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BackgroundPre-registration midwifery students in Australia are required to engage in a minimum of ten continuity of care experiences (CoCE). Students recruit and gain consent of each woman to provide CoCE under direct supervision of a registered health professional, usually a midwife. Clinical outcomes for women who had CoCE with a midwifery student placed in a continuity of midwifery care (CMC) or fragmented models are rarely reported.Aims1. analyse clinical outcomes for women experiencing CMC with CoCE by students; 2. analyse clinical outcomes for women in a fragmented care model with CoCE by students; and 3. compare clinical outcomes according to women’s primary model of care.MethodsStudents undertaking a Bachelor of Midwifery program at one Australian university recorded clinical outcomes for women experiencing CoCE during pregnancy [n = 5972] and labour and birth [n = 3933] in an e-portfolio. A retrospective, cohort design compared student recorded maternal data with National Core Maternity Indicators and Queensland Perinatal Data.ResultsMidwifery students providing CoCE reported better or equal clinical outcomes for women compared to population data. Women receiving CoCE had reduced likelihood of tobacco smoking after 20 weeks of pregnancy, episiotomy, and third and fourth degree tears.ConclusionsClinical outcomes for women in fragmented models of care and receiving CoCE by undergraduate, pre-registration midwifery students are equal to or better than State data across 12 variables. CoCE should be offered to all women early in their pregnancy to ensure optimal benefits. Acknowledging midwifery students’ potential to make positive impacts on women’s clinical outcomes may prompt more health services to reconceptualise and foster CoCE.  相似文献   
The caring dilemma, first described by Reverby in 1987, denotes the tension caused by being obliged to provide care without the right to determine how that care is to be provided. Such a dilemma is salient in the practice of midwifery based on a continuity of care model that has recently emerged or been implemented in various jurisdictions. Briefly, this model involves the provision of care by a single midwife or pair of midwives to a woman throughout her pregnancy, birth and post-natal period. Continuity of care necessitates that midwives be on call for significant lengths of time to ensure attendance at the woman's birth. It is the on-call nature of this form of midwifery work that most significantly poses a caring dilemma for midwives. In this paper, we trace both the structural and experiential aspects of the caring dilemma through an examination of midwifery in the Canadian province of Ontario. Our analysis reveals that despite being a salient feature of midwifery practice, some work structures can be created to mediate the caring dilemma experienced by midwives.

Le dilemme de la prise en charge, que Reverby a évoqué la première fois en 1987, dénote la tension que cause le fait d’être tenu d'offrir une prise en charge sans avoir le droit d’établir de quelle manière l'offrir. L'exemple des sages-femmes, dont la pratique repose sur un type de soin continu qui est récemment apparu ou qu'on vient de mettre sur pied dans diverses administrations, illustre très clairement ce dilemme. Pour résumer, ce modèle veut qu'une femme enceinte soit prise en charge pendant sa grossesse, à son accouchement et durant sa période postnatale par une ou deux sages-femmes. La continuité de la prise en charge oblige les sages-femmes à être sur appel durant des périodes prolongées pour que la femme qui accouche bénéficie de leur présence. Pour les sages-femmes, c'est la nature même de leur travail effectué sur appel qui engendre, de façon cruciale, le dilemme de la prise en charge. Dans cet article, nous abordons les aspects structurels et expérimentaux que représente le dilemme de la prise en charge par le biais d'une étude sur la pratique du métier de sage-femme dans la province canadienne de l'Ontario. Notre analyse révèle que, si le dilemme de la prise en charge est inhérent à la profession de sage-femme, il n'empêche que des structures professionnelles peuvent être mises en place pour en atténuer les aspects négatifs.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn the Roman period, midwives continued to play an important role in female health care primarily in the attendance of women birth. In the second century AD, midwives’ education received a significant boost thanks to the distinguished physician Soranus of Ephesus.AimTo reveal the work and important contribution of Soranus of Ephesus in the practice of midwifery.MethodsThe main bibliographic sources concerning Soranus’ work on midwifery have been investigated and analysed.FindingsIn his work, Soranus described the main characteristics and skills of a midwife. In the practice of obstetrics, he performed the manoeuvre which was later called “turning the foot” and introduced the birth chair. His contribution in neonatology is also of a great importance as he provided the earliest newborn assessment.ConclusionSoranus’ work contributed in the education of midwives and influenced the practice of obstetrics till the Middle Ages.  相似文献   
In response to the crisis of racist disparities in maternal mortality, many activists are pushing for increased access to birth doulas for Black women. As states and municipalities respond by incorporating doulas into hospital settings with increasingly common requirements for doula certification, it is more important than ever to investigate the role of doulas, and how that role might change under the medical model of birth within US hospitals. Will activism for doulas turn into arguments for the “right” to a doula? Without the full privileges of citizenship—will the most marginalized women be left out of that right despite their health and safety being at the origins of the activist struggle? To investigate these questions, we can look to the history of midwives in the United States, and examine how the midwifery model of childbirth changed as activists fought for increased access to midwives to improve birth outcomes.  相似文献   
