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阐述陶渊明存在方式的特征--"委心"与"委运",即一切听凭造化因任自然,率性而动了无矫饰,任情而行不待安排,任其真性流行,还人生以自在.能"委心"且能"委运"就做到了"任真","任真"是其内在性与外在性的同时完成,并因之使他成为一个本真存在的人.  相似文献   
Using data from Brazil, Chile, and the U.S., we estimate country specific models of household income that characterize mothers according to their marital status, living arrangement, and employment status. We assess the predicted economic well-being of each type of mother relative to a benchmark of married mothers in the same country, and at various points in the income distribution. We find dramatic cross-country differences in the distribution of mothers across categories, but few differences in each type's relative economic status. In all three countries and at all points in the income distribution, mothers who are the only adults in their households have the lowest levels of predicted income, while married mothers—followed closely by cohabitors—have the highest levels.  相似文献   
文学空间来源于生活空间,文学空间是生活空间的变型、转化和升华。生活空间要转化成文学空间必须经过作家的遴选、厘定和创造并且包蕴着作家的审美观、世界观和人文观。"空间理论"立足于从生活空间向文学空间的过渡,充分发掘作家的空间想象方式及其表现手段,探讨作家内心世界的外化规律和价值取舍。  相似文献   
少数民族权益的法律保障始终是我国法治进程中的一件大事,而散居少数民族立法工作又是我国整个民族法治建设的重要组成部分。本文主要通过分析完善我国散居少数民族立法的意义,指出我国散居少数民族立法的基本情况以及存在的问题,探求完善散居少数民族立法的方法。  相似文献   
二世策墨林诺们罕是清代西藏著名活佛,原籍甘肃省洮州厅卓尼土司辖区,曾任西藏摄政(1819-1844)、第七十三任甘丹赤巴和十世达赖喇嘛的正师傅,是西藏历史上权势最大、结局最为悲惨的摄政活佛。道光二十四年(1844年)六月其被革职查办,拘禁拿问,次年(1845年)奉旨流放黑龙江,给披甲人为奴。国内外史学界对其最终结局、圆寂时间、圆寂地点、享年岁数及其呼毕勒罕三世策墨林活佛的出生年份历来众说纷纭。中国第一历史档案馆藏军机处录副奏折表明:成丰十年四月十九日(1860年6月8日),二世策墨林诺们罕活佛在新疆喀喇沙尔乌讷恩苏珠克图旧土尔扈特蒙古南部落的札萨克卓哩克图汗旗圆寂,享年69岁(1792-1860年),遗骨奉旨安葬于该旗境内的佑安寺(又称永安寺、巴伦台黄庙),其呼毕勒罕三世策墨林活佛出生于成丰十一年(1861年),而非其他年份。  相似文献   
通过广泛的社会调查,笔者对无锡市社区体育现状进行了分析研究,证实了社区体育在提高现代生活质量中所起的重要作用以及在发展过程中所存在的问题,并提出了建议对策。  相似文献   
布依族的观念中,人虽然死了,但其灵魂依然活着,它将在竹神的引导下进入另一个世界中继续生存。在布依族的丧葬过程中,处处都体现了布依族关于死后生活的遐想,充分地体现了布依族关于生与死的观念。就布依族丧葬而言,其中的栽“龙戈”和“赶鬼场”两个环节,展现了布依族与众不同的灵魂不死和死后生活的遐想。整个仪式过程,通过人与灵的沟通,把死者的灵魂送入了灵界。从这个意义上说,鬼魂崇拜、灵魂不死体现了布依族对死的沉淀和关照。  相似文献   
Whereas period life expectancy constitutes an intuitive indicator of the survival conditions prevailing at a particular period, this paper argues that, given the existence of welfare interdependencies, that widespread indicator is nonetheless an incomplete measure of the longevity achievements relevant for human well-being. The central importance of coexistence for human-beings implies that usual life expectancy measures should be complemented by joint life expectancy indicators, which measure the average coexistence time under particular survival conditions. After a study of the theoretical foundations of ‘single’ and ‘joint’ life expectancy indicators, it is shown that joint life expectancy measures tend to enrich significantly the comparison of longevity achievements across countries and periods. Moreover, the introduction of joint life expectancy indicators—as a complement to conventional life expectancy measures—into multi-variable indexes such as the United Nations’ HDI is also shown to affect international rankings of standards of living to a non negligible extent.
Gregory PonthiereEmail:
In this study we explored if the psychological and social resources of aged people (over 75 years) in Finland predict their subjective well-being and experienced state of health (n = 348). Data were taken from a larger Finnish survey on living conditions. Based on previous research on younger people we formed a model where morbidity, experienced quality of social support and sense of coherence together with economic resources are the predictors of both experienced state of health and subjective well-being. LISREL (8) path analysis was used to test the model. The model providing the most parsimonious explanation of the data suggested that a strong sense of coherence and high experienced quality of social relationships are strongly related to subjective well-being. Experienced state of health was associated with morbidity and subjective well-being, but there was no significant relationship between subjective well-being and morbidity.  相似文献   
全面抗战时期,受战时通货膨胀影响,大后方大学教师和学生群体的生活水平迅速下降,但与真正意义上的"赤贫阶层"尚有距离,决定大学教师和学生生活水平的关键要素相比战前已发生变化。战前大学教师的生活水平结构与教师职级、教育水平紧密相关,而战时大后方大学教师的生活水平结构则受到薪金、兼职、家庭负担等多方面因素的共同制约。战前大学生的主体是社会中间阶层出身的子弟,校园内的生活水平结构呈"橄榄型",战时大后方大学校园内的生活水平结构则截然二分为富裕和清贫学生两部分,清贫学生成为学生群体中的主体。全面抗战时期大后方大学教师和学生生活水平结构的变化,既有战时客观因素的制约,也受到国民政府相应教育政策的影响。  相似文献   
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