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引入非稳系数和改进系数分析了四种恒流管充电式扫描电路的非线性系数和电源利用系数 ,并提出了改进恒流管充电式扫描电路性能的具体方法 .  相似文献   
Consider the process with, cf. (1.2) on page 265 in B1, X1, …, XN a sample from a distribution F and, for i = 1, …, N, R |x 1 , - q 1 ø| , the rank of |X1 - q1ø| among |X1 - q1ø|, …, |XN - qNø|. It is shown that, under certain regularity conditions on F and on the constants pi and qi, TøN(t) is asymptotically approximately a linear function of ø uniformly in t and in ø for |ø| ≤ C. The special case where the pi and the qi, are independent of i is considered.  相似文献   
"现实性"范式是马克思与黑格尔哲学之争的关键.在马克思看来,黑格尔将"现实性"与"普通经验世界的定在"相区别,从而提出了一种有别于传统哲学的"现实性"概念.其内涵是,以实体的抽象形式去先行规定现实世界的丰富内容,并由此演绎出以国家的普遍目的去预设市民社会本质的先验法哲学.马克思认为,黑格尔因为颠倒了"本质"领域与"现实性"领域的真正关系,而他辩证法的"交互-中介"特性却又无法调和两极间的根本对立,这就造成了黑格尔"现实性"概念的本质缺陷.恩格斯虽然把握了黑格尔"现实性"是一个辩证运动的过程,但他却把黑格尔的辩证法错误理解为某类线性知识发展观和自然科学式的渐进真理.实际上,黑格尔提出了一种不同于自近代笛卡尔以来的自然科学和几何学式线性认知论的真理观--圆圈式的认识论.真理的理念作为一个在历史中让精神不断自我显现的过程,构成了历史与认识之间的螺旋上升和循环.黑格尔的本体论虽然加入辩证法的否定性因素,但是其内涵依然是本质决定论,但他的知识论却以反向运动的过程来揭示本体论的能动性,正是通过这样一种结合了自己本体论与知识论正反运动的双向进程,黑格尔已经不再是马克思所批判的那种意义上的实体决定论.  相似文献   

Violations of linearity, symmetry, and equidistance of scale points in semantic differential scales may be due to respondents failing to figure out antonyms, to a positivity bias, or to respondents curtailing their reading the options. Multiple correspondence analysis on data provided by a randomized between-subjects experiment (split-ballot), using a web survey of 537 German residents, shows that bipolar semantic differential scales allow for linear measurement and conceal no positivity bias, and that using not suitable adjective pairs in semantic differential scales destroys symmetry.  相似文献   
We propose a new method for smooth isotonic regression analysis. Unlike most existing methods for isotonic regression, the proposed method is akin to parametric regression without order restriction. To account for smoothness and isotonicity simultaneously, we exploit the flexible class of semi-non parametric densities to model isotonic regression functions. Under this framework, the full range of inference techniques for parametric regression models become applicable for model estimation and model validation in isotonic regression.  相似文献   
The approach to normality of an estimate is displayed graphically by the nonlinearity in the derivative of the log density, and this nonlinearity is related to the accuracy of the normal approximation for the tail area. Using techniques from small-sample asymptotics, an alternate proof of the central limit theorem is given and same indices of tail behavior are examined.  相似文献   
科学知识中的时间和空间是客观的物质的,具有不以人的意志为转移的客观性。其时间具有过去——现在——未来的发展的一维性,而其空间具有三维性或与时间相结合的四维性。而哲学知识中的时间和空间具有主、客观统一的异质性、可逆性。其时间具有以现在为基础和中心的向心性,以及以未来为中心的预设目标的超越性;其空间具有以人自身和人的创造物为中心和尺度的向心性。造成这种状况的原因是:科学活动中以尽量排除人的心理和人的活动的因素的干扰而保持科学成果的纯粹客观性,而哲学活动作为一种对整体性的追求和对前提条件的不断追问,把人的活动,特别是产生创造物的物质和精神活动及其结果看作是主客观统一的过程和结果,正是人的精神的以人为中心的向心性和可逆性、无限的个体性赋予了哲学(还有艺术、宗教等反思性知识)知识具有主、客观统一的异质性、可逆性、向心性等。由于人的生活、特别是物质生产活动具有人的意识的对象化、客观化和客观事物及其规律对人的内化和理性化统一的特点,所以,社会历史的实践活动中,科学知识的时间和空间以及哲学知识的时间和空间互为前提和基础,相互促进和转化。  相似文献   
A rank-based inference is developed for repeated measures balanced incomplete block and randomized complete block designs using a suitable dispersion function. Asymptotic distributions of rank estimators are developed after establishing approximate linearity of the gradient vector of the dispersion function. Unlike available nonparametric procedures for those designs, estimation and testing are tied together. Three different test statistics are developed for testing the linear hypotheses. Friedman's (1937) statistic and Durbin's (1951) statistic are particular cases of one of the three proposed statistics. An estimate of a scale parameter which appears in the ARE expression as well as as in the variences and covariances of the rank estimators is discussed.  相似文献   
文学思潮不是前苏联文学理论中所谓“创作方法”的应用,创作方法不是一个科学的文学理论概念。文学思潮是文学的历史运动,是对现代性的反应。在不同的历史时期,对现代性的不同立场和态度,产生了不同的文学思潮。现代性发生以前,没有形成文学思潮。现代性开启了时间性,也开启了文学的历史,形成了文学思潮,并推动了文学思潮的变迁。  相似文献   
“非线性”本来是一个数学概念,只有运用数学语言才能对它进行严格精确的定义。非线性概念的哲学化,造成了语义混乱,并引起了无谓的哲学争论。哲学的任务在于语义明晰,在于不断地澄清问题,在于澄清语言混乱现象,而不是要制造虚假的哲学问题。  相似文献   
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