BackgroundMidwife-led continuity of care has substantial benefits for women and infants and positive outcomes for midwives, yet access to these models remains limited. Caseload midwifery is associated with professional satisfaction and lower burnout, but also impacts on work-life boundaries. Few studies have explored caseload midwifery from the perspective of midwives working in caseload models compared to those in standard care models, understanding this is critical to sustainability and upscaling.AimTo compare views of caseload midwifery – those working in caseload models and those in standard care models in hospitals with and without caseload.MethodsA national cross-sectional survey of midwives working in Australian public hospitals providing birthing services.FindingsResponses were received from 542/3850 (14%) midwives from 111 hospitals – 20% worked in caseload, 39% worked in hospitals with caseload but did not work in the model, and 41% worked in hospitals without caseload. Regardless of exposure, midwives expressed support for caseload models, and for increased access to all women regardless of risk. Fifty percent of midwives not working in caseload expressed willingness to work in the model in the future. Flexibility, autonomy and building relationships were positive influencing factors, with on-call work the most common reason midwives did not want to work in caseload.ConclusionsThere was widespread support for and willingness to work in caseload. The findings suggest that the workforce could support increasing access to caseload models at existing and new caseload sites. Exposure to the model provides insight into understanding how the model works, which can positively or negatively influence midwives’ views.  相似文献   
ProblemDespite clinical guidelines and policy promoting choice of place of birth, 14 Freestanding Midwifery Units were closed between 2008 and 2015, closures reported in the media as justified by low use and financial constraints.BackgroundThe Birthplace in England Programme found that freestanding midwifery units provided the most cost-effective birthplace for women at low risk of complications. Women planning birth in a freestanding unit were less likely to experience interventions and serious morbidity than those planning obstetric unit birth, with no difference in outcomes for babies.MethodsThis paper uses an interpretative technique developed for policy analysis to explore the representation of these closures in 191 news articles, to explore the public climate in which they occurred.Findings and discussionThe articles focussed on underuse by women and financial constraints on services. Despite the inclusion of service user voices, the power of framing was held by service managers and commissioners. The analysis exposed how neoliberalist and austerity policies have privileged representation of individual consumer choice and market-driven provision as drivers of changes in health services. This normative framing presents the reasons given for closure as hard to refute and cultural norms persist that birth is safest in an obstetric setting, despite evidence to the contrary.ConclusionThe rise of neoliberalism and austerity in contemporary Britain has influenced the reform of maternity services, in particular the closure of midwifery units. Justifications given for closure silence other narratives, predominantly from service users, that attempt to present women’s choice in terms of rights and a social model of care.  相似文献   
BackgroundMidwifery students’ experiences with preceptors in the clinical environment plays an integral role in developing the confidence and competence of students. As up to 50% of the midwifery program is taught in the clinical environment, an analysis of the preceptorship role in the context of midwifery student confidence and competence may be important to inform future practice and policy.AimTo discover, whilst on clinical placement, what is required by preceptors to suitably equip midwifery students to develop confidence and competence in the clinical environment.MethodsA search of the literature was undertaken using health and midwifery related electronic databases of PubMed, CINAHL, Intermid, SCOPUS and Web of Science. Grey literature, and reference lists from studies were also part of the thorough search process.FindingsAfter critical reading of the 15 included studies, there were a number of themes identified as the preceptor qualities that contributed to student confidence and competence. Those themes include ‘belongingness’, ‘hands on experience/skill development’, ‘students’ development of professional identity’ and ‘preceptor characteristics that impact student learning’.DiscussionStudent confidence and competence can be dependent on the preceptor who supports them. There are preceptors who enable students to flourish in their confidence and competence, and there also appears to be preceptors who do not possess these qualities, which requires further enquiry.ConclusionAs the evidence appears to find that trained preceptors are optimal for student confidence and competence, further enquiry is warranted to inform policy and practice around the concept of preceptorship training for midwives.  相似文献   
从思想谱系看,克尔凯郭尔存在主义哲学上承德国浪漫主义,下启张扬意志的现代思潮。在表达方式上,克尔凯郭尔追慕苏格拉底的思想"助产术",倡扬间接交流。因而其学说的呈现状态,既不是哲学化的思辨形式,也不是宗教的论证过程,而是通过一种诗学化的建构策略来完成的。文章以克尔凯郭尔最具诗学特征的著作《非此即彼》为例,解析其学说的诗学建构方式之因由、生存哲学的基本概念以及"思"与"诗"的整体统一关系。  相似文献   
BackgroundMaternal colonisation with group B streptococcus (GBS) is recognised as the most frequent cause of severe early onset infection in newborns. National and international guidelines outline two approaches to the prevention of early onset disease in the neonate: risk based management and antenatal culture-based screening. We undertook an analysis of existing national and international guidelines in relation to GBS in pregnancy using a standardised and validated instrument to highlight the different recommended approaches to care.MethodsEnglish language guidelines on the screening and management of GBS colonisation in pregnant women and the prevention of early-onset group B streptococcal disease in newborns were sought.ResultsFour guidelines met the inclusion criteria, one from the United States of America (USA), the United Kingdom (UK), Canada and New Zealand. All four were appraised as at a high standard in terms of development using the AGREE II tool. Both approaches were recommended in the guidelines with different regions of the world advocating different approaches often based on the same evidence. Guidelines from the USA recommend an antenatal culture-based approach while the UK guidelines recommend risk-based management.ConclusionBased on an AGREE II analysis, the standard of the guidelines was high despite having disparate recommendations. Both approaches to the prevention of early onset GBS infection in neonates are recommended with the split being geographically-based.  相似文献   
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